The current state of a MIDI stream.
BASS_ChannelSetAttributeEx( DWORD handle, BASS_ATTRIB_MIDI_STATE, void *state, DWORD size );
handle | The MIDI stream handle. |
state | The state data. |
size | The size of the state data. |
The structure of the MIDI state data may change in future versions, so if the data is stored, be prepared for BASS_ChannelSetAttributeEx to fail when trying to apply it.
DWORD size = BASS_ChannelGetAttributeEx(stream1, BASS_ATTRIB_MIDI_STATE, NULL, 0); // get the size void *state = malloc(size); // allocate a buffer for the data BASS_ChannelGetAttributeEx(stream1, BASS_ATTRIB_MIDI_STATE, state, size); // get the data BASS_ChannelSetAttributeEx(stream2, BASS_ATTRIB_MIDI_STATE, state, size); // apply it to the other stream free(state);