Originally posted on: 19 Jun '21 - 01:21 EDTOops! The internal mixing level was too high for those files. Here's an update that should get them sounding right:
Yep. That absolutely fixed the problem. That would also explain why some other files had a case of crackles, too – albiet nowhere near as noticeably.
Btw, I noticed that the MOD/XM/etc volume levels are generally much lower in XMPlay 3.8.4/5 compared to previous versions. Paradoxically, that's because the level scanning became more accurate in 3.8.4. In previous versions, the scanning could give a low reading, which resulted in a higher gain being applied. That gain has now been tweaked for the more accurate level scanning.
Hm. I'm not sure I noticed that,
buuut… it's good that
you did, Ian! That sounds like it could be a weird one.
While it doesn't fix the problem at hand, you should probably throw the original Silverball PSM files into XMPlay instead […]
Aaactually… that
also fixed the problem, funny enough. Seriously. I don't know why. Especially considering that I
did end up converting them to S3M via
OpenMPT, anyway, just for consistency!
And yes, "Duel" sounds
much better when it has the proper pitch-bends. (:
(I never played that table much, so I never knew the difference. I mostly just played "Snooker Champ" for its catchy music~)Thank you both for your insight and help! You guys don't get enough props. Seriously~
Unbelievably, I've tripped over another issue. And, remarkably, it's with
another specific module.
Attached to this post is a 7z file containing a
ProTracker Module, "POPCORN7" (that's not its original name – I don't know what it was originally called), and a couple of demonstration OGGs. For some reason, when the song hits Pattern 12 and starts playing Sample 3 (a string sample) on Channel 3, the sample gets interrupted by Sample 4 (a bass drum) before playing. It results in an odd-sounding "thud-hum" on every note. As far as I can tell from the pattern data, there's absolutely nothing that's telling it to do this, or anything even
hinting that it should. The only oddity that I can see is that every note played is set to play at 48 volume. But… all the other samples have volume effects, too.
As always, it plays fine in other players and even older versions of
XMPlay, so… yeah. Weirdness.
If it's any help, Ian? I found a bug with a different module in OpenMPT that's just as weird, which I'm submitting to the OMPT bug tracker. So, I'm not just picking on you~ (;