Author Topic: MO3 Editor or MO3 Cutter How to Cut MO3 Sound  (Read 10947 times)


  • Posts: 5
Thanks DotPitch for Teaching me how to Convert XM
Hello Everyone
I know how to convert XM to MO3
My Problem is if i Export it to MO3 it always Extending 1 or 3 Seconds after i Export it
If anyone knows to solve my Problem
My Music File is 2:20 Duration it cannot be 2:19 Down or 2:21 Up
I want to Replace that with my Sound Files
I tried to minus my Sound Files to 2:17 but when i Export it the New Duration is 2:18
Does Mo3 Encoder Can Convert Any of sound files like MP3,WAV,OGG Etc to MO3?
Please i need help  :-[


  • Posts: 2787
Re: MO3 Editor or MO3 Cutter How to Cut MO3 Sound
« Reply #1 on: 14 Oct '15 - 12:38 »
MO3 files are precisely as long as the original XM file, but depending on the program that is used to play the MO3 file, it can apply some kind of fade-out or other things at the end of the file, which would modify the total length.
Does Mo3 Encoder Can Convert Any of sound files like MP3,WAV,OGG Etc to MO3?
No, that is besides the point of what MO3 is made for. MO3 is a format to tightly compress tracked music formats, but the fact that you ask this question alarms me that you are not actually trying to compress tracked music but that you want to modify the music of some game that uses the MO3 format. No, there is no simple way to directly convert streamed formats like MP3 to MO3, you will have to go the route through the XM/IT format and then manually adjust the length of those files to exactly match the source file.