Oh, hehe, that's not mad. You'd know if I was mad. I'm just tryin to make a joke out of huge skinning system requests early, before the real AOLer jokers come in here asking for a bloaterific skins system that can do thier homework and mow the lawn. Your suggestions were pretty well valid, but they did raise a little flag toward possible feature-creep-esque requests that might happen later.
See, I'm of the mindset that XMPlay is first and foremost an audio player; not a skin viewer that plays music. While I like that version 2.x is skinnable [and that KD has graced us with the ability to control XMP through the awesome "Blue II" skin], I'd give it up in a second because the audio quality is just so damn good.
But, I could keep goin and wont. I'd rather this post not expand from 'response' to 'dissertation on the zen of skinning'. But the bottom line is that I realize the need for a little visual style in a music player, just not at the expense of development time for the audio.