Author Topic: Suggestions for 3.9  (Read 233950 times)

AstralSoup Design

  • Posts: 289
Suggestions for 3.9
« on: 25 Dec '13 - 00:17 »
XMPlay hits revision 8 in its third generation!... but its evolution never stops while there are more feedback or great ideas from users.

What's your suggestions for the next version?


  • Posts: 61
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #1 on: 25 Dec '13 - 07:16 »
a really good default dark/black skin with a good adjustable size player, all these blues, green n pink players just dont match my windows skins.......................... ;-)

great players, update to 3.8 and flac has been painless this far.... keep up the good work, love this players  ;D


  • Posts: 42
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #2 on: 25 Dec '13 - 08:32 »
Reposting my request from the 3.8 thread:

One last thing that's prevented me from switching from Winamp to XMplay fully: I'd love to be able to change the replay sample rate of an MP3. This would naturally change the pitch and also tempo.

The uses for such a function:
-  to breathe new life into a track you've heard a hundred times, to which your brain has become desensitized.
-  to experience the music more in-depth if you slow down a fast track a lot.

Please note that I'm not asking for time stretch (which usually produces unpleasant artifacts -- I'm talking about playing something sampled at 44100 Hz at say 42000 Hz or 45000 Hz, etc.).

I suggest granularity (units steps) 10 Hz or percentage of original rate (+/- integer percentage point) or, if you are brave, in cents (one half step of the Equal Temperament tuning system divides into 100 cents).

Hotkeys to increase, decrease and reset the deviation would be great!

Thank you!  :D

PS - The feature doesn't have to be in the core XMPlay. If it's done only via the DirectSound plugin, I'd be supper happy too!
« Last Edit: 25 Dec '13 - 08:43 by Lemu »


  • Posts: 131
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #3 on: 25 Dec '13 - 12:06 »
1) In 3.9 it will nice to see creating playlists, for example like in Foobar2000 and AIMP ;)

2) And watching the video on XMPlay. Good step by Ionut Cristea and his plugin xmp-ffmpeg :)

PS: Happy Holidays!  8)
« Last Edit: 25 Dec '13 - 19:13 by Cosworth »


  • Posts: 3
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #4 on: 25 Dec '13 - 12:43 »
For the next version of XMPlay an support for .caf-files would be great! :D


« Last Edit: 25 Dec '13 - 19:21 by Gaumon »


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #5 on: 25 Dec '13 - 13:49 »
So Cosworth is requesting multiple/tabbed playlists! Tha would be indeed be a nice addition, but it'll broke most skins... XD


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #6 on: 25 Dec '13 - 17:20 »
Not necessarily. "Tabs" could simply be part of the playlist panel, with a fixed style.


  • Posts: 202
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #7 on: 25 Dec '13 - 18:46 »
+1 for tabbed playlists.

Even a separator in the playlist denoting a different folder would be swell.  This is something I noted in the 3.8 suggestions thread:


  • Posts: 19
For xmplay 3.9 I would like to see a new checkbox:
Separate MID/RMI Instruments (or tracks)

Right now we have this with MOD's (Separate MOD Instruments)
When checked the wave writer writes separate files for each MOD instrument.
Something along these same lines for MID and RMI files would be super.
In which case midi Bank change should be observed and would switch into patches used in the correct bank loaded in the midi plugin.
In case of midi format 0 files, if this checkbox is checked then xmplay should convert file behind the scenes to format 1 and write separate files for each track/instrument.


  • Posts: 134
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #9 on: 26 Dec '13 - 16:49 »
How about including the "Secret Settings" (that can only be edited directly in xmplay.ini) within the "Options and Stuff" dialog window as a separate entry in the left "tree-view" panel. This would expose these settings to those unaware they even exist, plus it would allow you to edit them directly from within xmplay rather than something like notepad. You wouldn't have to list every plugin's settings that get written to the xmplay.ini file, it could just be a way to edit the default Settings (which would include the Secret Settings). It could be setup something like "Windows" registry, with the Parameters in one column and the settings in another. You would select a Parameter, and then are able to edit the data from there.

Also, Merry Christmas everyone... and Thanks Ian for such a great program. :)

And here's where this idea originated:

Just FYI, if anybody is like me and runs into a situation where XMP keeps opening directly to your system tray, change the "StartInTray=" line in your xmplay.ini. I was having some trouble finding an option for this in the gui but located it (somewhat) more quickly manually. I don't think this option was there before, or if it was maybe it wasn't functioning correctly or was already set to 0.
'StartInTray' is a Secret Setting and is not accessible in the GUI, so you've found the right way to fix it :).
« Last Edit: 26 Dec '13 - 16:58 by dbz »


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #10 on: 26 Dec '13 - 17:06 »
Well, truth to be said, I'd like an "advanced" page on the options tree for the secrets setting too. So +1.
Those "secrets" setting are useful, and not having them easily accessible makes me think of those laptops with hidden advanced settings...
I know I'm using a bunch of them, but forgot what they're called... XD


  • Posts: 276
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #11 on: 26 Dec '13 - 17:09 »
Maybe mp3 decoder accelerated with DirectCompute and CUDA :-)


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #12 on: 26 Dec '13 - 17:11 »
Seriously? Are you aware that even an old Pentium 1 can decode MP3 in realtime and that it takes virtually no CPU power to decode on a modern CPU? :P


  • Posts: 276
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #13 on: 26 Dec '13 - 17:14 »
+1 for tabbed playlists.

Even a separator in the playlist denoting a different folder would be swell.  This is something I noted in the 3.8 suggestions thread:

I do not menage/ never use playlists. Please consider to add an option to disable tabbed playlist or extended features in the future.


  • Posts: 276
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #14 on: 26 Dec '13 - 20:27 »
Seriously? Are you aware that even an old Pentium 1 can decode MP3 in realtime and that it takes virtually no CPU power to decode on a modern CPU? :P

Not sure, becouse I remember that Winamp (not remember version, it was maybe 0.8 or 0.9) with my very fast AMD K62 233Mhz was used 20% of CPU.

It was my sugestion for improvement. For me XMPlay is perfect and hard to change anything, we can only destroy or made cosmetic changes.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #15 on: 26 Dec '13 - 20:29 »
There is zero practical use for that feature, really. The platforms on which such technology is available already render MP3s with less than 1% CPU load. It would be a waste of time to implement an MP3 decoder for that.


  • Posts: 42
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #16 on: 27 Dec '13 - 09:11 »
Maybe mp3 decoder accelerated with DirectCompute and CUDA :-)

You might be confusing MP3 encoding with decoding (the former causes 100% CPU load, whereas the CPU load caused by the latter is literally negligible on all CPUs, even slow mobile ones).

Moreover, GPUs aren't really built for reliability (an occasional dropped frame here and there is not an issue).


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #17 on: 27 Dec '13 - 10:22 »
Nah, he just remember the old days (and old PCs specs): my old Pentium 133MHz was able to decode a 128kbps mp3, with winamp, but you couldn't do anything else at the same time, not even scrolling a text file... Nowadays cpu are so fast that decoding mp3 uses anlmost no cpu.

Encoding is another thing, obviously it'll always use 100% cpu (well, if the sys is fast enough) to use the less time possible, which should be good (faster encode).
If one would go cuda/opencl/whatever, obviously that will offload the cpu but at the risk is that the encoder won't be reliable as one encoding on cpu is.


  • Posts: 276
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #18 on: 27 Dec '13 - 12:28 »
Some Winamp plugins utilize this feature, on example:


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #19 on: 27 Dec '13 - 16:52 »
It still makes little sense...


  • Posts: 21
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #20 on: 28 Dec '13 - 03:48 »
I agree, it'd be nice to have access to the most common secret settings in the app.

a really good default dark/black skin with a good adjustable size player, all

I agree, the look of the default skin is outdated and ugly.  One more modern and prettier one should replace it.  It would make new users more interested to keep XMPlay, instead of giving them the feeling to be suddenly back on Windows 98 and make them think the app is probably as outdated as the skin.
« Last Edit: 28 Dec '13 - 03:51 by nothingness »


  • Guest
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #21 on: 28 Dec '13 - 05:56 »
Reposting my request from the 3.8 thread:

One last thing that's prevented me from switching from Winamp to XMplay fully: I'd love to be able to change the replay sample rate of an MP3. This would naturally change the pitch and also tempo.

The uses for such a function:
-  to breathe new life into a track you've heard a hundred times, to which your brain has become desensitized.
-  to experience the music more in-depth if you slow down a fast track a lot.

Please note that I'm not asking for time stretch (which usually produces unpleasant artifacts -- I'm talking about playing something sampled at 44100 Hz at say 42000 Hz or 45000 Hz, etc.).

I suggest granularity (units steps) 10 Hz or percentage of original rate (+/- integer percentage point) or, if you are brave, in cents (one half step of the Equal Temperament tuning system divides into 100 cents).

Hotkeys to increase, decrease and reset the deviation would be great!

Thank you!  :D

PS - The feature doesn't have to be in the core XMPlay. If it's done only via the DirectSound plugin, I'd be supper happy too!

What would be better is support for varying sample buffer lengths, which would also allow for custom resamplers and many other effects. Like libsox for resampling and libsoundtouch for pitch/tempo shifting for example.....


  • Posts: 276
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #22 on: 28 Dec '13 - 15:17 »
Please note that I'm not asking for time stretch (which usually produces unpleasant artifacts -- I'm talking about playing something sampled at 44100 Hz at say 42000 Hz or 45000 Hz, etc.).

I suggest granularity (units steps) 10 Hz or percentage of original rate (+/- integer percentage point) or, if you are brave, in cents (one half step of the Equal Temperament tuning system divides into 100 cents).

Very interesting. I never tryed this! Must check it. I see that we can edit and manually add 42000 Hz to resampling in XMPlay.
« Last Edit: 28 Dec '13 - 16:03 by Y@nek® »


  • Posts: 723
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #23 on: 31 Dec '13 - 15:33 »
-Event style WASAPI output.


  • Posts: 39
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #24 on: 1 Jan '14 - 00:26 »
I would like to see png skin elements to be called .png, not disguised as .bmp
It would be much easier to manipulate them to create skins.

But thanks Ian for the 32bit file support!!!