08.12.2006: Version is out!
Misc.WaveForm: the Wave property now supports a setter.
- new WaveFormLoadFromMemory and WaveFormSaveToMemory added.
- new GetMarker, GetMarkers and GetMarkerCount method added
- new GetCuePoints methods added (silence detection)
- bug-fix in CreateBitmap when drawing markers and SyncPlayback was used
BassTAG: support for even reading older ID3v2.2.0 added
- so far ID3v2.4.0 and ID3v2.3.0 had been supported
- TAG_INFO structure enhanced by: albumartist, bpm and channelinfo
BassAsio final support added
- new BASS_ASIO_ChannelEnableMirror method added
- new BASS_ASIO_ChannelSetVolume method added
- new BASS_ASIO_ChannelGetVolume method added
- BassAsioHandler class enhanced:
. new methods SetMirror, RemoveMirror and PauseMirror added
. new properties Volume, VolumeMirror, Pan and PanMirror added
Midi: new namespace Ten53.Multimedia.Midi added
- new Midi class covering Midi communication via the Win32 Multimedia API (winmm.dll)
- new MidiInputDevice and MidiOutputDevice class for sending/receiving any MIDI command/message
- new MidiShortMessage class supporting constucting and or unpacking any Midi data message
- native support for system-exclusive messages
Utils: 32/64-bit bug-fix in DMAZeroMemory, DMACopyMemory, DMAMoveMemory, DMAFillMemory
Samles adjusted:
- Simple now shows the new WaveForm.GetCuePoints
- PlugInbug-fix
- AsioRecording now shows the BassAsioHandler.SetMirror
- new MidiDevices sample added
Here are the full versions (including all help systems and samples):
Bass23.Net20.zipHere are two compact versions (if you don't want the full installer version - only recommended for pro-users!)