Author Topic: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)  (Read 800160 times)


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #25 on: 25 Mar '06 - 11:03 »
I'm now getting random (?) crashes of XMPlay. Occasionally, XMPlay will forcibly close whenever I close my browser near the end of a track. I also get forced closings when opening EvilLyrics.

Unfortunately I've just noticed that too, when I listen to more tracks XMPlay closes after some time :/ I'll try to fix it, but I don't know if I'll have time today. Thanks for your report and sorry for the inconvenience...


I have no log files to show you, as there are none being generated that I am aware of.

That's strange. Do you have xmp-scrobbler.txt in your XMPlay directory? Is xmp-scrobbler enabled (silly question :-)?
« Last Edit: 25 Mar '06 - 11:17 by yagood »


  • Posts: 1242
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #26 on: 25 Mar '06 - 16:07 »
Yes, but it shows nothing unusual at all. I should have mentioned that before, but I didn't, as I didn't think that would give you any information.


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #27 on: 25 Mar '06 - 17:01 »
Yes, but it shows nothing unusual at all. I should have mentioned that before, but I didn't, as I didn't think that would give you any information.

Actually it could be useful because I can check at which point XMPlay crashes / closes on your machine. However, I probably know what I'm doing wrong and I've got some idea how to rewrite xmp-scrobbler so that it won't cause such problems. Today or tomorrow I'll release new version. Meanwhile if you could send me a PM with your xmp-scrobbler.txt, it would be great. Thanks in advance.


  • Posts: 1242
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #28 on: 25 Mar '06 - 23:37 »
I'll do that next time it happens.

Edit: I have also noticed that MP3s with ID3v1/ID3v2 tags set within XMPlay give the the "Track is badly tagged (artist/title not available)."
« Last Edit: 26 Mar '06 - 03:29 by Zarggg »


  • Posts: 276
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #29 on: 26 Mar '06 - 15:05 »
I'm now getting random (?) crashes of XMPlay.

I have the same problem :( with 0.2 version.


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #30 on: 26 Mar '06 - 20:49 »
I'm now getting random (?) crashes of XMPlay.

I have the same problem :( with 0.2 version.

I know, it's broken :( Unfortunately I didn't have time this weekend and probably won't have until Wednesday, because I'm quite busy at work and university lately :(


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #31 on: 29 Mar '06 - 21:12 »
OK, there's an update in the News section in the first post. Sorry if it's not what everybody expected, but my free time is really limited lately... I'll try to fix it as soon as possible and please post about other bugs here. Thanks.


  • Posts: 1242
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #32 on: 30 Mar '06 - 04:41 »
Nonsense. You stated in the very beginning that this is still an alpha-stage product.

And the fact that it works at all is enough for us to use it. :)


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #33 on: 30 Mar '06 - 12:19 »
Nonsense. You stated in the very beginning that this is still an alpha-stage product.

And the fact that it works at all is enough for us to use it. :)

Yes, but when I do something I want to do it right, unfortunately I just don't have as much time lately to do all things right enough :-( Anyway, thanks for support!


  • Posts: 276
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #34 on: 30 Mar '06 - 14:14 »
 :D New version works very fine.


  • Posts: 43
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #35 on: 1 Apr '06 - 16:28 »
Yes, but when I do something I want to do it right, unfortunately I just don't have as much time lately to do all things right enough :-( Anyway, thanks for support!
You've got your priorities straight... And the new alpha works fine.
Thank you.
In the futur, (no rush here ;), seriously) do you plan to make it work for other formats than mp3, like XM, IT... etc... ?? I don't even know if it is possible, but if it is, I would like it if you could make it work...
Thanks again,


  • Posts: 39
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #36 on: 1 Apr '06 - 17:09 »
I am very happy with this plugin too. I am still using the 0.2 version of the plugin since the crashes happen very rarely for me. I noticed that on the first iteration of the plugin a file called xmp-scrobbler.txt was generated in every directory I played files from, but this doesn't seem to happen on version 0.2.

I also sometimes listen to some other files than mp3s such as spc(super nintendo), sid(commodore 64) and nsf(nintendo). It might be very difficult if not impossible to implement this into the audioscrobbler system, but if it's not too difficult it would be a very good thing to have. I know that spc files use something called the extended id666 tag format.


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #37 on: 1 Apr '06 - 20:58 »
In the futur, (no rush here ;), seriously) do you plan to make it work for other formats than mp3, like XM, IT... etc... ?? I don't even know if it is possible, but if it is, I would like it if you could make it work...

In fact it is only matter of how XMPlay displays tags data of a given track. For example I downloaded some OGG files lately and tried them with xmp-scrobbler and it didn't work. However, it turned out it's because in Message window XMPlay writes "ARTIST" and "TITLE", but xmp-scrobbler looks for "Artist" and "Title". I don't know if it is specific to this file or generally to all OGGs, but as you can see - it is very simple to fix. The main rule is - if XMPlay supports it and it has length, track, artist fields set properly - it can be submitted to through xmp-scrobbler. I'll grab some XMs and ITs (aaah, and I will have pretext to search through my CDs with good old demoscene stuff BTW... :]) and see how their tags are represented in XMPlay.

Quote from: HavaR
I noticed that on the first iteration of the plugin a file called xmp-scrobbler.txt was generated in every directory I played files from, but this doesn't seem to happen on version 0.2.

Yeah, it was quite silly bug...  ::)

Quote from: HavaR
I also sometimes listen to some other files than mp3s such as spc(super nintendo), sid(commodore 64) and nsf(nintendo). It might be very difficult if not impossible to implement this into the audioscrobbler system, but if it's not too difficult it would be a very good thing to have. I know that spc files use something called the extended id666 tag format.

Same thing as above - if XMPlay fills aforementioned fields properly - no problem with supporting it, I'll just have to grab some of these and check it out.

OK, so I think I will release some new version tomorrow or on Monday - it'll hopefully fix timing bug which I was trying to fix in 0.2 - Ian helped me in some technical details, now I just have to rewrite some code and check if it works.


  • Posts: 27
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #38 on: 2 Apr '06 - 13:09 »
yagood, you are a superstar! not only are you managing to get support sorted for XMPlay, you are doing it in super quick time, and also hoping to support way more formats than any other player is able. This could quite possibly be the best support in ANY player.

thankyou so much, I hope you realise how much everyone appreciates this :D


  • Posts: 8
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #39 on: 2 Apr '06 - 21:29 »
hey h  8) e what about The Hype Machine


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #40 on: 3 Apr '06 - 10:07 »
yagood, you are a superstar! not only are you managing to get support sorted for XMPlay, you are doing it in super quick time, and also hoping to support way more formats than any other player is able. This could quite possibly be the best support in ANY player.

thankyou so much, I hope you realise how much everyone appreciates this :D

Thank you! About supporting more formats - it is really only merit of XMPlay and Ian is a real superstart here, because xmp-scrobbler simply reads what XMPlay makes accessible. But I'm glad that with my small project I can fill out this small gap between XMPlay and


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #41 on: 3 Apr '06 - 16:40 »
I released xmp-scrobbler 0.2 - check out the first post in this thread.
« Last Edit: 3 Apr '06 - 16:45 by yagood »


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Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #42 on: 3 Apr '06 - 22:09 »
I released xmp-scrobbler 0.2 - check out the first post in this thread.

W00t, thanks for the fast releases! And I'm proud to say... well, it's more stable than the previous version. ;D But it crashes from time to time nonetheless. I've put the log up for you at Which, given the campus' network, should be up from time to time. ;)


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #43 on: 6 Apr '06 - 17:23 »
Yes!! I installed Python for Windows. Then I ran LastFMProxy 1.1 Alpha after having put in my login and edited one of the scripts according to this thread:

I fired up the proxy and voila! XMPlay is now playing my station! How cool is that?  ;D

No such luck here. The Proxy's window stays empty of all data and feeding XMPlay with the playlist from the "Start radio" link makes XMPlay go: "HTTP/1.0 503 Service unavailable". Now, if I install the official LastFM player, then magically the proxy springs to life, but if I shut the player down, the proxy will empty again off all data. And when the proxy is actually showing signs of life, there's no link to get the playlist from. Bah. I can't do anything right.  >:(


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Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #44 on: 7 Apr '06 - 04:12 »
is there a proxy support at this point of developement?



  • Posts: 43
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #45 on: 7 Apr '06 - 11:04 »
No such luck here. The Proxy's window stays empty of all data and feeding XMPlay with the playlist from the "Start radio" link makes XMPlay go: "HTTP/1.0 503 Service unavailable". Now, if I install the official LastFM player, then magically the proxy springs to life, but if I shut the player down, the proxy will empty again off all data. And when the proxy is actually showing signs of life, there's no link to get the playlist from. Bah. I can't do anything right.  >:(

What are you trying to achieve Raina?

If you want to play one of the LastFM stations through XMPlay, you need to do it through the LastFM player.
Start to play the Station
When the LastFM player opens click on the option button (bottom right corner)
Select Use external player.

That's it ( you have to keep both players open since the LastFM player streams the music to XMPlay)

I hope this helped ?


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #46 on: 7 Apr '06 - 22:13 »
is there a proxy support at this point of developement?

No, but it should be pretty easy to add, so I think I can include it in the next version (should be out this weekend hopefully).

Anyway, I've been using xmp-scrobbler for a few days this week and I have to say that its stability sucks... I mean, I like listening to a whole album at once and when xmp-scrobbler crashes XMPlay in the middle of the album then it's pretty annoying... I don't know how much more I can do to improve it, because xmp-scrobbler code is already very simple, but I will try to figure something out with Ian's help...
« Last Edit: 7 Apr '06 - 22:15 by yagood »


  • Posts: 59
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler 0.2)
« Reply #47 on: 8 Apr '06 - 03:11 »
Nothing phenomenal here I think - xmp-scrobbler simply does its job (hopefully :-). Anyway, thanks for your support. About playing radio stations in XMPlay - well,  I haven't looked into Player source, but I can imagine that that would require a lot more work than simple submitting plugin. Have you tried LastFMProxy? Looks good, maybe it works somehow with XMPlay.

Yes!! I installed Python for Windows. Then I ran LastFMProxy 1.1 Alpha after having put in my login and edited one of the scripts according to this thread:

I fired up the proxy and voila! XMPlay is now playing my station! How cool is that?  ;D

Thank you for the advice.

Below a screenshot of the proxy running under Opera with XMPlay playing the station. Pretty cool.

img deleted

Thanks for the tip. Works super.


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #48 on: 9 Apr '06 - 23:07 »
What are you trying to achieve Raina?

Hmm, what I was trying to achieve was playing the radio stations with XMPlay, not with the official player. The two players thing sounds/feels/is messy and I was under the impression the proxy thing would suffice. I also tried the external player setting in the Player and it made XMPlay try and connect to http://localhost:1881/ but with or without the LastFMProxy running, the Service stayed Unavailable.


  • Posts: 59
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #49 on: 10 Apr '06 - 00:37 »
I have my XMPlay working with lastfmproxy without using the lastfm player at all. I use firefox and had to follow the instructions to do the registry edit in order to be able to click on links and have them open with XMPlay. Other than that it was pretty straightforward. Maybe there is more than one way to get at it, but I think that I am doing what you intend to do. I followed the instructions to associate with pythonw so there is no annoying command line process running. I added it to my startup folder so it is always running. If you have specific questions, I will share what I know.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr '06 - 02:40 by lingenfr »