In the futur, (no rush here
, seriously) do you plan to make it work for other formats than mp3, like XM, IT... etc... ?? I don't even know if it is possible, but if it is, I would like it if you could make it work...
In fact it is only matter of how XMPlay displays tags data of a given track. For example I downloaded some OGG files lately and tried them with xmp-scrobbler and it didn't work. However, it turned out it's because in Message window XMPlay writes "ARTIST" and "TITLE", but xmp-scrobbler looks for "Artist" and "Title". I don't know if it is specific to this file or generally to all OGGs, but as you can see - it is very simple to fix. The main rule is - if XMPlay supports it and it has length, track, artist fields set properly - it can be submitted to through xmp-scrobbler. I'll grab some XMs and ITs (aaah, and I will have pretext to search through my CDs with good old demoscene stuff BTW... :]) and see how their tags are represented in XMPlay.
I noticed that on the first iteration of the plugin a file called xmp-scrobbler.txt was generated in every directory I played files from, but this doesn't seem to happen on version 0.2.
Yeah, it was quite silly bug...

I also sometimes listen to some other files than mp3s such as spc(super nintendo), sid(commodore 64) and nsf(nintendo). It might be very difficult if not impossible to implement this into the audioscrobbler system, but if it's not too difficult it would be a very good thing to have. I know that spc files use something called the extended id666 tag format.
Same thing as above - if XMPlay fills aforementioned fields properly - no problem with supporting it, I'll just have to grab some of these and check it out.
OK, so I think I will release some new version tomorrow or on Monday - it'll hopefully fix timing bug which I was trying to fix in 0.2 - Ian helped me in some technical details, now I just have to rewrite some code and check if it works.