Author Topic: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT  (Read 173180 times)


  • Posts: 2787
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #175 on: 20 Jun '18 - 21:16 »
Sorry, I thought you were referring to the slightly different sound characteristics of the filtered bass instrument, because that starts at 0:07 in the original file but I guess you were referring to 0:07 in your MP3. Anway, the difference in playback in the arpeggiated chords is not an old MPT bug being emulated but a result of another bugfix made earlier this year. You can download a current test build from which will no longer exhibit this problem.


  • Posts: 288
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #176 on: 21 Jun '18 - 00:10 »
Sorry, I thought you were referring to the slightly different sound characteristics of the filtered bass instrument, because that starts at 0:07 in the original file but I guess you were referring to 0:07 in your MP3.

That's correct, in my provided example MP3 it starts at time 0:07, whereas in the module it starts at order 09. I'm glad I could help to identify an actual bug.


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #177 on: 28 Jul '18 - 14:03 »
2018-07-28: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.11 released!

 *  Sec: Crash with some malformed custom tunings in MPTM files.
 *  Channels whose volume envelope was playing at volume 0 while being moved to a NNA background channel were cut off completely since libopenmpt 0.3.8.
 *  AMF (ASYLUM): Convert 7-bit panning to 8-bit panning for playback.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #178 on: 24 Sep '18 - 09:02 »
2018-09-24: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.12 released!

 *  Jump commands on the same row as the end of a pattern loop covering the restart position of the module could cause the module to loop even when looping was disabled.
 *  MO3: Reject overly long MP3 and Vorbis samples.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #179 on: 21 Oct '18 - 16:17 »
2018-10-21: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.13 released!

 *  Crash with malformed MED files.
 *  Transposed samples in AMF ASYLUM modules were not played correctly.
 *  Clicks when stopping channels that didn't end at zero volume.
 *  XM: Do not import non-standard commands N and M as channel volume commands.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #180 on: 23 Dec '18 - 14:16 »
2018-12-23: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.0 released!

 *  Now supports OPL chip emulation and thus OPL instruments in S3M, C67, and MPTM modules.
 *  CDFM / Composer 670 module support.
 *  Various other playback improvements, see full changelog for further details.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set
« Last Edit: 23 Dec '18 - 15:15 by manx »


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #181 on: 6 Jan '19 - 14:39 »
2019-01-06: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.1 released!

 *  MO3: Apply playback changes based on “ModPlug-made” header flag.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #182 on: 22 Jan '19 - 10:47 »
2019-01-22: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.2 released!

 *  S3M: Allow volume change of OPL instruments after Note Cut.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #183 on: 11 Feb '19 - 07:05 »
2019-02-11: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.3 released!

 *  Sec: Possible crash due to null-pointer access when doing a portamento from an OPL instrument to an empty instrument note map slot (r11348).

 *  IT: Various fixes for note-off + instrument number in Old Effects mode.
 *  MO3: Import IT row highlights as written by MO3 or newer. Required for modules using modern tempo mode.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 2787
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #184 on: 11 Feb '19 - 18:18 »
@Ian: The xmp-openmpt version on is a bit dated. Could it be updated to the latest?

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #185 on: 14 Feb '19 - 17:56 »
It's finally up there now :)


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #186 on: 7 Apr '19 - 15:56 »
2019-04-07: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.4 released!

 *  Startrekker: Clamp speed to 31 ticks per row.
 *  MTM: Ignore unused Exy commands on import. Command E5x (Set Finetune) is now applied correctly.

 *  MOD: Sample swapping was always enabled since it has been separated from the ProTracker 1/2 compatibility flag. Now it is always enabled for Amiga-style modules and otherwise the old heuristic is used again.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #187 on: 27 May '19 - 10:29 »
2019-05-27: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.5 released!

 *  [Sec] Possible crash during playback due out-of-bounds read in XM and MT2 files (r11608).

 *  Breaking out of a sustain loop through Note-Off sometimes didn’t continue in the regular sample loop.
 *  Seeking did not stop notes playing with XM Key Off (Kxx) effect.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #188 on: 10 Aug '19 - 19:28 »
2019-08-10: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.6 released!

 *  Detect IT files unpacked with early UNMO3 versions.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #189 on: 23 Sep '19 - 12:38 »
2019-09-23: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.7 released!

 *  J2B: Ignore notes with non-existing instrument (fixes Ending.j2b).

 *  mpg123: Update to v1.25.13 (2019-08-24).
 *  ogg: Update to v1.3.4. (2019-08-31).


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #190 on: 30 Sep '19 - 11:45 »
2019-09-30: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.8 released!

 *  [Sec] Possible crash due to out-of-bounds read when playing an OPL note with active filter in S3M or MPTM files (r12118).


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #192 on: 30 Oct '19 - 13:05 »
2019-10-30: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.10 released!

 *  The "date" metadata could contain a bogus date for some older IT files.
 *  Do not apply global volume ramping from initial global volume when seeking.

 *  MTM: Sample loop length was off by one.
 *  PSM: Sample loop length was off by one in most files.

 *  mpg123: Update to v1.25.13 (2019-10-26).


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #193 on: 22 Dec '19 - 20:22 »
2019-12-22: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.11 released!

 *  MOD: Fix initial instrument change with no note playing. Fixes first pattern of Beyond Music by Captain.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #194 on: 13 Apr '20 - 17:12 »
2020-04-13: xmp-openmpt version 0.4.12 released!

 *  IT: Vibrato was too fast in Old Effects mode since libopenmpt 0.3.
 *  XM: Treat 8bitbubsy's FT2 clone exactly like Fasttracker 2 with respect to
    compatibility and playback flags. For example, FT2 Pan Law was not applied.
 *  DMF: Some files had a wrong tempo since libopenmpt 0.2.5705-beta15.


xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #195 on: 24 May '20 - 18:36 »
2020-05-24: xmp-openmpt version 0.5.0 released!

 *  [**New**] OggMod compressed FastTracker 2 XM (OXM) modules are now
 *  [**New**] The emulated Amiga type when Amiga resampler emulation is enabled
    can now be selected via ctl `render.resampler.emulate_amiga_type`. Possible
    values are: `"auto"`, `"a500"`, `"a1200"`, and an experimental option

 *  [**Change**] std::istream based file I/O has been speed up.

 *  [**Regression**] Windows XP and Windows Vista are no longer supported.

 *  Greatly improved MED import. Synthesized instruments are still not supported
    but support was added for: Multisampled instruments, delta samples, more
    pattern commands, Hold and Decay, VSTi and MIDI output, multiple songs and
    many other small changes.
 *  Improved OPL channel allocation when more than 18 notes are active, so that
    channels that have completely faded out are prioritized over channels that
    have already been released but have not faded out yet.
 *  Fix some inaccuracies in OPL emulator.
 *  Fix overflow of OPL amplification happening at a synth volume level of 510.
 *  End-of-sample pop reduction of surround channels was applied to front
    channels instead, causing a pop on the front channels instead of removing it
    on the back channels.
 *  IT: Disable retrigger with short notes quirk for modules saved with
    Chibi Tracker, as it does not implement that quirk.
 *  IT: Instrument and sample panning should not override channel panning for
    following notes.
 *  IT: SBx is now prioritized over Bxx commands that are to the left of it.
 *  IT: Duplicate Check Type "Sample" should only be applied if the instruments
    match, too.
 *  IT: Duplicate Check Type "Note" should compare pattern notes, but it was
    comparing the new pattern note against the old translated note.
 *  IT: Various fixes for envelope resetting.
 *  IT / S3M: When combining SBx and EEx effects, don't skip the first row of
    the loop like in FastTracker 2.
 *  S3M: Empty pattern commands now affect effect memory as well.
 *  S3M: Offset beyond loop end wraps around to loop start like in
    Scream Tracker 3 + GUS (previously it just keep playing from the loop start,
    which is neither what GUS nor Sound Blaster drivers do).
 *  S3M: Notes cannot be retriggered after they have been cut.
 *  S3M: Fix portamento after note cut (fixes antediluvian_song.s3m).
 *  S3M / MOD: Previous note offset is no longer used for retriggered notes if
    there was no instrument number next to the Qxy effect.
 *  MOD: Sample swapping now also works if the sample that is being swapped from
    does not loop. Swapping to a non-looped sample now stops playback once the
    swapped-from sample reaches its (loop) end.
 *  MOD: Fix early song ending due to ProTracker pattern jump quirk
    (EEx + Dxx on same row) if infinite looping is disabled.
    Fixes Haunted Tracks.mod by Triace.
 *  MOD: Previous note offset is no longer used for retriggered notes if there was no instrument number next to the E9x effect.
 *  MOD: Vibrato type "ramp down" was upside down.
 *  XM: If a file contains patterns longer than 1024 rows, they are now clamped
    to 1024 rows instead of 64 rows.
 *  XM: Do not reset note-off status on portamento if there is no instrument


Download xmp-openmpt.


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #196 on: 26 Jul '20 - 16:20 »
2020-07-26: xmp-openmpt version 0.5.1 released!

 *  MPTM: Qxy now retriggers OPL notes if new compatibility flag is set in file.
 *  MPTM: Bring back old OPL note end-of-envelope behaviour for files made with
    OpenMPT 1.28.
 *  IT: Global volume slides with both nibbles set preferred the "slide up"
    nibble over the "slide down" nibble in old OpenMPT versions, unlike other
    slides. Such old files are now imported correctly again.
 *  IT: Fixed an edge case where, if the filter hit full cutoff / no resonance
    on the first tick of a row where a new delayed note would be triggered, the
    filter would be disabled even though it should stay active. Fixes
    by maddie.
 *  OXM: Some sample loops were not imported correctly.
 *  XM: Out-of-range arpeggio clamping behaviour broke in OpenMPT
    The arpeggios in Binary World by Dakota now play correctly again.
 *  S3M: Support old-style sample pre-amp value in very early S3M files.
 *  S3M: Only force-enable fast slides for files ST 3.00. Previously, any S3M
    file made with an ST3 version older than 3.20 enabled them.
 *  S3M: Only apply volume and middle-C speed on instrument change if the new
    sample slot has sample data.
 *  MOD: Fix an infinite loop in GamerMan by MrGamer by playing non-ProTracker
    MODs more like FT2 would.
 *  M15: Improve tracker detection heuristics to never assume SoundTracker 2.0
    if there is a huge number of Dxx commands, as that is a definite hint that
    they should be treated as volume slides. Fixes Monty On The Run by
    Master Blaster.
 *  MO3: Support OPL patches in MO3 files created from MPTM and S3M.
 *  DBM: If a global pattern command would be lost because both effect commands
    in a cell would have to go into the regular effect column (e.g. a speed and
    a tempo command), the lost command is now attempted to be written into a
    different cell on the same row. Fixes "Party-Question V" by grogon.

 *  mpg123: Update to v1.26.3 (2020-07-16).


Download xmp-openmpt.


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #197 on: 30 Aug '20 - 16:30 »
2020-08-30: xmp-openmpt version 0.5.2 released!

 *  PP20: The first few bytes of some files were not decompressed properly,
    making some files unplayable (depending on the original format).


Download xmp-openmpt.


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #198 on: 25 Oct '20 - 14:43 »
2020-10-25: xmp-openmpt version 0.5.3 released!

 *  [**Sec**] Possible hang if a MED file claimed to contain 256 songs. (r13704)

 *  [**Bug**] `openmpt::module::set_position_seconds` sometimes behaved as if
    the song end was reached when seeking into a pattern loop and in some other
    corner cases.

 *  Increase threshold for ignoring panning commands from 820 to 830.
 *  Subsong names now fall back to the first pattern's name if empty.
 *  MO3: Avoid certain ModPlug hacks from being fixed up twice, which could lead
    to e.g. very narrow pan swing range for old OpenMPT IT files saved with a
    recent MO3 encoder version.
 *  MO3: Some files with corrupted envelope data could be rejected completely
    (normally libopenmpt should fix up the envelope data).
 *  MO3: Song metadata didn't correctly identify MPTM as source format (it
    appeared as IT instead).
 *  STM: Change tempo computation to behave like Scream Tracker 2.3 instead of
    Scream Tracker 2.2, as the playback frequencies we use for sample playback
    are closer to those of Scream Tracker 2.3.
 *  PLM: Percentage offset (Mxx) was slightly off.
 *  WOW: Fix loading of several files and harden WOW detection.


Download xmp-openmpt.


  • Posts: 80
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #199 on: 29 Nov '20 - 16:00 »
2020-11-29: xmp-openmpt version 0.5.4 released!

 *  AMS: An upper bound for uncompressed sample size is now established to
    avoid memory exhaustion from malformed files.
 *  DMF: Support early format beta versions (in particular versions 1-4).
 *  MED: Also use octave wrapping in 8-channel mode for MMD0/MMD1 modules.
 *  MED: If 8-channel mode is activated, ignore BPM mode.
 *  MED: Emulate tempo commands F01 and F02 quirk.
 *  MED: Tempo commands below 32 BPM were interpreted as tempo slides.
 *  IMF: Instrument sample mapping was off by one octave, notable in the guitar
    part of Astaris by Karsten Koch.


Download xmp-openmpt.