Okay this works, but I had to do a little change: I moved the ChannelRemoveDSP call right before the Next in the For...Next-Loop:
For Each PlugInDatei In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(MainModule.VSTVerzeichnis, "*.dll", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim ProduktName As String
Dim vstInfo As New BASS_VST_INFO()
Dim TestHandle As Integer = BassVst.BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP(0, PlugInDatei, BASSVSTDsp.BASS_VST_DEFAULT, 0)
If TestHandle = 0 Then
TestHandle = BassVst.BASS_VST_ChannelCreate(44100, 2, PlugInDatei, BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_DECODE)
End If
If TestHandle <> 0 Then
If (BassVst.BASS_VST_GetInfo(TestHandle, vstInfo)) AndAlso (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(vstInfo.effectName)) Then
ProduktName = vstInfo.effectName
ProduktName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(PlugInDatei)
End If
If vstInfo.isInstrument = False Then
EffektListe.Add(New ViewModel.PlugInsViewModel(Nothing, PlugInDatei, ProduktName, True, 0, Nothing, False, CType(System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources("VordergrundfarbeBrush"), SolidColorBrush), New List(Of Single)))
InstrumentenListe.Add(New ViewModel.PlugInsViewModel(Nothing, PlugInDatei, ProduktName, True, 0, Nothing, False, Nothing, New List(Of Single)))
End If
SindVSTsInvalid = True
End If
BassVst.BASS_VST_ChannelRemoveDSP(0, TestHandle)
But still: SuperTron does not appear in InstrumentenListe (SindVSTsInvalid gets set to True)
This might not be our fault, but i'm just wondering because on my old computer, it at least apppeared in InstruemntenListe...
What reasons could there be for this besides that its the wrong bit version (32 or 64 Bit)
I am not sure whether its completely the same dll file as on my old computer, but I checked version number and 64 Bit compatibility of it...