Author Topic: Suggestions for 3.9  (Read 233954 times)


  • Posts: 10
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #50 on: 15 Mar '14 - 11:33 »
okay okay okay okay, sorry... I guess it's no big deal. Sheesh.


  • Posts: 61
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #51 on: 15 Mar '14 - 14:24 »
might not be an xmplay issue, could be wasapi or likely nvidias HD audio drivers

basically my pc playing music via a yamaha sound-bar/hdmi, but if i hit the bars off button or the cat walks on it, xmplay crashes and the nvidia drivers go awol for a bit, then i have to change over to spdif, which just dont have that boom on the lower frequencies my deer old heavy metal requires

i'm gonna do the usual, uninstall n reinstall in safe mode, bios soundcard is off, did a malware sweep, stupid search-dial again popped up


ps dont forget that lovely glossy black default skin for HD monitors now ;-)


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #52 on: 16 Mar '14 - 08:12 »
... if i hit the bars off button or the cat walks on it, xmplay crashes and the nvidia drivers go awol for a bit, ...
That's a bug report, not a suggestion. Please put it in the 3.8 reports, queries and bugs-thread.


  • Posts: 69
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #53 on: 17 Mar '14 - 15:32 »
1) In 3.9 it will nice to see creating playlists, for example like in Foobar2000 and AIMP ;)



  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #54 on: 17 Mar '14 - 21:45 »
Perhaps the library "last play" column could still show "now", while the "Track info" window shows the previous value?
Well, I wouldn't mind that solution, although it might seem a bit inconsistent. Not sure.

I'll make the change to the "Track info" window in the next update. To reduce the slight inconsistency, I may have it display both "now" and the previous time.
Works nicely. Thanks!


  • Posts: 4
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #55 on: 18 Mar '14 - 14:16 »
It is possible to disable the "Server full" messages (and other internet error messages) by adding a "NoNetErrors=1" line to your XMPLAY.INI file (under "[XMPlay]").

Excellent. That's all I'm looking for. Thanks very much.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #56 on: 18 Mar '14 - 18:45 »
Regarding the "count as played after x seconds", could this possibly be changed in a way so that it doesn't count while the track is paused? As an example, if I play the first five seconds of a track, then pause it, and then choose to skip to the next track after a while, it counts as played, even if my "count as played" setting is higher than five seconds.
I guess previously this hasn't been an issue, but with the new biased random tune selection, I think the proposed solution would work better (scenario: A tune that hasn't been played in a long time gets marked as played even though I only heard the first five seconds).

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #57 on: 19 Mar '14 - 17:21 »
Yep, that would be better. I'll have the next update not count a track as played if it's stopped/paused before the "count as played" timeout and not subsequently resumed.


  • Posts: 30
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #58 on: 19 Mar '14 - 23:19 »
The write to disk: Download should download the non-streamed formats, such as Midis or XM and other modules.

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26266
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #59 on: 20 Mar '14 - 14:20 »
Here's an update that allows the "Download" option to be used on non-streamable files too...

The option has also been extended to allow extraction from archives, so it's now called "Download / Extract". Note non-streamable files aren't retained in memory after being parsed, so it's best to use the download option when opening the track rather than after it is already opened (the file will be re-downloaded in the latter case).


  • Posts: 109
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #60 on: 21 Mar '14 - 18:25 »
Hello. I have a suggestion. Would it be possible to have a shortcut key function that adds the currently playing track to the library. That way if XMPlay is playing random tracks in the background and something is played that you want to remember for next time, you can push a shortcut key that is global and the track will be added to the library.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #61 on: 21 Mar '14 - 21:20 »
Would it be possible to have a shortcut key function that adds the currently playing track to the library.
That's already there: 'List nav - Jump to current' followed by 'List track - Add to/from library'.


  • Posts: 109
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #62 on: 23 Mar '14 - 23:33 »
yes, dotpitch, I was aware of those functions. what i was requesting was one function that could be used globally to add the currently playing track to the library. if i double bind a key to both functions it will not work if xmplay is minimized to the tray on my winxp computer. for whatever reason, double binding a key to those functions appears to work fine on my win7 computer.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #63 on: 24 Mar '14 - 06:26 »
if i double bind a key to both functions it will not work if xmplay is minimized to the tray on my winxp computer.
Did you tick the 'Global' box for both shortcuts?


  • Posts: 109
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #64 on: 24 Mar '14 - 18:27 »
yes, i ticked global for both shortcuts. I have another shortcut function that is set to global and it works fine so i know that global works. I checked the list and there aren't any other functions bound to the key i had set for them and there aren't any duplicates of the 'Jump to current' or 'List track - Add to/from library' functions. seeing that it works on the win7 computer i was guessing that maybe winxp had an issue with double binding and thus requested a single function that would replace the need to have a key double bound.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #65 on: 25 Mar '14 - 06:39 »
Does the shortcut work properly if XMPlay has focus?

It's good that you've ruled out duplicates and the global shortcut hook. It's odd though that other global shortcuts do work, but this one doesn't.


  • Posts: 2
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #66 on: 26 Mar '14 - 03:38 »
I posted this in the 3.8 bugs thread, but since I'm not sure that was the right place to post it and I have gotten zero response to the post (I may as well not have posted for all anyone seems to have noticed), I'm re-posting it here in the hopes of actually getting a response (even a "won't fix" type response is better than nothing):

Is there a way to smooth the reductions in the dynamic Auto-amp? I have a song with an intro that is initially quiet, but has a very long crescendo into the main part of the track. At about 30 seconds in, it would appear that the part where the crescendo picks up is sent through the DSP, as the perceived volume sharply drops at that point. Normally this wouldn't be a problem (this is the kind of thing dynamic Auto-amp is for - letting me hear my music nicely without blowing my ears out at the loud parts), but in this case the volume drops so fast that it sounds like someone muffled the speakers. Looking at the Amplification slider live while the song plays I can see that in the first part of the song it gets to around +12 dB (I actually saw +14.0 dB at one point when I was testing this), and it will drop a decibel or two at a time as the song gets louder. However, at the 30 second mark it drops about 5 dB instantly (always from +3.7 dB to -1.9 dB). This effect is noticeably odd.

Is there any way to fix this? Preferably a method of smoothing the reduction could be used to make sure that there are no huge instant drops in volume, but I'm not exactly sure where in the amplification code this should be handled. If it helps I can upload the file that this happens in and post a screen-cap of my DSP settings.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #67 on: 26 Mar '14 - 06:33 »
Is there a way to smooth the reductions in the dynamic Auto-amp?
The auto-amp cannot be adjusted by the user right now. What you could try is using a different auto-amp in a DSP-plugin (for example RockSteady) and tweak that a little bit. Or you could use a compressor (like Sound Solution, which would decrease the dynamic range of the audio.


  • Posts: 109
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #68 on: 26 Mar '14 - 06:51 »
Does the shortcut work properly if XMPlay has focus?

Yes, if XMPlay has focus than it does work, but it doesn't work as a global shortcut.


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #69 on: 27 Mar '14 - 11:49 »
Mmmmm, I might awell ask it, since it's bugging me...
Since Milkdrop sources were released, would it be possible to have someone build it as a native xmplay plugin?
Since barna never came back here (that I know) it would be really nice if one of the best vis plugins around would get a native version...
Right now there's the wrapper, but it has some issues with recent builds of milkdrop, and requires a bit of fiddling the casual user may find unappealing.
Now, I don't really know how much work that would involve, I am no programmer, but I suppose it's worth a try.


  • Posts: 501
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #70 on: 28 Mar '14 - 00:41 »
Since barna never came back here (that I know)
give me the source of this wrapper and i can do that it work..
without? Nothing...




  • Posts: 1020
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #71 on: 28 Mar '14 - 06:59 »
Eh, without Barna I suppose the wrapper code is not available.


  • Posts: 39
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #72 on: 28 Mar '14 - 14:13 »
Mute/Unmute is available via shortcuts and right-click on the volume slider but I don't see an option for a mute button on the skin.
I could well imagine a "button_mute.bmp" and corresponding mask entry...
Is that possible?

That would be my request.


  • Posts: 501
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #73 on: 28 Mar '14 - 14:58 »
Eh, without Barna I suppose the wrapper code is not available.

what is the Problem with visualization..
Ian should add my lib and all Trouble are gone..
i have many work on it and is very stable (with Mediaportal to)

all files for that are available..
also why create a new XMLPlugin for that? when i have written one ? LOL

« Last Edit: 28 Mar '14 - 15:02 by EWeiss »


  • Posts: 3
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #74 on: 1 Apr '14 - 02:58 »
this would be nice:
+allow memory playback (uses RAM instead of disk)
+allow editing replay gain values
+allow editing album art
+allow minimum buffer up to 0 ms or 5 ms (for testing)
+portaudio output (like audacity mme output)
+1 to playlist tabs

« Last Edit: 8 Apr '14 - 12:19 by frozenat99 »