Author Topic: record audio from a microphone and avoid capturing playback audio  (Read 356 times)


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I'm currently working on an application where I record and send audio chunks, and upon receiving a chunk, I play it immediately. However, I've noticed that when I play the received audio, it seems to be a recording of the audio being played, resulting in a lower volume .

I'm looking to exclusively record audio from a microphone and avoid capturing playback audio. Is there a way to achieve this using BASS?

Thank you.

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26209
It sounds like AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation) is what you want. Unfortunately, BASS doesn't include that feature. I haven't tried either of these myself so I'm not sure about the specifics, but if you're using Android, there's an AcousticEchoCanceler effect, and otherwise there's the libspeex library.

If you can use headphones, that'll be the simplest and best sounding solution.


  • Guest
Thanks for the information.