Author Topic: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay  (Read 4087 times)

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #50 on: 19 Jan '24 - 15:58 »
Yes, it's an involved little issue. I think there are so many "moving parts" so to speak with what we're doing that it's easy to be distracted to where the problem actually is.

So I'm fairly certain now that the issue is localized to the BASS_StreamCreateURL stream. My reasoning is since putting the record onto a RECORDPRC it's absolutely bang on. It never drifts from application instance to application instance. The channel doing the RecordStart is plugged into the same mixer setup as the BASS_StreamCreateURL channel so all is good there. I know it's not the mixer setup, else the record would drift.

There were some issues around when the app starts and it initializes all its inputs and outputs that would cause a delay on the BASS_StreamCreateURL, but I've sorted that now and I've taken one last step to try and remove any buffering issues caused by the BASS_StreamCreateURL channel being plugged into a mixer.

So what I've done is I open the BASS_StreamCreateURL on a No Sound device and play it, so I know it's being consumed / played at the correct rate. I then make a DSP_StreamCopy of that channel and set the TargetMixer to be the mixer I want to plug into.

This works and seems to keep the streaming PCM data pretty much in sync from app to app. I do see an ever so slight difference in the level meters, but we're talking something like 200ms from time to time. Now there may be something that can be changed when that ServerInit is raised as I'm currently using a buffer of 64000 and a burst of 64000 also.

I should also add that I'm not getting any Sync Stalls on the mixers or the BASS_StreamCreateURL channel, so I'm confident the data is being consumed without issue. The BASS_CONFIG_DEV_BUFFER is 30 and the BASS version is


  • Posts: 501
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #51 on: 19 Jan '24 - 17:22 »
i would suggest you BASS_CONFIG_DEV_PERIOD=50 and BASS_CONFIG_DEV_BUFFER=100  this si what i'm using on No Sound device and zero problems with it.

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #52 on: 19 Jan '24 - 18:10 »
So just this:
Code: [Select]

immediately after I initialize BASS or can I do it before? In other words do I need to do a:
Code: [Select]
Bass.BASS_Init(0, g_DeviceFrequency, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero)

first or can I do it before this?


  • Posts: 501
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #53 on: 19 Jan '24 - 18:29 »
me i'm using it just before to call BASS_Init

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #54 on: 22 Jan '24 - 09:15 »
Ian, what's your thoughts on this and what I wrote above? I'd like to understand why changing these values would have an effect.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #55 on: 22 Jan '24 - 14:54 »
With BASS_CONFIG_DEV_PERIOD=50 and BASS_CONFIG_DEV_BUFFER=100 set on the "No Sound" device that means it'll generate/mix 50ms of data in each update cycle and allow delays of up to 100ms before it starts dropping them (with BASS BASS_CONFIG_DEV_PERIOD/BUFFER changes take effect from the next BASS_Init call, so you should set them before calling BASS_Init. In the next BASS release, the "No Sound" device will have a dedicated delay allowance option (instead of using BASS_CONFIG_DEV_BUFFER), which will allow realtime adjustment (without calling BASS_Init again).

Regarding the problem, as you say, there seem to be a lot of parts. I think the best way to find the cause of the problem is to try removing/disabling things until it goes away, so I still think it'd be a good idea to try with a local file (with BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP set so it's never-ending) instead of a URL, to confirm that it only happens with URLs.

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #56 on: 22 Jan '24 - 18:30 »
Thanks Ian. As per my info, it's fair to say the problem isn't at the mixer. If it was I'd be seeing the RecordStart drifting, which I no longer do since I put a RECORDPROC on the RecordStart. This drifting is purely on the BASS_StreamCreateURL now.

What I've now done is, as per your suggestion, told it to play on loop via a local file rather than a stream, to see what the result of this is. This is done with a very simple:
Code: [Select]
Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFile(_File, 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP)
This is plugged into the same mixer and treated the same as the stream when playing a URL.

I don't expect it will drift, but we will have to wait and see what happens in a few days.

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #57 on: 24 Jan '24 - 11:35 »
So playing a local file using
Code: [Select]
Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFile(_File, 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP)
instead of streaming using
Code: [Select]
Bass.BASS_StreamCreateURL(_VirtualCableUrl, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero)
is fine. I've got 3 inputs using the stream and 4 using the local file and all 4 local files are perfectly in sync. However, the stream ones are now all out of sync. This is all in the same instance of the app and playing via the No Sound device.

So by my deductions there has to be something wrong in BASS when playing a stream. If it was an mp3 encoded stream and it was coming across the network I could probably understand it, but this is being streamed in PCM 44.1Khz Stereo and it's on the same PC, so no network involved, and the same stream is coming into the same application - so how 3 instances of the BASS_StreamCreateURL in the same app can start all in sync and then all be so different after a day or two is beyond me.


  • Posts: 501
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #58 on: 24 Jan '24 - 11:50 »
you could use one single call to BAS_StreamCreateURL and the split in 3 different streams with BASS_Split_StreamCreate

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #59 on: 24 Jan '24 - 11:52 »
I did think of that, but the problem is that we have multiple instances of the application running, not just one. Plus the problem would cause that one stream to drift - it wouldn't be correct, and it's stream needs to be solid.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #60 on: 24 Jan '24 - 14:14 »
What server/software are the BASS_StreamCreateURL calls connecting to, and is it the same URL in all instances? Please also confirm what flags you're using in those calls (the call above doesn't look right because I guess there's at least BASS_STREAM_DECODE?) and what BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER setting.

What you describe sounds like one or more of the streams are stalling at some point. Are you absolutely certain that no BASS_SYNC_STALL syncs are being triggered? Remember those syncs should be set on the sources via BASS_Mixer_ChannelSetSync (not BASS_ChannelSetSync), after they've been plugged into the mixer (check the return value to confirm success).

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #61 on: 24 Jan '24 - 15:29 »
It's the same URL in all instances and it's a URL which is being streamed by BASS itself using the ServerInit which is where this thread started.

The calls are correct. As I said, I'm playing the stream on the No Sound device. This is both for the stream and the local file test. I then do a DSP_StreamCopy from the stream and set the TargetMixer to be the mixer I want to plug into. I'm doing this because originally doing it as a DECODE doesn't make any difference and I wanted to rule this out.

The BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER is being set to the buffer returned by BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER which is 500. Any less than that and it breaks up.

I'm pretty certain non of the streams are stalling, unless there is something wrong with this:
Code: [Select]
m_VirtualCableStall = New SYNCPROC(AddressOf VirtualCableStall)
m_VirtualCableStallId = BassMix.BASS_Mixer_ChannelSetSync(_VirtualCableId, BASSSync.BASS_SYNC_STALL Or BASSSync.BASS_SYNC_MIXTIME, 0, m_VirtualCableStall, IntPtr.Zero)

Private Sub VirtualCableStall(ByVal handle As Integer, ByVal channel As Integer, ByVal data As Integer, ByVal user As IntPtr)
        LogEvent("Virtual Cable Stalled: handle = " & handle.ToString & " : channel = " & channel.ToString, "stalllog", True, False)
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

LogEvents is our own routine and it's thread safe.

Let's assume the streams are stalling - surely if one stalls then they should all stall? The consumption of the data should be the same across each stream shouldn't it?

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #62 on: 24 Jan '24 - 16:49 »
It's the same URL in all instances and it's a URL which is being streamed by BASS itself using the ServerInit which is where this thread started.

Just to be clear... separate from the BASS_StreamCreateURL app instances, there's another app hosting a BASS_Encode_ServerInit server which the former all connect to. Is that correct?

The calls are correct. As I said, I'm playing the stream on the No Sound device. This is both for the stream and the local file test. I then do a DSP_StreamCopy from the stream and set the TargetMixer to be the mixer I want to plug into. I'm doing this because originally doing it as a DECODE doesn't make any difference and I wanted to rule this out.

That's another variable in the mix. It's best to minimize the number of variables when trying to find a problem, so please set the BASS_STREAM_DECODE flag on the stream and plug it directly into the mixer for now.

The BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER is being set to the buffer returned by BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER which is 500. Any less than that and it breaks up.

That could potentially cause problems/stalls. Perhaps they are less obvious but still present with BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER=500? Please try leaving it at the default (5000).

I'm pretty certain non of the streams are stalling, unless there is something wrong with this:
Code: [Select]
m_VirtualCableStall = New SYNCPROC(AddressOf VirtualCableStall)
m_VirtualCableStallId = BassMix.BASS_Mixer_ChannelSetSync(_VirtualCableId, BASSSync.BASS_SYNC_STALL Or BASSSync.BASS_SYNC_MIXTIME, 0, m_VirtualCableStall, IntPtr.Zero)

Is "_VirtualCableId" the URL stream or the DSP_StreamCopy stream? Removing DSP_StreamCopy will at least avoid this confusion if nothing else :)

Let's assume the streams are stalling - surely if one stalls then they should all stall? The consumption of the data should be the same across each stream shouldn't it?

There may be timing differences in when each stream requests/receives their copy of the data from the server, and if the buffers (eg. BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER) are small then that could have a significant effect, ie. stalls in some cases.

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #63 on: 24 Jan '24 - 17:13 »
Just to be clear... separate from the BASS_StreamCreateURL app instances, there's another app hosting a BASS_Encode_ServerInit server which the former all connect to. Is that correct?
That's correct.

That's another variable in the mix. It's best to minimize the number of variables when trying to find a problem, so please set the BASS_STREAM_DECODE flag on the stream and plug it directly into the mixer for now.
Okay I've done that and removed the StreamCopy.

That could potentially cause problems/stalls. Perhaps they are less obvious but still present with BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER=500? Please try leaving it at the default (5000).
This is now done too.

Is "_VirtualCableId" the URL stream or the DSP_StreamCopy stream? Removing DSP_StreamCopy will at least avoid this confusion if nothing else :)
It was the URL stream.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #64 on: 24 Jan '24 - 17:29 »
Is "_VirtualCableId" the URL stream or the DSP_StreamCopy stream? Removing DSP_StreamCopy will at least avoid this confusion if nothing else :)
It was the URL stream.

OK, that would explain why the BASS_SYNC_STALL syncs don't/can't get triggered then, as it's the DSP_StreamCopy stream that's in the mixer, and so the BASS_Mixer_ChannelSetSync call above will fail (return 0).

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #65 on: 24 Jan '24 - 18:19 »
Okay. Well I can say now that stalls are 100% being logged because if I kill the app which is host the stream then the receiving app now logs that disconnection and also that it's stalled. Let's see what happens.

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #66 on: 29 Jan '24 - 12:39 »
Update: As of yet I've seen no drifting and no stalls. I'm not sure why, but it normally happens within a day or two.

While I was checking over the documentation though, I checked over the BASS_Init method and just had two questions about it which I can't fathom from the help:
  • On Windows 10 and 11 it seems that the Frequency parameter doesn't do anything. Is this correct? I can set this to whatever I want?
  • Is it required that the Win parameter is set to a windows handle? I'm not doing that at the moment I'm just setting it to nothing. If it's a Windows app and I don't set it, what problems does this cause?

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #67 on: 29 Jan '24 - 14:58 »
Update: As of yet I've seen no drifting and no stalls. I'm not sure why, but it normally happens within a day or two.

That's good to hear. I suspect it's the raised/default BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER setting making the difference. Perhaps there were occasional stalls with the 500 setting. If you would like to confirm that, you could try putting that setting back in, now that you have the STALL syncs working.

While I was checking over the documentation though, I checked over the BASS_Init method and just had two questions about it which I can't fathom from the help:
  • On Windows 10 and 11 it seems that the Frequency parameter doesn't do anything. Is this correct? I can set this to whatever I want?
  • Is it required that the Win parameter is set to a windows handle? I'm not doing that at the moment I'm just setting it to nothing. If it's a Windows app and I don't set it, what problems does this cause?

Yes, the BASS_Init "freq" parameter doesn't affect the output on Windows since Vista (except for the "No Sound" device). The "win" parameter is only used with DirectSound output, and even then 0 will generally work fine (the desktop window handle will be used).

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #68 on: 29 Jan '24 - 18:14 »
I'm still a little perplexed why I can't get each application to start the stream at the same place though. If I start one instance of the app it starts the stream. If I then start another instance there could be something like 500 ms difference in their level meters. Sadly this isn't acceptable for our application. They should all be inline with each other.

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #69 on: 30 Jan '24 - 09:38 »
Okay, so with the BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER left alone, overnight, one of the engines reported a stall. The others didn't. I was expecting them all to report a stall at the same time, but they didn't. In fact all night it's been fine, except one instance of the engine. So that's a little puzzling. Again, everything is on the same PC, even the engine that's doing the streaming.

However, I want to address the RecordStart because that's playing silly beggars too. I did try to combat that problem by doing a RecordStart and using my own RECORDPROC, which was fine, but I couldn't add this into a DECODE mixer. So I did a StreamCopy and added it to the mixer that way. This seemed fine, until yesterday I noticed that there was a difference between the VU meter which was being fed from the RecordStart id and the VU meter on the mixer it was plugged into. So I muted the input device and the RecordStart meter dropped immediately, but the mixer one was at least a second behind it. Same when I unmuted.

I've gone back to taking an actual input device because I can guarantee at least where that audio will be up to, plus I can do the mute test on the input device and watch the vu meters.

So yesterday I've removed the RECORDPROC and the StreamCopy and I've gone back to the original way of adding it into the DECODE mixer. This is of course returned the original problem where the meters are now in sync, the RecordStart meter and the mixer meter, but the whole input audio goes out of sync by at least a second - and there's no reason from what I can see.

I think it may be best to explain what I'm trying to do because there doesn't seem to be a way to do what I want to do in BASS properly due to limitations surrounding Splits and Decode channels / mixers etc.

I have 16 output buses A to P. Each of these are independent from each other and can either go to a physical device output or they stream out to shoutcast or are sent to a file for recording or they create a stream. There is a 17th output bus (BUS X) which doesn't go anywhere except to No Sound. The use of this will be explained shortly.

I have 8 input buses. Each of these are independent from each other and can either take a physical device input or a stream from

So you set Input 1 up to take a physical input and you can map Input 1 to Output Bus A. You can map it to any output bus. If you choose not to map it to an output bus then it is assigned bus 17. This is the No Sound bus (BUS X) mentioned before.

In this case though, we will map it to bus A. Input 1 is now feeding into Bus A and this bus is outputting to an internet stream or output device. One or the other.

This is all I want to do. I don't think this should be as difficult as it has become.

I've attached a diagram that shows how it is laid out.
« Last Edit: 30 Jan '24 - 11:35 by Chris Oakley »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #70 on: 30 Jan '24 - 14:34 »
Okay, so with the BASS_CONFIG_NET_BUFFER left alone, overnight, one of the engines reported a stall. The others didn't. I was expecting them all to report a stall at the same time, but they didn't. In fact all night it's been fine, except one instance of the engine. So that's a little puzzling. Again, everything is on the same PC, even the engine that's doing the streaming.

Even when it appears that all instances are doing the same thing, they won't actually be doing so, ie. they won't all be running the same code on the same data at exactly the same time - there will be timing differences. It seems like one of them was delayed long enough to stall at one point. Larger buffers reduce the chances of timing irregularities causing stalls (because there's still data to decode/play from the buffers in the meantime).

So yesterday I've removed the RECORDPROC and the StreamCopy and I've gone back to the original way of adding it into the DECODE mixer. This is of course returned the original problem where the meters are now in sync, the RecordStart meter and the mixer meter, but the whole input audio goes out of sync by at least a second - and there's no reason from what I can see.

Are the inputs going out of sync with each other in the same instance or only with the other instances? If in the same instance, at what level in your diagram is that starting, eg. at level 1 or 3?

Please also clarify how you're getting the levels for each of your meters. To eliminate them causing the problem, does the audio still go out of sync without them, ie. if you don't try to get the levels?

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #71 on: 30 Jan '24 - 14:56 »
Before I address the above, I've been doing some exploration and found what I think could be the contributing factor. I'm just running a test on this to see if it helps so I don't have anything solid just yet.

I noticed in the documentation for the DSP_StreamCopy that the parameter IsOutputBuffered is on by default. The test I'm running is making this False.

My reasoning is that everything that is having issues where it goes out of sync is when there is a DSP_StreamCopy in the mix. For example I was taking the input from the RecordStart with my own RECORDPROC, but was doing a stream copy on this and setting the TargetMixer to the input mixer.

I had a DSP_PeakLevelMeter on the RecordStart and one on the TargetMixer and I would notice the one on the RecordStart was always bang on, but the one on the TargetMixer would always get more and more delayed.

It's taken a while to spot this because a lot of the music on the test machine is 120 BPM so that's around 2 beats per second so when a buffer goes out by a second, you wouldn't really notice.

Is it possible that this flag could be having this undesired effect? I ask because we have a further issue where the overall output mixer on each BUS is suffering from a similair delay build up and this has a stream copy on it too? Just seems a little suspect.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #72 on: 31 Jan '24 - 14:44 »
I'm not very familiar with BASS.Net's DSP_StreamCopy class, so can't comment on it definitively, but it seems to be primarily intended for cloning a stream playing on one device to other devices by creating "push" streams, much like the clone option in the MULTI.C example included in the BASS package. From your diagram, it doesn't appear to be needed as you're already using splitters to achieve the same?

Chris Oakley

  • Posts: 307
Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #73 on: 31 Jan '24 - 15:28 »
I'm just trying to understand why there is a sync delay between when I use a RECORDPROC and when I don't.

When I don't use the RECORDPROC I can plug the recording channel into the mixer at Level 5. That's when you see a gradual drifting between the DSP_PeakLevelMeter on the recording channel and the DSP_PeakLevelMeter on the mixer at Level 5. The mixer level gets behind. The recording channel meter is always spot on. You can tell when you mute the input device.

When I use the RECORDPROC I have to use a DSP_StreamCopy to be able to plug the record channel into the mixer at Level 5. When I do it this way I don't see a drift between the peak level meters. They stay in sync.

What has alerted me to this option is that I use a DSP_StreamCopy at Level 2 to send a synchronized copy of the mixer at Level 3, which is No Sound. On a client setup using AOIP, they are getting a delay building up on the output which makes no sense at all. I'm not sure at this stage if the AOIP is part of the equation. I did try this IsOutputBuffered as false but it's made no difference.

I was setting up another mixer at Level 1 which was set to the desired physical device, but I've now changed this to get the DSP_StreamCopy to target the device instead of setting up a mixer and sending to that. This seems a step which isn't required. I'm just waiting to see if that has helped. It's not clear what the stream copy is doing under the bonnet though in this scenario.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_Encode_ServerInit delay
« Reply #74 on: 1 Feb '24 - 18:02 »
When I don't use the RECORDPROC I can plug the recording channel into the mixer at Level 5. That's when you see a gradual drifting between the DSP_PeakLevelMeter on the recording channel and the DSP_PeakLevelMeter on the mixer at Level 5. The mixer level gets behind. The recording channel meter is always spot on. You can tell when you mute the input device.

I believe BASS.Net's DSP_PeakLevelMeter class simply measures the sample data as it is produced by the channel, with no buffering. Mixers also don't buffer data from their sources (except for a small resampling buffer). So it seems like DSP_PeakLevelMeters set on a recording channel and a mixer that the recording is plugged into should be pretty much in sync. How far off are they drifting? The DSP_PeakLevelMeter documentation states it measures levels in 100ms blocks by default, so if the drift is within that amount (or a custom "UpdateTime" that you've set) then perhaps that could explain it.