I have tried all other formats, opus, ogg, and others, but the same result is compressing the audio, sending it, then receiving it and playing it. The problem is with playback with all libraries.
am use android java
encodeHandle= BASS_Encode_AAC_Start(recordChannel, "--object-type 2 --vbr 0 --bitrate 32000", 0, encodeProcx,null);
public static com.un4seen.bass.BASSenc.ENCODEPROCEX encodeProcx = (int handle, int channel, ByteBuffer buffer, int length, long offset, Object user) -> {
byte[] data = new byte[length];
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(encodedData);
int channel = BASS_AAC_StreamCreateFile(byteBuffer, 0, encodedData.length, 0);
BASS.BASS_ChannelPlay(channel, false);
I tried every method but the error appears every time I run it
error 41