Hello there :-)
I am starting a WMA stream like this:
Dim ClientConnectProc = New CLIENTCONNECTPROC(AddressOf MyClientConnectNotify)
success = BassWma.BASS_WMA_EncodeOpenNetwork(MainModule.mixer, 2, BASSWMAEncode.BASS_WMA_ENCODE_SOURCE, 128000, LayerViewModel.SettingsViewModel.Portnumber, LayerViewModel.SettingsViewModel.MaxListeners)
BassWma.BASS_WMA_EncodeSetNotify(success, ClientConnectProc, IntPtr.Zero)
Private Sub MyClientConnectNotify(handle As Integer, connect As Boolean, ip As String, user As IntPtr)
Dim RefuseConnection As Boolean
If (LayerViewModel.SettingsViewModel.OnlyGrantLAN) And (Not CheckIfIPisLocal(ip)) Then
RefuseConnection = True
End If
If connect Then
Listeners = Listeners + 1
ListenerPeak = ListenerPeak + 1
Listeners = Listeners - 1
End If
End Sub
Is there a way to refuse incoming connections for IP addresses other than local?