Well, for what it's worth, that latest build seems to be working correctly wherever I've tried it: bass, bassmidi, bassape, and tags on arm64 (4KB pages) and x64 (16KB pages).
The same code that was crashing in TAGS_ReadEx began working properly just by swapping out the .so files, so that's more evidence it was the NDK v22 to v23 breaking change you found. That type of unstable platform stuff where you have to start jumping through more hoops and keeping track of more things is the worst! Really, this 16KB page stuff is already in that category of unnecessary megacorp-imposed effort. I can commiserate and am sorry that Google (and Apple and Microsoft) routinely inflict this type of thing on us.
With my satisfaction that these 16KB page size builds seem to be working correctly (especially bass+bassmidi which is all I use and which don't require the shared STL), would you advise that it's safe enough to release an app update with them? Or would it be better to wait for the upcoming official release for whatever reason? Would anything else change in an official build? Thanks again!