Author Topic: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs  (Read 366172 times)


  • Posts: 115
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #100 on: 29 Jan '14 - 18:13 »
There's a bit of an Output annoyance:

- I play music over Wasapi (speakers),
- Then switch on my external dac,
- Exit XMPlay,
- I play music again..

..but there's no sound. Output has changed to the external dac on it's own.
Setting the config to read-only for Wasapi (speakers) is not a solution.

The output device selection is retained as the output system (built-in/DirectSound/WASAPI/etc) and an index into its available outputs, so if the device order changes (eg. when devices are added/removed), it won't affect which output system is used but it could unfortunately change which device is used.

Is there a way to ''fix'' that?


  • Posts: 2787
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #101 on: 29 Jan '14 - 18:39 »
You could try DirectSound and choose the primary sound driver - that will always be the system default. I used to have a similar problem since WASAPI doesn't provide a "default" output device.


  • Posts: 317
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #102 on: 30 Jan '14 - 00:18 »
like i have edited the previous post...

Fixed: the problem wasnt xmplay. Jut the FFMpeg plugin ! But this fact throw again the fact that XMplay need some way to allow to the user to set a priority list with the plugins, because, who determined that is FFmpeg the plugin to play flac or ape ? we need a priority list, same one that use for example BSplayer.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #103 on: 30 Jan '14 - 06:38 »
Fixed: the problem wasnt xmplay. Jut the FFMpeg plugin ! But this fact throw again the fact that XMplay need some way to allow to the user to set a priority list with the plugins, because, who determined that is FFmpeg the plugin to play flac or ape ? we need a priority list, same one that use for example BSplayer.
Doesn't the 'Priority filetype'-box handle that for you? Or would you prefer a blacklist rather than a whitelist? By the way, it's xmp-ffmpeg itself which claims to be able to play flac/ape properly.


  • Posts: 1247
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #104 on: 30 Jan '14 - 21:58 »
So, it's common to keep an original .cue around from EAC (or your other ripper software of choice) for archival/completeness reasons [...]

That's strange. Everything in the folder should get added to the playlist in that scenario (the CUE only if "Ignore playlists & shortcuts" is disabled), ie. the CUE file's presence shouldn't prevent the other files in the folder being added to the playlist. Are you sure the MP3/FLAC files don't follow the WAV files in the list?
Odd, I can't reproduce it now, sorry. Maybe something was up with just those folders I tried with. I have to do some further testing.

Jimmy Neutron

  • Posts: 476
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #105 on: 31 Jan '14 - 15:31 »
Don't know if this is something that needs to be fixed, but here's what happened:
  • Dropped a folder onto XMPlay.
  • As it was playing I saw a song that I had intended to delete, so I had a file manager open and I deleted the file.
  • Much later, as it was playing through the list, I saw the song coming up in the playlist.  I thought to myself "Didn't I already delete that one?"  So I right clicked on the playlist entry and selected "Remove and Delete file".  The context menu went away, but the playlist entry was still there.  There was no further dialog or error generated.
  • Tried it again, failed again, and then checked the folder in the file manager and saw that it wasn't there anymore and realized what I had done.
So, if the file wasn't there, and I told XMPlay to remove the entry and delete the file, maybe it should have just removed the entry.  Or maybe it should have errored and asked me what I wanted.  Or something.  Dunno.... it just didn't feel right.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #106 on: 31 Jan '14 - 16:04 »
Is there a way to ''fix'' that?

If you would just like to use the default WASAPI output, then that is possible. Here's a WASAPI plugin update that adds a "Default" option, which won't be affected by device list reshuffles...

So, if the file wasn't there, and I told XMPlay to remove the entry and delete the file, maybe it should have just removed the entry.

Here's an update that should do that...

Jimmy Neutron

  • Posts: 476
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #107 on: 31 Jan '14 - 19:21 »
Thanks Ian.  Now if it could just read my mind...


  • Posts: 2
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #108 on: 1 Feb '14 - 05:13 »
Is there a way to smooth the reductions in the dynamic Auto-amp? I have a song with an intro that is initially quiet, but has a very long crescendo into the main part of the track. At about 30 seconds in, it would appear that the part where the crescendo picks up is sent through the DSP, as the perceived volume sharply drops at that point. Normally this wouldn't be a problem (this is the kind of thing dynamic Auto-amp is for - letting me hear my music nicely without blowing my ears out at the loud parts), but in this case the volume drops so fast that it sounds like someone muffled the speakers. Looking at the Amplification slider live while the song plays I can see that in the first part of the song it gets to around +12 dB (I actually saw +14.0 dB at one point when I was testing this), and it will drop a decibel or two at a time as the song gets louder. However, at the 30 second mark it drops about 5 dB instantly (always from +3.7 dB to -1.9 dB). This effect is noticeably odd.

Is there any way to fix this? Preferably a method of smoothing the reduction could be used to make sure that there are no huge instant drops in volume, but I'm not exactly sure where in the amplification code this should be handled. If you want I can upload the file that it happens in. In case it matters I have Auto-amp set to dynamic, equalizer enabled and set to "rock", pre-amp set to 0, and Logarithmic volume enabled. All of the other settings haven't been messed with since the XMPlay 3.6 defaults. Ignore the current position of the Amplification slider in the settings, there was music playing when I took the screen-cap.


  • Posts: 1020
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #109 on: 1 Feb '14 - 14:27 »
Minor cosmethic fix: when in the message windows, right click let you open link to websites.
But there are duplicated entries. It would be nicer if there were no duplicated.


  • Posts: 306
XMPlay - Can't paste URL in Open file(s) dialog
« Reply #110 on: 1 Feb '14 - 14:40 »
I've noticed this problem in the last few incremental updates to XMPlay, though I'm not sure exactly when this might've appeared.

If I initiate the Open file(s) dialog, say with an "o" letter key press, and try to paste a previously copied address in the URL field, the field does not populate. It seems to me this had been an allowed action in the past and that I had done this many times.

I'm currently using XMPlay version


  • Posts: 115
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #111 on: 3 Feb '14 - 09:15 »
Is there a way to ''fix'' that?

If you would just like to use the default WASAPI output, then that is possible. Here's a WASAPI plugin update that adds a "Default" option, which won't be affected by device list reshuffles...

It looks like you have done it just once again. Stunning support!


  • Posts: 2787
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #112 on: 3 Feb '14 - 16:11 »
I've recently found out how FT2 does panning internally, and right now, there seems to be no widespread XM tracker or player out there which gets it right (I'm about to implement this in OpenMPT, though!). The key point here is that FT2 doesn't use a linear pan law like most other trackers, but square root pan law. When computing the volume of the left and right channel, it goes somewhat like this...

Code: [Select]
Generate square root LUT [round(65536*sqrt(n/256)) for n = 0...256], values confirmed to be identical to FT2's

// pan ranges from 0 to 255, meaning that there is no "true 100% right" panning
int volumeL = sampleVolume * lut[256 - pan];
int volumeR = sampleVolume * lutpan];

I've attached a test case where this behaviour can be confirmed. Sample 2 in the test case was created using FT2's WAV writer and shows the expected output.

Naturally, this will change the sound of existing XMs that were not made with FT2. So maybe this should only be enabled if the tracker string reads "FastTracker v2.00" or some OpenMPT version newer than (including) (this is also written in the tracker string).
« Last Edit: 3 Feb '14 - 19:06 by saga »


  • Posts: 5
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #113 on: 4 Feb '14 - 09:30 »
The xmplay with updated plugins almost works good for me. Sometimes i've Forcecloses but i don't know why?. I tryied so many times clean registry, setup xmplay from scratch but after few days listen to my favorite trackers xmplay get FC. I found wierd thing, i mean after every normal close xmplay the library file and playlist get increase. I mean when i listen the music playlist file has ~8MB, after closing player playlist has ~25MB etc. I hadn't this issue in 3.7 version. Can anyone help me?. BTW sorry if my english is bad.


  • Posts: 306
Re: XMPlay - Can't paste URL in Open file(s) dialog
« Reply #114 on: 5 Feb '14 - 02:53 »
I've noticed this problem in the last few incremental updates to XMPlay, though I'm not sure exactly when this might've appeared.

If I initiate the Open file(s) dialog, say with an "o" letter key press, and try to paste a previously copied address in the URL field, the field does not populate. It seems to me this had been an allowed action in the past and that I had done this many times.

I'm currently using XMPlay version
... so I thought this might be happening because my URL history list had reached the limit of 20 items, and maybe XMPlay then wasn't allowing another entry in the list. The number of items in the list was indeed 20. I removed the URLHistory string in xmplay.ini, set NoHistory=1, and then restarted XMPlay. Still, I am not able to open a stream by pasting a value into the URL field.

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26254
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #115 on: 7 Feb '14 - 17:53 »
I've noticed this problem in the last few incremental updates to XMPlay, though I'm not sure exactly when this might've appeared.

If I initiate the Open file(s) dialog, say with an "o" letter key press, and try to paste a previously copied address in the URL field, the field does not populate. It seems to me this had been an allowed action in the past and that I had done this many times.

I'm currently using XMPlay version

That's strange. Pasting text into the file selector's "URL" box seems to be working fine here, ie. the text appears in the box and the URL can then be opened. If you're seeing no text, then perhaps the text has a newline at the front? You could try pasting into a text editor (eg. Notepad) to confirm what text the clipboard contains. Also, if you right-click in the "URL" box, is the "Paste" menu option enabled?

The xmplay with updated plugins almost works good for me. Sometimes i've Forcecloses but i don't know why?.

Does it happen when playing (or adding to the list) a particular file or file format? To narrow down what's causing the problem, please try removing all plugins (leaving just XMPLAY.EXE) and see if the problem still happens then. If that stops the problem, you could then try reintroducing the plugins until you find the one that is causing the problem.

I found wierd thing, i mean after every normal close xmplay the library file and playlist get increase. I mean when i listen the music playlist file has ~8MB, after closing player playlist has ~25MB etc.

Are you referring to the XMPLAY.LIBRARY or XMPLAY.PLS file? 8MB seems a lot for an XMPLAY.PLS file, but if it is that, then does the number of playlist entries increase too or only the file's size? Anyway, please upload the expanding file to check here...


  • Posts: 306
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #116 on: 7 Feb '14 - 22:59 »
I've noticed this problem in the last few incremental updates to XMPlay, though I'm not sure exactly when this might've appeared.

If I initiate the Open file(s) dialog, say with an "o" letter key press, and try to paste a previously copied address in the URL field, the field does not populate. It seems to me this had been an allowed action in the past and that I had done this many times.

I'm currently using XMPlay version

That's strange. Pasting text into the file selector's "URL" box seems to be working fine here, ie. the text appears in the box and the URL can then be opened. If you're seeing no text, then perhaps the text has a newline at the front? You could try pasting into a text editor (eg. Notepad) to confirm what text the clipboard contains. Also, if you right-click in the "URL" box, is the "Paste" menu option enabled?

I am pasting text into Notepad first, then copying and trying to paste in the URL field. Yes, the Paste menu option is enabled (dark text) when right-clicking. But still no text appears in the URL field when I try to paste!

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26254
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #117 on: 11 Feb '14 - 13:31 »
That's strange. I'm not sure why that would be happening. Does it happen if you right-click on a link in your browser and select "Copy Link Location" (or equivalent) and then try to paste that into the URL box? What about if you just highlight and copy a word, and try to paste that? Also, what Windows version are you using?

Does the problem also happen with the 3.8 release version, or with 3.7? (available from the support site)


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Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #118 on: 11 Feb '14 - 20:54 »
Got this with when trying "Write to disk > Encoder - FLAC"

flac.exe 1.3 from
I don't change default settings for encoding
Code: [Select]
flac -T TITLE=%1 -T ARTIST=%2 -T ALBUM=%3 -T DATE=%4 -T TRACKNUMBER=%5 -T GENRE=%6 -T COMMENT=%7 -o %o -Other encoders work fine
What's going wrong?
Also, can't encode in any way, not lame, not oggenc, not just wav


  • Posts: 2878
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #119 on: 12 Feb '14 - 06:39 »
Error code 1 is rather generic, unfortunately. Does the path you're writing to exist?

Also, can't encode in any way, not lame, not oggenc, not just wav
I can confirm this. was fine, but never start feeding the data to the encoder.

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26254
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #120 on: 12 Feb '14 - 16:56 »
Minor cosmethic fix: when in the message windows, right click let you open link to websites.
But there are duplicated entries. It would be nicer if there were no duplicated.

Here's an update that should eliminate duplicate URLs...

Got this with when trying "Write to disk > Encoder - FLAC"

Do you happen to have XMPlay's output resolution set to 32 bit? If so, try changing that to 24 bit or lower, as the FLAC encoder doesn't support 32 bit.

Also, can't encode in any way, not lame, not oggenc, not just wav

There was indeed an encoding problem introduced in the update. It should be working again in the update above.


  • Posts: 306
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #121 on: 13 Feb '14 - 06:07 »
That's strange. I'm not sure why that would be happening. Does it happen if you right-click on a link in your browser and select "Copy Link Location" (or equivalent) and then try to paste that into the URL box? What about if you just highlight and copy a word, and try to paste that? Also, what Windows version are you using?

Does the problem also happen with the 3.8 release version, or with 3.7? (available from the support site)

Strange indeed. After doing some malware scans and registry cleaning, the paste option is now working ("fixes" applied to version However I see that the URL dropdown just records history of what was pasted there. Is that the expected functioning? Or should it also list URLs opened from web links or from URLs in the library?

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26254
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #122 on: 13 Feb '14 - 16:25 »
Good to hear that URL pasting is working again. To answer your question, the URL box's drop-down list does indeed only contain URLs that have previously been entered into the URL box, and not any URLs that have been opened in other ways.


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Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #123 on: 13 Feb '14 - 23:56 »
Hello Ian
Yes, it was 32, changed to 24 bit and everything good  ;D
And 3.8.10 work fine
Thank you very much!


  • Posts: 306
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #124 on: 14 Feb '14 - 00:13 »
Good to hear that URL pasting is working again. To answer your question, the URL box's drop-down list does indeed only contain URLs that have previously been entered into the URL box, and not any URLs that have been opened in other ways.

Thanks, Ian! I don't know how much in demand this feature would be, but some users might like the idea of XMPlay keeping history for URLs opened in other ways, too. I might post a suggestion in the 3.9 features request topic and see how it flies. For now though I'm happy that this functionality is working!