Now there is no problem with downmixing.
But when converted to wav using "Write to disk", resulting wav file still has channel mask FL,FR,FC,LFE,BL,BR,BC, not FL,FR,FC,LFE,BC,SL,SR.
Now i understood: original problem was not channel mask itself, but actual channels order in signal not corresponding to channel mask. Actual channels order in decoded signal was correct for 7-channel FLAC (FL,FR,FC,LFE,BC,SL,SR), but output channel mask was FL,FR,FC,LFE,BL,BR,BC. Now you have changed cahnnels order to correspond to channel mask. But to be 100% correct, it was needed to change channel mask, not channel oder. Because FLAC specification clearly prescribes to use side channels for 7-channel signal, not back.
BTW, reference FLAC 1.4.0 was released recently.