That's strange. It doesn't do that here (on an Audigy2). Is there some special way of loading the soundfont to make that happen? I used the Soundfont Bank Manager v1.00.21.
I'm not sure about the Audigy (or SB Live!) line of cards. On my AWE32s I use the AWE32 Control Panel (the AWE64 uses the same control panel). Maybe it's how the EMU8000 handles the soundfonts. I'm not sure of what the specific chip is used in the Audigy or Sb Live cards, (I think it's an EMU800(#), a newer version of the EMU8000, maybe something like EMU8004?).
I uploaded an example pic to the FTP (awe32_control_panel.gif / awe32_control_panel.txt). This is the standard AWE32/AWE64 Control Panel applet that ships with all of the AWE cards. In addition to using it to load in SBKs and SF2s, it also allows you to select/control which AWE device device to use (in the case of multiple AWE cards in a single PC), as well as displaying the amount of total and free onboard RAM on the card (in the case of these pics, 8MB/8192KB(*) of total onboard RAM).
Pic 1 of the collage: Where you load in the main base soundfont (which is always bank #0).
Pic 2 of the collage: Where you load in soundfonts to the various user banks (in this case, bank #1).
Anyhow, when loading in the base 8MBGM.SF2 soundont (in bank #0 - it's always bank #0 - located on the "Synth" tab) and the POWER.SF2 in user bank #1 (located on the "User" tab), the toms/snare/kick drums come from the POWER.SF2, while the rest of the GM Power kit (patch #16, MIDI channel 10) come from the base 8MBGM.SF2 soundfont.
The following is just an FYI: On the 'WaveFx" tab is a pretty cool feature of the AWE Control Panel which has the ability to load in any single patch number from a soundfont (as well as any standard WAV file - see below(**)), and then assign it to any specific instrument/patch number.
Pic 3 of the collage: Selected instrument/patch number 0, and opened the soundfont file 1MGM.SF2.
Pic 4 of the collage: After clicking the "Apply" button, this window pops up. You then select which of the instruments/patches that you wish to use.
Pic 5 of the collage: After clicking on "000 006 Harpsichord" in pic 4, the AWE Control Panel loads this instrument/patch (originally patch #6 in the 1MBGM.SF2 soundfont file) into instrument/patch slot number 0 (that I had selected in pic 3).
The result is that the harpsichord (previously loaded from the 1MGM.SF2 soundfont) will now be used/played when any MIDI file plays GM patch #0 (Piano 1) -:)
(**) Hehe the usage of regular WAV files with this feature can be pretty fun as you can load in any WAV file "on the fly" for any GM instrument/patch number, and use it for MIDI playback... lot's of fun with burps or other such obsure rude noises <LOL>!
(*) P.S. (To anyone asking/saying "What a minute! I thought you previously said that you had a bunch of AWEs with 32MB RAM?! LIAR!" <LOL>) That AWE32 isn't in my "main" MIDI machine, hence only the 8MB of onboard RAM <G>. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd have fired up my MIDI machine and took pics of the installed AWE CPs in it... six AWE32 cards each with 32MB onboard RAM, running installed in a 486-DX100 under Windows 3.11 WFWG <LOL>!