Okay I sat down for a while and done a test app, see attachment. In order to run it, you need Visual Studio 2019 or later.
What I have now is even weirder:
I can hear the music playing, but ChannelIsActive (mixer) returns that it's stalled when you press "Play".
The relevant code is in the ListBoxRightClickViewModel-project in the file: Main ViewModel.vb and you can display it in normal Text Editor, just in case I made a mistake you might want to take a look at it.
Its not that much of code but let me know when you have any questions... Dont worry about the project Name, I had difficulties opening a project Template, so I chose another project...
PS: You have to add Bass, Bass. Net, bassmix and bassfx to the bin\Debug folder of the App- and ViewModel-project!