I think I might have come across a possible bug guys.
I started playing Last Ninja 3 - Tune 3 from my playlist. After about 20 secs, all of a sudden XMPlay stopped playback and it jumped to the third song down in the playlist queue from there and started playing that one.
This with no user input whatsoever. I didn't touch the PC or even looked at the screen when this happened, as I was messing with the coffee in my hand.
Then, at a later session, the very same thing happened, but this time during LN3 - Tune 8. And again, it jumped three rows down and started playing that playlist entry.
Now that I think about it, this had happened one other time as well, before LN3 - Tunes 3 & 8. I can't remember which SID that was, but it was also a subtune of that SID.
I've tried a few times but I have been unable to reproduce the error manually.