Author Topic: XMPlay plugins and Windows Applications by default  (Read 1785 times)


  • Posts: 1

I have noticed, over the years, that XMPlay plugins do not seem to play nice with Windows 10 "Programs by default" feature. For instance, I have the xmp-aac plugin, and it works superbly. However, Windows still considers Groove Music is the default app for such files, and would not show XMPlay as an alternative, even though it certainly can.

Is there a way to register XMPlay for files its plugin can open?

Same issue with .flac and .ape file formats.
Keep on the nice job!

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26269
Re: XMPlay plugins and Windows Applications by default
« Reply #1 on: 17 Sep '21 - 16:23 »
The old method of changing filetype associations via XMPlay's "Integration" options page doesn't work on Windows 10 because it protects the existing registry entries, but the situation should be improved with XMPlay 3.8.5. If it detects that it was unable to associate itself with a filetype then it will give you the option of opening Windows' "Default apps" settings, so that you can do it there yourself (click on "Choose default application by file type").