Hi Ian, thank u for replying! o)
I think older plugins to edit metadata don't cut it these days, thinking of mass regex operations or mass importing names/tags from clip/textfiles etc. FLAC files will also be a problem with older plugins, so they are not really an option, especially if you're used to MP3Tag e.g. I just tried MP3Tag on a playing file and for some reason it *is* able to set metadata/tags, while Directory Opus (what I also use for editing tags) is not, it gives "file in use" error instead. I will contact the Directoy Opus devs about it, they have been quite cooperative in the past, but..
..a (somewhat) locked file still remains an issue when running "from tags to filename" rename operations or if you want to delete a duplicate from the filesystem, which is currently playing.
You will always have to stop XMPlay to not run into errors, which does not help the workflow.
Thanks for explaining the ReadAHead option, it's very unfortunate it's not doing what I need, arrg! o)
In the meantime I downloaded all the plugins, it's nice that XMPlay just scans its entire folder for plugins, so you can sort them into sub folders to keep track of all the things!
Being able to playback XPK compressed MOD files from back in the days.. awesome! o)