Ok thanks - ideally I would like to access the library itself and make a dynamic playlist from whatever songs the user wants to queue remotely (say all songs from ablum X by artist Y).
I guess I could make a playlist out of all the songs in the library (like
http://www.un4seen.com/forum/?topic=9445.0) and then manipulate that. What functions would I call to get a playlist item based on metadata (artist, album, etc) ? Something from XMPFUNC_FILE or XMPFUNC_MISC maybe ? Nothing in there seems immediately obvious...
The drawback with this approach is that it would require more work my end - I would have to skip between arbitrary items in the playlist in order to aceive my "dynamic" list (If I'm right, XMPlay only has one "in memory" playlist at a time - unlike foobar ?). Another drawback is that a "whole library" playlist doesn't get updated when new songs get added to the library.
So, possible to (just) do what I want maybe but would be a whole lot easier with (read-only) access to the library itself.
Thanks again,