Hello. When i try:
BASS_ChannelSetSync(back_channel, BASS_SYNC_ONETIME, BASS_SYNC_END, finishCallback, 0); //for channel,which created from hsample as stream.
BASS_ChannelPlay(back_channel, FALSE);
static void CALLBACK finishCallback(HSYNC handle, DWORD channel, DWORD data, void* user)
I get crash of my app. If i set callback after playing,i haven't crash,but it seems,what callback not call. If i set callback without playing,i haven't crash too. Also i have other questions about your library:
1. Some file types not supported hsample,such as xm,mod,mo3,it,mtm,umx. Whether it fix now,and if not,why? Because i want simplefy my code,because for this types we use hmusic,and for others - hsample.
2. May be i can get file path from hsample/hchannel,or i should myself save it,during setting of sound/music?