Hi, great library!
Is it possible to set the end position for a reversed BASSFX stream? Works fine for a normal stream, but whenever I try setting BASS_POS_END flag of the reversed stream, I get false returned with "NotAvailable" error message. I thought maybe because it was outside the 2 second buffer, but that seems to have no impact either. Just trying to play 1 second of a long WAV in reverse basically...
sourceHandle = Bass.CreateStream(fileSelected, 0, 0, BassFlags.Decode | BassFlags.Prescan);
playbackHandle = BassFx.ReverseCreate(sourceHandle, 2f, BassFlags.FxFreeSource);
long bytesIn = Bass.ChannelSeconds2Bytes(playbackHandle, 3.0);
Bass.ChannelSetPosition(playbackHandle, bytesIn);
long bytesOut = Bass.ChannelSeconds2Bytes(playbackHandle, 2.0);
bool b = Bass.ChannelSetPosition(playbackHandle, bytesOut , 16);