Author Topic: Comments and suggestions concerning the XMPlay Support site  (Read 371795 times)


  • Posts: 2878
Trend Micro seems to dislike the support site...
What security suite do you have of Trend Micro? Personal or business?

I can't see how this couldn't be a false positive.
Like, for example, the site has been hacked. Or, Philippe was a victim of some malware (or DNS poisoning attack) that made him connect to an IP other than while making him believe he was connecting to the support site..
If his PC was opening a completely different site, his software would have reported that address, because that is what it's blocking. A false positive is most likely.


  • Posts: 82
hostname != IP address.
If his whole computer believes that '' points to <some IP in SovietCraxorzHosting>, it'll still mention that hostname when connecting to latter.
Example method:


  • Posts: 43
Trend Micro seems to dislike the support site...
What security suite do you have of Trend Micro? Personal or business?

Business. At work.
And it happened when I clicked on the link on the XMPLAY main page. No problem from home, but no TrendMicro at home, so...

I do believe it's a false positve. However the only person worth reporting it to TrendMicro would be the site registered owner. Anybody else reporting a false positive is wasting his time.


  • Posts: 2878
Does the message contain a link or an address where feedback can be provided? Is there any way to get more information about what the actual problem is they diagnosed? I can't seem to find anything other than viruses in their online database.


  • Posts: 43
The support site is no longer blocked by TrendMicro. (2010-10-21)


  • Posts: 2878
How's the Support Site rebuild coming along? Does the new backend need some testers? ;)


  • Posts: 723
congratulations on the new support site!

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 915
Thanks amit  ;)

Just letting the better than ever XMPlay community know that XMPlay Support is still looking for at least one more volunteer to contribute to the maintenance and continued enhancement of the site. This is directed at the older forum members but others may be considered.

I'm also looking for someone with some handy artsy skills for a couple of basic promotional use images (Promote); meaning the odd wallpaper and such, and also something else in the works which needs a better graphical flair than what I have myself.

Message me if you have any questions or are interesting in either.
« Last Edit: 25 Jan '11 - 06:58 by Keltic Danor »


  • Posts: 216
Cool site, but the font color is too light on the white background.


  • Guest
Cool site, but the font color is too light on the white background.


@Everyone: Well, the Support site looks cooler-a-lot now!! Great work!

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 915
Cool site, but the font color is too light on the white background.
I've made it a little darker, let me know if I need to go a bit more.

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 915
Well guys with G-Force and Whitecap being added along side the ultra rare Arvi's Waveform (With source!) and the brand new xmp-coverart we now have 106 107 111! sonique visuals collected. Not just the largest collection of them in the world by far, but likely the only real collection left as well.

I doubt any more old visuals will be found as Sonique's presence around the web is rapidly declining, any visuals which I may have missed have long since been deleted. Even the current G-Force and Whitecaps I uploaded were from a backup of the Support Site in 2004(!).

On the brightside that just means its all new ones from here on in right? ;D

P.s. I've uploaded G-Force and Whitecap even though they don't currently work in 3.6, they do work in various other versions of XMPlay so its probably something fiddly. Stay up to date with your stuff versions and I imagine it'll work itself out soon enough. Works in the latest stuff version, be sure to update before trying.
« Last Edit: 1 Feb '11 - 13:33 by Keltic Danor »


  • Posts: 2878
You listed G-Force as version 4.7.1, but it's actually 2.7.1.. The most recent (and shareware) version of G-Force is 4.1.3, and it should work with xmp-wavis. Soundspectrum used to make an .svp version as well, but XMPlay is no longer listed as a compatible player, so I guess they stopped doing that.

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 915
You listed G-Force as version 4.7.1, but it's actually 2.7.1.. The most recent (and shareware) version of G-Force is 4.1.3, and it should work with xmp-wavis. Soundspectrum used to make an .svp version as well, but XMPlay is no longer listed as a compatible player, so I guess they stopped doing that.
Ah typo :)

And yes these are around the last svp versions of both plugins that were released, might be a couple behind but not too bad. I have tried xmp-wavis out as I had planned to add it to the site as well but I'm having some heavy stability problems so far.

Chinese Sausage

  • Posts: 424
P.s. I've uploaded G-Force and Whitecap even though they don't currently work in 3.6, they do work in various other versions of XMPlay so its probably something fiddly. Stay up to date with your stuff versions and I imagine it'll work itself out soon enough.

G-Force v2.2 works well in XMPlay 3.6 and in recent stuff versions. :)

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 915
G-Force v2.2 works well in XMPlay 3.6 and in recent stuff versions. :)

Think in the latest stuff version Ian has it fixed for the 4.7/2.7.1 of the two visuals, just making sure it doesn't break something else. :) Found 4 more sneaky visuals too... possibly more if I can figure them out.

Can anyone get to Fraggie's site? or is it down at the moment? All better. :)
« Last Edit: 1 Feb '11 - 13:31 by Keltic Danor »

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 915
Also wondering do the following plugins serve any purpose anymore now there are native plugins for the same purpose:

WinampAC3 0.60b
- replaced by native AC3 (Audio Coding Revision 3)

Nullsoft MIDI
- replaced by native MIDI (revision 10)

Tara 1.0.3b
- replaced by native Real Audio (beta 10)

TFMX Modules
- replaced by native Delix (beta 8c)

WinAHX 1.0
- replaced by native AHX/HVL (rev 16)

FAAD (AAC Decoder) 2.1 Beta
- replaced by native AAC/MP4

All of these plugins will be being removed from the support site in a few days otherwise.

Already gone from the new site.


The following I am unsure are still required for certain formats, if anyone can confirm they are also no longer required that would be much appreciated.

Waveform Decoder
+ .aif, .aifc, .aiff, .au, .aud, .iff, .snd, .svx, .voc, .vox

Modplug Sound System
+ .stm

Oldsk00l MOD Player 0.89 (Replaced by Delix??)
+ .dbm, .ok, .okt

+ .669, .stm, .ult

Leaving these two due to various reasons besides format support.

If there are also ones not listed here that I should add to the list to remove please let me know, especially the tag editing plugins *looks at them puzzled* are they still all required?
« Last Edit: 1 Feb '11 - 13:32 by Keltic Danor »

Chinese Sausage

  • Posts: 424
Even though there are much better dedicated tag editing programs, the tag editing plugins are still needed for a quick file edit IMHO, otherwise they cannot be really edited inside XMPlay. There is probably less use of plugins like WinampAC3, Nullsoft MIDI, Tara and FAAD (AAC Decoder) 2.1 Beta, which are contained and better supported natively by XMPlay.


  • Posts: 216
WinampAC3 has many more useful features than the native plugin.

I don't like the huge header bar at the top of the site.  Waste of space.


  • Guest
A quick suggestion:
When the random toggle is activated, if this worked when I pressed next track, rather than waiting until the song ended, that would be great. As it is right now, pressing next track just goes to the next track. It should activate the next randomly choosen track.


  • Posts: 2878
Colin, this thread is for comments on the Support Site, not for comments on XMPlay itself.

When the random toggle is activated, if this worked when I pressed next track, rather than waiting until the song ended, that would be great. As it is right now, pressing next track just goes to the next track. It should activate the next randomly choosen track.
Go to Options and stuff > Playlist and tick '...apply to play/next/previous controls'. Better?


  • Posts: 82
A quick suggestion:
When the random toggle is activated, if this worked when I pressed next track, rather than waiting until the song ended, that would be great. As it is right now, pressing next track just goes to the next track. It should activate the next randomly choosen track.
You know that you can rightclick on Play button to immediately jump to random track, right?


  • Posts: 1401
This thread is for suggestion concerning the Support site (as the title says) - suggestions for the player itself should be posted here.

If you encounter any bugs, or something doesn't work as it should, you can post about it here.

Thanks :).


  • Posts: 115
I may be incorrect but I believe that the XMPlay download on the support site is not the very latest. What I mean is that Ian releases these little fixes which are then put in a thread as a solution to someones question/problem. It would be nice to see these very latest builds on the support site as well.

Sorry if this has been mentioned before or if I am plain wrong about it. 


  • Posts: 2744
These "stuff" releases are not stable releases. It has happened often enough that there was a severe bug in one of them. I wouldn't want to see unstable versions on the support site, and constantly testing every single version if it is buggy or not would most likely be too much work for most of the site maintainers.