Author Topic: help with theme components  (Read 2040 times)


  • Posts: 3
help with theme components
« on: 26 Jul '23 - 07:07 »
i've made a skin i love but frankly i am not grasping the method to skin the playlist window and whatnot. I can only get the main player correct. Can anyone work directly with me somehow to figure it out or even to design it with the graphics i provide? I really want this to be finished. I think it offers a beautiful, simple interface that works really well...

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26254
Re: help with theme components
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jul '23 - 16:20 »
That looks like a mask issue (in the mask_info_list file). Please post the skin source files to confirm what exactly.

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Re: help with theme components
« Reply #2 on: 1 Sep '23 - 16:35 »
i've made a skin i love but frankly i am not grasping the method to skin the playlist window and whatnot. I can only get the main player correct. Can anyone work directly with me somehow to figure it out or even to design it with the graphics i provide? I really want this to be finished. I think it offers a beautiful, simple interface that works really well...

Hey mate,

I sent you a message about this one a while back but you might have missed it.  :) I've resent the edited version of your skin to you in a message.
From reading my last message the tweaks and notes I sent over were...

  • mask_info.bmp & mask_info_list.bmp structure work from the three lines.
    The top one defines the height of the top part of the window, meaning a 20px tall line in mask_info.bmp will show 20px of the info_head.png, after that 20px the scroller and the info_left.bmp and info_right.bmp images are used.
    The bottom one defines the height of the top part of the window, meaning a 20px tall line in mask_info.bmp will show 20px of the info_head.png, after that 20px the scroller and the info_left.bmp and info_right.bmp images are used.
    The small middle line located on the left defines where the left right panels are insert, position of this doesn't matter much, just make sure it is in the middle somewhere.
    I've edited your mask and fixed it a bit as an example.
  • The output or list panels will only be hidden if you have a button mask in use to show them.
    I have edited your main mask and added the mask into the options button spot, so the playlist panel is hidden by default.

  • info_head.png, info_head_list.png, mask_info.bmp & mask_info_list.bmp should have the same dimensions.
  • panel_main.png & mask_main.bmp should have the same dimensions.
  • panel_mini.png & mask_mini.bmp should have the same dimensions.
  • panel_list.png & mask_list.bmp should have the same dimensions.
    I've edited your mask and fixed it a bit as an example.
  • panel_output.png & mask_output.bmp should have the same dimensions.

If you have any specific questions I'd be happy to help out.