Author Topic: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)  (Read 799791 times)


  • Posts: 43
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #50 on: 10 Apr '06 - 02:06 »
What are you trying to achieve Raina?

Hmm, what I was trying to achieve was playing the radio stations with XMPlay, not with the official player. The two players thing sounds/feels/is messy and I was under the impression the proxy thing would suffice. I also tried the external player setting in the Player and it made XMPlay try and connect to http://localhost:1881/ but with or without the LastFMProxy running, the Service stayed Unavailable.

Well... It does work for me that way.
I do agree that using the LastFM player to stream the feed to XMPlay is/feels awkward/messy, but I can't figure if there is another way.
And no, I do NOT want to use the LastFMProxy / Python combination.

Sorry I can't offer more insight


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #51 on: 10 Apr '06 - 07:42 »
And no, I do NOT want to use the LastFMProxy / Python combination.

It doesn't seem like a messy combination to me. The Python environment just allows me to run any scripts in Python language (LastFMProxy just happens to be my first one) and getting the stream from a local web page is a much more preferable to me than from another player with its own set of controls and whatnot.

One of the problems I encoutered was that after configuring Firefox, the lastfm:// links always wanted to open in the Player. I don't specifically remember what I typed in as the value for the new string entry in Firefox's advanced config but I guess it had to have been the with its full path since I was following the instructions. Doesn't make sense though.

Since lingenfr has it working in a way that sounds like what I'm trying to achieve, I'm not giving up just yet. I'll give it another go soon. There's a lesson for all to be learned from my experience: Don't try this at home.. I mean if you're in a middle of moving to another place and can't fully devote yourself to reading every bit of info and configuring the setup by the book. :)


  • Posts: 59
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #52 on: 10 Apr '06 - 12:11 »
raina, regardless of the settings I changed in about:config, the links would not work. When I went into the registry and replaced the entry for lastfmplayer with xmplayer, then it worked. The documents are available on lastfm's website. There is a document for ff and one for windows. The instructions that worked for me are in the windows document.


  • Posts: 989
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #53 on: 21 Apr '06 - 03:10 »
Just a little sidenote: I added xmp-scrobbler 0.2 to the support site, with the note that it's experimental.


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #54 on: 21 Apr '06 - 09:12 »
Just a little sidenote: I added xmp-scrobbler 0.2 to the support site, with the note that it's experimental.

Nice, thank you. I'm very busy at work lately, but I'll try to find some time this weekend to work on xmp-scrobbler.


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Bug Report
« Reply #55 on: 22 Apr '06 - 21:02 »
I have a bug to report with the plugin, apparently related to the length of the song title and/or artist.

Since I installed the plugin, XMPlay crashes exactly 4 minutes into a certain song, i.e. exactly when xmp-scrobbler tries to submit. This is what xmp-scrobbler.txt says:

2006-04-22 21:43:09   DSP_NewTrack (OPEN)
2006-04-22 21:43:09   Next submission in 240 seconds...
2006-04-22 21:43:46   Handshaking: Client up to date.
2006-04-22 21:43:46   Submit interval set to 1 second(s).
2006-04-22 21:43:46   Handshake successful.
2006-04-22 21:47:08   XMP_GetChannelData (id = 301994115, ch = info1, hconv = 335551875, hdata = 369104643, hszService = 49153, hszTopic = 49155)
2006-04-22 21:47:14   DSP_New()

I assume the DSP_New() happens after I restarted XMPlay.

I'm guessing it's related to the length of the song info received from XMPlay, because the song in question is called (and tagged as) "The Seven Seals are Revealed at the End of Time as Seven Bows:  The BloodBow, The PissBow, The PainBow, The FamineBow, The DeathBow, The AngerBow, The HoHoHoBow".  ;)

Could you check if this is fixable? I know it's an extreme example when it comes to the length of song titles, but the extremes are always something to consider..


  • Posts: 59
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #56 on: 22 Apr '06 - 22:14 »
I didn't realize it was experimental. I suppose I will hang a test tube off my monitor. It works just fine and does what it is supposed to do. However, it appears from my dirty corner of the web that the server has been down all day as I have been unable to connect. Hopefully that cache can hold alot as I have been jamming all day. Go Josh Wink and others.


  • Posts: 215
Re: Bug Report
« Reply #57 on: 23 Apr '06 - 00:58 »
I have a bug to report with the plugin, apparently related to the length of the song title and/or artist.

Since I installed the plugin, XMPlay crashes exactly 4 minutes into a certain song, i.e. exactly when xmp-scrobbler tries to submit. (...)

Yeah, it was a small but nasty bug, please download an updated version and it all should be OK now. Thank you for your report.

I didn't realize it was experimental. I suppose I will hang a test tube off my monitor. It works just fine and does what it is supposed to do. However, it appears from my dirty corner of the web that the server has been down all day as I have been unable to connect. Hopefully that cache can hold alot as I have been jamming all day. Go Josh Wink and others.

It is "experimental" because there are couple of things I would like to improve before calling it an "official" release. Well, I have to say that cache handling is one of these things so please don't be mad if it'll turn out that xmp-scrobbler failed to cache your all-day playing ::) There also was a request for proxy support - this will be added too.


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #58 on: 24 Apr '06 - 12:16 »
Shouldn't xmp-scrobbler be listening to what XMPlay tells it is playing, not scanning the file? I read earlier that's what it does but it isn't submitting SID files although they're plentifully tagged. The reason seems to be the track being too short. Now, if it was listening to XMPlay, it would tell the duration according to the SLDB (song lenght database) or if there's no entry, 3:30 which I've set the default. Also, no module files are sent although I've tagged some in the xmp library. Also, Ogg Vorbis files seem to be randomly ignored, unless "Artist/Title missing" actually means "Artist/Title/Track/Album missing". I'm sorry if I appear rude but I'm frustrated with not being able to solve these problems myself.

EDIT: Ok, submitting Ogg Vorbis seems to depend (in addition to Artist/Title tags + duration) on the Album tag.
« Last Edit: 24 Apr '06 - 12:36 by raina »


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #59 on: 24 Apr '06 - 20:08 »
Shouldn't xmp-scrobbler be listening to what XMPlay tells it is playing, not scanning the file? I read earlier that's what it does but it isn't submitting SID files although they're plentifully tagged. The reason seems to be the track being too short. Now, if it was listening to XMPlay, it would tell the duration according to the SLDB (song lenght database) or if there's no entry, 3:30 which I've set the default.

Hmm... I'm not sure I understand. Xmp-scrobbler doesn't scan any files - it gets all data from XMPlay and then it searches for Artist, Title and Album tags in "Message" string (that's the string XMPlay displays if you press F2). If it doesn't find either of those three - track is considered "badly tagged". About "track too short" message in logs - hmm... could you send me this file you have problems with? Xmp-scrobbler gets song length from XMPlay too so I'm not sure why it's not working...

Also, no module files are sent although I've tagged some in the xmp library. Also, Ogg Vorbis files seem to be randomly ignored, unless "Artist/Title missing" actually means "Artist/Title/Track/Album missing". I'm sorry if I appear rude but I'm frustrated with not being able to solve these problems myself.

EDIT: Ok, submitting Ogg Vorbis seems to depend (in addition to Artist/Title tags + duration) on the Album tag.

Yes, these problems are most likely caused by Album tag - xmp-scrobbler requires it, but I don't think that modules actually have one... or maybe I'm wrong? I'll have to check it, nevermind though. However, if I remember correctly, Winamp plugin submits tracks regardless of Album tag setting (it only requires Artist and Title) so I think I can do this too in xmp-scrobbler. What do you think?
« Last Edit: 24 Apr '06 - 20:10 by yagood »


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #60 on: 24 Apr '06 - 22:36 »
Oh now I understand why it is so picky. Barely half the music I listen to displays anything in the message window. And library tags don't seem to end up there either. So maybe xmp-scrobbler should look into other places too or Ian should make library tags appear in the message string. Don't know which way would be easier.

The "track too short" error happens due to absent duration info, like with streamed radio stations etc. A SID file doesn't carry that data nor can it be calculated because the file is merely C64 program code wrapped in a container that the xmp-sid plugin hands to the emulator engine which in turn emulates a C64 and executes the code thus producing sound. If no more steps are taken, the program data is executed until it's manually stopped. Usually this means a SID song plays forever and here infinity is actually being interpreted as null and that's why the track is considered too short. Now xmp-sid does a bang-up job serving as a bridge between xmplay and the emulator engine and a frontend and one of it's features is the support for SLDB which is basically a database of actual lengths of SID songs to the point where they loop and start repeating themselves. When a SID song is loaded, its duration is looked up from the DB and applied but this info isn't transmitted to xmp-scrobbler which will continue to think the song is "-" in length and too short. For testing, grab xmp-sid from and any SID file from .


  • Posts: 1242
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #61 on: 25 Apr '06 - 01:47 »
And library tags don't seem to end up there either. So maybe xmp-scrobbler should look into other places too or Ian should make library tags appear in the message string. Don't know which way would be easier.

I have been wanting this feature for a while. IMHO, Ian should include an option (default "off") to have library tags supersede plugin tags, when available.


  • Posts: 1247
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #62 on: 25 Apr '06 - 05:09 »
Pardon if I'm wrong but isn't that what Show overridden tags in message window does? I don't use the library or tags at all, so I haven't used it, but the name of the option suggests that's exactly what it should do.


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #63 on: 25 Apr '06 - 08:10 »
Oh now I understand why it is so picky. Barely half the music I listen to displays anything in the message window. And library tags don't seem to end up there either. So maybe xmp-scrobbler should look into other places too or Ian should make library tags appear in the message string. Don't know which way would be easier.

Actually, from plugin level, I don't think I can look into "other places" - I have to stick to what XMPlay makes accessible and that is text from Message window (couple more things too of course, but we're talking about tags data here). Fortunately, there is an option (mentioned by Tsorovan) for showing overridden tags in Message window - technically it adds another section to the text - "Library tags" so I'll have to adjust xmp-scrobbler to search for this section first - if it's present, grab tags from there, if not - search as usual.

About SIDs - I'll test it, but I can't do much if XMPlay can't send proper length of the track. I'll try to do some testing with SLDB too - currently xmp-scrobbler grabs length at the very beginning so maybe it doesn't work because looking up in the database needs some time and length isn't accessible at first but after few seconds it's there, so hopefully I can delay length checking and mystery solved.


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #64 on: 25 Apr '06 - 11:29 »
Pardon if I'm wrong but isn't that what Show overridden tags in message window does? I don't use the library or tags at all, so I haven't used it, but the name of the option suggests that's exactly what it should do.
You are absolutely right. Hadn't noticed that because like you, I don't use the library. Until now, that is. And it works, too! Just have to fill in "Worst of Horst" or something as the Album and modules do get submitted for now.

@Yagood, I seriously don't think the Album tag should be required. Very few modules belong to music disks for example and there's a ton of stream files too without the Album tag, output by online communities.

Delaying the duration checking sounds good and makes sense. Hopefully that will solve it and we don't have to bother Ian at all.


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Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #65 on: 25 Apr '06 - 14:19 »
two suggestions :)

first - it simply crashes after some time. luckily it managed to send info about my mp3 once ;) hope that solution is only a matter of time ;)

second - original audioscrobbbler plugin allows user to include or exclude particular directories thus the shit which is listened to e.g. by my sister won't count :D


  • Posts: 59
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #66 on: 25 Apr '06 - 14:27 »
The "track too short" error happens due to absent duration info, like with streamed radio stations etc.

This is about my only issue also. I have listened to a number of Internet radio/streaming sites and get this error. N5md's is one example. I wonder if you couldn't just put in some default value when the app is unable to determine a length. Would that make anyone mad? I would think that it would be in the interest of folks like n5md since they are streaming the music in an effort to showcase their artists. I would think that the exposure on would do them good.


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #67 on: 25 Apr '06 - 14:46 »
two suggestions :)

first - it simply crashes after some time. luckily it managed to send info about my mp3 once ;) hope that solution is only a matter of time ;)

I know about these crashes, but unfortunately I haven't found a simple solution yet. However, if xmp-scrobbler crashes for you on some specific songs etc. - can you paste contents of your xmp-scrobbler.txt file into this forum? Maybe it will help.

second - original audioscrobbbler plugin allows user to include or exclude particular directories thus the shit which is listened to e.g. by my sister won't count :D

Yes, it's quite handy feature. It's on my "to do" list.

The "track too short" error happens due to absent duration info, like with streamed radio stations etc.

This is about my only issue also. I have listened to a number of Internet radio/streaming sites and get this error. N5md's is one example. I wonder if you couldn't just put in some default value when the app is unable to determine a length. Would that make anyone mad? I would think that it would be in the interest of folks like n5md since they are streaming the music in an effort to showcase their artists. I would think that the exposure on would do them good.

Hmm... I can set default value (let's say 3 minutes) if length data is not available, but I wonder how this would work... Does XMPlay update tags data when listening to such radio stations (I mean when station plays new song)? If yes, probably I should periodically check for tag changes or something... it gets more complicated. I'll have to test it more with streamed radio stations and see how it really works. Thanks for the idea though.

I just want to say that you can see a lot of "I'll have to" or "to do list" in my posts lately, but I really do want to develop more features in xmp-scrobbler, so please be patient and keep reporting your ideas or bug descriptions. Thanks.


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #68 on: 25 Apr '06 - 15:01 »
Well, I'm not expecting radio streams to be supported at this point. I just mentioned them as a comparison to executable music. Both have seemingly endless duration but plugins are able to set duration for the latter.


  • Posts: 59
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #69 on: 25 Apr '06 - 15:16 »
Hmm... I can set default value (let's say 3 minutes) if length data is not available, but I wonder how this would work... Does XMPlay update tags data when listening to such radio stations (I mean when station plays new song)? If yes, probably I should periodically check for tag changes or something... it gets more complicated. I'll have to test it more with streamed radio stations and see how it really works. Thanks for the idea though.

So far the radio/streaming stations that I listen do at least update artist and track title. I will pay more attention for awhile to see if they are updating anything else.

If you did nothing else with this plug-in, it meets my needs. Good show. I am sure that as long as you are receptive and want to continue improving it, there will be plenty of folks with great ideas.


  • Posts: 59
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #70 on: 25 Apr '06 - 18:35 »
Bah, just when you thought it was safe to go out... I went to the site and they are not reporting an outage. I believe they are doing some upgrades over the next few weeks. Anyway, the plug-in is not submitting and here is the error I am getting:

2006-04-25 13:24:36   Submission failed: Plugin bug: Not all request variables are set
2006-04-25 13:24:36   Submit interval set to 1 second(s).
2006-04-25 13:27:09   DSP_NewTrack (CLOSE)
2006-04-25 13:27:09   DSP_NewTrack (OPEN)
2006-04-25 13:27:09   Next submission in 218 seconds...
2006-04-25 13:30:46   XMP_GetChannelData (id = 469767301, ch = info1, hconv = 503326085, hdata = 536879877, hszService = 49153, hszTopic = 49155)
2006-04-25 13:30:46   Submitting track: Reef - ROBOT RIFF (Glow)...
2006-04-25 13:30:46   Submitting cache...
2006-04-25 13:30:46   ...
2006-04-25 13:30:46   The server reported a processing error.
2006-04-25 13:30:46   HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

This repeats with each track.


  • Posts: 215
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #71 on: 25 Apr '06 - 18:43 »
It's a cache bug. Delete your xmp-scrobbler.cache file, sorry for the inconvenience :-\
« Last Edit: 25 Apr '06 - 18:45 by yagood »


  • Posts: 25
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #72 on: 26 Apr '06 - 16:44 »
hey not bad man i like it and the pluse side is it dosnt use any memmory [havent notice the nummbers change]
and so far i have had no crash's and or bugs accore! my list is felling up now :) ty for nice little plugin hope it gets better later on :)


  • Posts: 1242
Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #73 on: 30 Apr '06 - 00:44 »
EDIT: Ignore this post. Better yet, it can be deleted.


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Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #74 on: 7 May '06 - 21:40 »
one more to add :) scrobbler tend to claim that track is badly tagged whereas author and title are filled in. in both types of tags. why?