thanks for your answer: I was believing that calling BASS_FX_TempoCreate with BASS_FX_FREESOURCE flag would have caused an immediate free of the original stream decoding channel created using BASS_StreamCreateFile: instead this flag simply tells to the future call to BASS_StreamFree function to free the original decoding channel and also the resampled channel? Have I understood correctly?
Well... think of it the other way around
if this flag would free the source handle, then you would hear silence, you know...
You've understood correctly! BASS_FX_DSPFX_DAMP,
The curious is that the Crash will not come on the same File sometimes it will crash sometimes not...
After the Crash the Sound will hang in a Endless Loop (Playing the Last Buffers in a Endless Loop)
Are you using some other effects as well, Tempo, Reverse or BPM? Because DynamicAMP has nothing to do with
BASS_ChannelGetData(..) function. Please send me the dr. watson's debug file or the full debug info, and if you can please send a file that may reproduce the crash
hope you're fine now!!
getting better
I'm sorry to bother you with the same problem: i have some file sthat play totally silently when using BASS_FX_DSPFX_DAMP with 16 bit buffers.
Here is an exemple:
If you try this file in a 16 bit buffer with the following parameters:
.fTarget = 0.96
.fQuiet = 0.01
.fRate = 0.05
.fGain = 1.0
.fDelay = 0.2
you'll hear only silence....
Note that just changing .fdelay to 0.3 it play fine....
Hope you have some time to check calculations in the DAMP source code...
As I've already said
the file is playing fine here and the file before that. It plays fine with 16 and 32 bits.
I've made a loop that starts the sound from 6% and it raised to what I've choosed and no silence at all
My system is: Intel P4 3.0GHz, RealTek 7.1 (onboard) sound card, DirectX 9.0c, WinXP PRO SP2 with latests sound drivers... which system do you have?
Anyway thank you for your this great fx dll
You're welcome and thank you and all who're using BASS_FX
well,i don't want to use a decoding stream next to my normal stream if it isnt really needed, the old bpmf.dll had an example which i used, unfortunatly,using that causes a slight 'hang' in the system while the BPM is being calculated. Another decoding stream next to my normal stream means more resources (altho it wouldnt be much).Reading the bassfx help file,i come to the conclusion that i can get the bpm from a non decoding stream with 'BASS_FX_BPM_CallbackSet', but i migh be mistaken,the helpfile isnt really as clear as the bass helpfile is
1st of all you don't have to use the decoding channel for detecting the BPM, as you've found out you can use
BASS_FX_BPM_CallbackSet(..) function. The decoding BPM check is good if you want to check the BPM of a file from that exact point to another with almost no time
the other options
Callback will only calculate the BPM from the last choosen seconds, e.g. you want to know a BPM every 10 (or else) seconds (you'll get a BPM after the seconds number you've choosed).
I'll see what kind of improvements can I add to the helpfile
Oh, By The Way:
Bass for VB.NET and C# has been updated to reflect the changes in version of Bass_FX.
Download it here http://www.un4seen.com/bass.html#addons
There're still some errors in APIs there
I'll send you the list of correction to do
Thank you
Have fun!