Author Topic: BASS_CD Raw Data  (Read 22340 times)


  • Posts: 353
BASS_CD Raw Data
« on: 21 May '03 - 15:28 »
I would like to request a feature on the new BASSCD.

In the BASS_ChannelGetData() function, could it return raw data, including cd subcode information? Then the software would rip the whole track instead of just the audio.

The reason for requesting this feature is the karaoke CD+G graphics portion of the disc is what I want to get to.

Thanks Ian!



  • Posts: 353
Re: BASS_CD Raw Data
« Reply #1 on: 21 May '03 - 15:31 »
For your information, how the data is stored on the CD is as follows:

Raw (Audio) Chunk = 2352
CDG (Subcode) Chunk = 96
Tot Chunk = 2448

So when you would pull data, it would be a raw chunk then a cdg chunk. then repeat to the end. the .bin file size would be divisable by 2448. If a portion of the raw data is short, it should be padded.

« Last Edit: 21 May '03 - 15:53 by big_gun »


  • Posts: 353
Re: BASS_CD Raw Data
« Reply #2 on: 5 Jun '03 - 03:49 »
Still stuck, could anyone help with this question?

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_CD Raw Data
« Reply #3 on: 5 Jun '03 - 20:56 »
I'll need an example CD image to have a look at. If you can upload one (with just a single small track please :)), I'll check it out...


  • Posts: 353
Re: BASS_CD Raw Data
« Reply #4 on: 5 Jun '03 - 21:19 »
I've uploaded two files:

karaoke-mp3 plus which is the .MP3 and .cdg of the bin file. the cdg is a portion of the bin. the other portion was encoded to mp3. is the .bin file for this song which contains both the raw pcm data and the cdg subcode data.

If you would like to see how it converts, get mp3+g toolz at hxxp:// which converts from mp3+g to bin and back. you can extract bin files with CDRWin, but you need to have a drive that supports reading subcode information (CD+G).

Dale Pyska

  • Guest
Re: BASS_CD Raw Data
« Reply #5 on: 10 Sep '03 - 09:36 »
I too would be extreamly interested in updated information on BASS ripping CDG Subcode from CDG karaoke disks.  I program in VB and have been looking everywhere for VB code related to CDG processing.  Ripping, playing, etc. I have already written VB code for converting .BIN files to MP3+G files, and for playing same.  I would be very interested in adding a feature for ripping from CDG disk to .BIN file.  I don't believe BASS has the ability to read the CDG subcode from the disk.  Could/would this feature be added?  The previous posts regarding the RAW audio data chunk and the 96 Byte subcode packets are quite correct.  I hope you were able to analize the files he sent you and hopefully add subcode reading ability to BASS.  If anyone else has CDG related VB code or has website links related to this, please email me.  Thanks.