I too would be extreamly interested in updated information on BASS ripping CDG Subcode from CDG karaoke disks. I program in VB and have been looking everywhere for VB code related to CDG processing. Ripping, playing, etc. I have already written VB code for converting .BIN files to MP3+G files, and for playing same. I would be very interested in adding a feature for ripping from CDG disk to .BIN file. I don't believe BASS has the ability to read the CDG subcode from the disk. Could/would this feature be added? The previous posts regarding the RAW audio data chunk and the 96 Byte subcode packets are quite correct. I hope you were able to analize the files he sent you and hopefully add subcode reading ability to BASS. If anyone else has CDG related VB code or has website links related to this, please email me. Thanks.