Hi Ian, I recently got my hands on a new M1 MacBook Air and have been setting it up as a secondary development machine. I ran into an issue regarding the simulator due to the fact that both the laptop and device are using arm64. I get the following linker error "ld: in libbass.a(libbass.a-arm64-master.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file 'libbass.a'". Presumably it's trying to pull the arm64 build from the fat static library rather than the x86_64 since the laptop is now also arm64, however that version is meant for devices and not the simulator (not sure what the difference is but apparently there is one).
The answer is obviously to include an arm64 version for the simulator as well, but that presents the issue of having 2 different arm64 builds in the same fat lib, which is not possible as far as I know. Some quick searching seems to indicate that the only way around this is to have two separate static libs: one for simulator (including x86_64 and arm64) and one for device (including arm7 and arm64), then wrapping them in an XCFramework (Apple's new framework format). This allows for a single "file" (actually a folder but macOS sees it as a file) that works for all devices and architecture types.
I appreciate that there are probably not too many people currently using Apple Silicon Macs, and that testing is still possible by using a device and just skipping the simulator, but I figured I'd bring it to your attention if you weren't already aware.
If you're willing to create builds of all the BASS libraries for arm64 simulator (I currently am using bass, bass_ape, bass_fx, bass_mpc, bassflac, bassmix, bassopus, and basswv in my app...so I guess basically all of them
), I'm happy to take a stab at writing a script to package up the XCFrameworks and share that back once I get it working. Or if you already have done some work on this, I'm happy to beta test anything you have already.
Speaking of beta testing, I'm also looking into making my iOS app available on Mac via Catalyst, and I saw that you mentioned in another thread that you had a test version of the libraries for that a few months ago. I'd love to get my hands on those as well to do some testing as well on both my Intel and M1 Macs if you don't mind sharing them.