come to think of it I think I just now see how he did implement the Visuals and the plugin in one file. But If only I had help converting the Entire to a VB6 type thing to for all VB6 users(I have little knowledge of C++).
But I think this somehow is how you can have Visuals within Plugins themselves.
// vis stuff (all OPTIONAL)
const char *visname; // visualisation name
BOOL (WINAPI *VisOpen)(DWORD colors[3]); // initialize vis
void (WINAPI *VisClose)(); // close vis
void (WINAPI *VisSize)(HDC dc, SIZE *size); // get ideal vis dimensions
BOOL (WINAPI *VisRender)(DWORD *buf, SIZE size, DWORD flags); // render vis
BOOL (WINAPI *VisRenderDC)(HDC dc, SIZE size, DWORD flags); // render vis
void (WINAPI *VisButton)(DWORD x, DWORD y); // mouse click in vis