Author Topic: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs  (Read 366720 times)


  • Posts: 842
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #125 on: 14 Feb '14 - 11:19 »
The streams are kept in the library too, aren't they? Could pop open the search dialog, tell it to search from library too and type in 'http'. A list of all the streams you've ever played! (This is, of course, depending on add-to-library-on-play thingy being enabled.)


  • Posts: 1020
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #126 on: 15 Feb '14 - 11:21 »
Stream related bug. I usually found that this stream - crashes XMPlay ('this program has stopped..." on thos lines) is the main website, and appears to have issues ("database error").
Winamp says "ICY 401 service unavailable" if I try to open that stream.
So maybe something is wrong in how broken/unavail streams are treated?
« Last Edit: 15 Feb '14 - 17:40 by piovrauz »


  • Posts: 842
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #127 on: 15 Feb '14 - 12:59 »
No crash here. Only says "Connecting..." for a short while, then gets double red strike on playlist. Version

Possibly some plugin trying to do things?


  • Posts: 2787
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #128 on: 15 Feb '14 - 13:03 »
Let me guess, it's xmp-ffmpeg. :P


  • Posts: 1020
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #129 on: 15 Feb '14 - 17:40 »
Tch. You guessed right. I totally forgot about having that enabled.
xmp-ffmpeg is having too many issues...
Now, how can one just have it ignore a stream?
I'd like to use it for it's "let's call it splitter", but like this is too buggy.
I'll copy the post to the xmp-ffmpeg thread.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #130 on: 16 Feb '14 - 09:53 »
Let me guess, it's xmp-ffmpeg. :P
Oh no, not again! It's silly this plugin pops up all over the place, just because it support virtually all formats.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #131 on: 16 Feb '14 - 12:01 »
I think the problem is not the wealth of formats supported, but rather the glue code between XMPlay and ffmpeg. I mean, come on, ffmpeg is such a popular library that is used everywhere, especially in the linux world, I highly doubt that it can be crashed that easily with random files.

Jimmy Neutron

  • Posts: 476
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #132 on: 17 Feb '14 - 22:36 »
I think it might have gotten lost in another thread (about random) but I think it would be nice to have "follow track" work in the library.  There are settings for playlist and for extended, but if I want to check the last played and number of times in the library, I'm lost.

And another issue I just stumbled across... if I "Remove and Delete File" that is currently playing, everything stops.  It would seem much smoother to just go to the next track, either consecutive or random.


  • Posts: 842
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #133 on: 17 Feb '14 - 23:02 »
One way to have that is to sort the library by the 'last play' column and always keep it at the top. :)

Or you can Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Down on it manually to jump to currently playing track and highlight it. But I s'pose an automatic follow option wouldn't hurt either.

Jimmy Neutron

  • Posts: 476
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #134 on: 17 Feb '14 - 23:16 »
Good tips, Jace.  Thanks.


  • Posts: 317
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #135 on: 17 Feb '14 - 23:48 »
a query, the ability to perform a squared selection to select several songs on the playlist.

it would be very interesting to have that, dont you think ?

Jimmy Neutron

  • Posts: 476
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #136 on: 18 Feb '14 - 16:28 »
I'm not sure I understand a squared selection.  Do you mean dragging the mouse to highlight/select a rectangular area?

Jimmy Neutron

  • Posts: 476
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #137 on: 25 Feb '14 - 00:21 »
If a particular track is playing, and XMPlay is closed, the song is essentially paused.  When XMPlay is restarted, the song restarts at that point and plays to the end.  In my mind, that means that the track was played once (half before and half after), but the playcount is incremented twice for that track (once before and once after).


  • Posts: 69
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #138 on: 14 Mar '14 - 16:51 »
Here's my old problem with XMPlay and ASIO4All. I hope that the new video will explain everything better.
Ian, there's some pretty annoying bug related to Windows Explorer (on XP/2003 at least). When I'm using asio4all in some cases (like opening files/folders, closing asio4all panel during playback) xmplay may freeze. It has something to do with A4A tray icon & explorer in general because when I kill 'explorer' process & open files with 7Zip File Manager, hang doesn't occur (also doesn't occur with other ASIO, DS etc).
I wouldn't mind for some ini tweak that will disable A4A panel monitoring & dynamic settings change if that can help.
It isn't obvious to me when XMPlay freezes in that video. Can you confirm at what point it happens? Please also confirm what ASIO4ALL version you're using, and whether you're using the latest XMPlay build...
I tried repeatedly drag'n'dropping files/folders into XMPlay's main window area (so the playlist was replaced) while playing via ASIO4ALL, but I couldn't get it to freeze.
Regarding the "ini tweak that will disable A4A panel monitoring" suggestion, do you mean an option to disable the ASIO4ALL tray icon? If so, I don't think that's possible as the icon is displayed by the ASIO4ALL driver (not XMPlay).

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #139 on: 17 Mar '14 - 17:44 »
When the ASIO4ALL panel is closed, it sends a reset message to the XMPlay ASIO plugin, which tells the plugin to reinitialize the ASIO driver at the next available opportunity, so that will explain a little interruption when you close the ASIO4ALL panel; the interruption does seem to be quite long in your case for some reason (I'm not seeing that happen here). Ideally, ASIO4ALL wouldn't send a reset message if no settings have changed, but if you're not going to change any settings, why open the ASIO4ALL panel anyway? :)


  • Posts: 69
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #140 on: 17 Mar '14 - 19:58 »
Usually I don't open panel, on video it's recorded just to show all ways that problem could be reproduced. The real deal with explorer, player hangs pretty often when I'm just replacing playlist dropping files/folder to main window (on video at 0:34). If a4a tray icon is hidden (with taskbar setting 'hide unused icons' which I don't like) or with tools like SD WinHider - all fine. Maybe driver settings lock (video @ 2:34 could do the trick and there won't be need to use 3rd party tools. So can this be done with XMPlay's ASIO plugin? Off course dynamic settings are great, they help a lot (to set correct buffer size in real time). But when all is good, user shouldn't need it anymore. Nice little option that will unload something already useless can't be bad  :)
Stuff versions have enabled 'Loop' by default. is set to "auto", - to "always".

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26266
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #141 on: 18 Mar '14 - 17:29 »
ASIO4ALL doesn't send a reset message when a new track is opened, so I don't think ignoring reset requests would fix your issue. I'll send you a debug plugin version to find out where the delay is occurring.

Regarding the "Loop" setting, that should default to "never". Is it automatically changing to "always", and if so, when does that happen? Perhaps it's from some saved settings being loaded?


  • Posts: 69
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #142 on: 18 Mar '14 - 21:02 »
Regarding the "Loop" setting, that should default to "never". Is it automatically changing to "always", and if so, when does that happen? Perhaps it's from some saved settings being loaded?
That happens on each "fresh" start. Checked few times deleting xmplay.ini and always seen 'welcome' message + other 1st start stuff. Also since I have all system rights and my OS is older than Vista there's no additional folder/settings in AppData. 'Release' version is fine.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #143 on: 19 Mar '14 - 16:19 »
Ah yes, I see what you mean. I'll correct that for the next update.


  • Posts: 61
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #144 on: 23 Mar '14 - 01:34 »
might not be an xmplay issue, could be wasapi or likely nvidias HD audio drivers

basically my pc playing music via a yamaha sound-bar/hdmi, but if i hit the bars off button, if it power saves and goes off automatically or the cat walks on it switching the bar from HDMI mode to Input Mode (spdif), xmplay crashes and the nvidia drivers go awol for a bit, then i have to change over to spdif, which just dont have that boom on the lower frequencies my dear old heavy metal requires

be handy if it automatically jumped to direct sound or even auto to spdif instead of freezing up

i found this, exactly the issue i get, so unlikely anything to do with xmplay :-) -

windows 7 64bit ultimate (all drivers up to date)
16g of ram
nvidia 550ti
normally use wasapi on exclusive mode
yamaha sound projector via hdmi or spdif
« Last Edit: 5 Apr '14 - 16:38 by hellman666 »


  • Posts: 69
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #145 on: 27 Mar '14 - 17:33 »
Here's my old problem with XMPlay and ASIO4All. I hope that the new video will explain everything better.
Ian, there's some pretty annoying bug related to Windows Explorer (on XP/2003 at least). When I'm using asio4all in some cases (like opening files/folders, closing asio4all panel during playback) xmplay may freeze. It has something to do with A4A tray icon & explorer in general because when I kill 'explorer' process & open files with 7Zip File Manager, hang doesn't occur (also doesn't occur with other ASIO, DS etc).
I solved this problem with asio4all.dll hex editing that disables tray icon. This workaround is pretty lame but at least it works without problems and also at present time it's universal for all 32 bit versions since version 2.9 beta 3). As a downside now you can't access to Control Panel (still can use "ASIO4ALL v2 Off-Line Settings" to set default settings for new ASIO-based programs)
Automatic patcher with readme (containing description of what I changed) in attachment for someone who has similar problem or just want to disable ASIO4ALL tray icon.
Author of ASIO4ALL told how to disable tray icon in a proper way.
There's 2 ways. First - registry edit, second - patch asio4all*.dll with OEM utility
First way.
It's long to explain so I'd just give link to this document and repeat the author about 'secret' flag #define A4A_FLAG_NO_TRAY_ICON 0x00000004 (application).
And here's tweak to disable tray icon for all applications (recommended to apply right after A4A installation (or at least before opening control panel in some app)

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Disable tray icon by default
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ASIO4ALL v2 by Wuschel\Defaults]

Second way.
- Download and install this: (maybe you'll need to change link according to version)
- It contains an editor ("a4aedit.exe") -> run it
- Click "Open" and select asio4all.dll, or asio4all64.dll (works with both)
- Uncheck "Tray Icon" - Do not change anything else!
- Save
« Last Edit: 28 Mar '14 - 15:21 by Alt »


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Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #146 on: 27 Mar '14 - 19:35 »

I just noticed some weird behavior regarding playlists and the library: Playlists in ".pls" format are not saved in the library.
I have a folder for radio-stream-playlists. It is included in the library. But when I try to find a playlist using Ctrl-F, I can only see the playlists that are in .m3u format.
Is this reproducible on other's machines?
(I've got the latest stuff version)

Thanks, fraz


  • Posts: 2878
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #147 on: 28 Mar '14 - 07:47 »
Do you have Options and stuff > Playlist > Library > Process playlists unticked?


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Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #148 on: 28 Mar '14 - 13:40 »
Do you have Options and stuff > Playlist > Library > Process playlists unticked?
No, it was ticked on.
Now I unchecked it and rescanned the directory - and now the .pls show up! Thanks a lot for the tip!

But is it a bug or a feature, to process m3u-lists but not pls-lists?


Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26266
Re: 3.8 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #149 on: 1 Apr '14 - 16:45 »
Both M3U and PLS files should be supported equally by XMPlay. If you're finding that it doesn't support some M3U files, please upload an example to have a look at here...