Was XMPlay playing something when you connected the HDMI device? XMPlay will only refresh its device list when nothing is playing - if you stop playback and go back to the device list then it should be refreshed. If that doesn't explain what happened then can you reproduce the problem every time you take certain steps or does it only happen sometimes?
it's really sort of random. I tend to leave applications running for extremely long periods of time. I also utilize Virtual Audio Cable which is a virtual driver for loopback usage. it's possible that it may be a edge case due to windows behavior when (dis)connecting to user sessions.
device list didn't seem to have anything to be refreshed. just that the options dialog as a whole was responding erratically to interaction with said glitch.
thanks for the reply anyway, kind of posted and moved on honestly, just restarted xmp and off we go (and my applications later all collapsed due to me playing with some desktop manager extension lol, dont worry about that)
ps: in case you're wondering, i am the same guy, i just havent really bothered creating an account, hope that's okay