Author Topic: Suggestions for 3.9  (Read 233719 times)


  • Posts: 47
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #325 on: 20 Apr '17 - 12:34 »
Hmm, I have one suggestion. Ian, can you add to function Remove and delete file one buton, "All"? Now when I want to delete more files from playlist (and simultaneously delete these files from disk) everytime I have to click "Yes" button, which is quite boring (and annoying), when I want to delete for example 100 files. Is it possible to add such button?

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #326 on: 20 Apr '17 - 15:24 »
Here's an update that should show a single file deletion confirmation for all of the selected files:

If wanted, it is also possible to disable the file deletion confirmation by adding a "NoConfirmDelete=1" line to your XMPLAY.INI file.


  • Posts: 47
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #327 on: 20 Apr '17 - 16:04 »
Big thanks Ian! Now I can prepare my HVSC collection at once!


  • Posts: 317
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #328 on: 28 Apr '17 - 16:44 »
i'm still with the same requesting to the possibility to have the sonique fisuals in a standalone window, to have at the same time the list and the visuals.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #329 on: 1 Jun '17 - 14:01 »
For the next package update, it would be great to include all of the "official" un4seen input plugins. This will offer a better out-of-the-box experience for everyone just getting into the software, and if someone really needs to get rid of unused plugins, they can still delete them. After all, xmp-wma is still shipped with the player by default even though it's probably not used that much nowadays (and I'd rather have XMPlay ship with xmp-flac than xmp-wma, but maybe that's just me ;D), so could just as well put a few more plugins into the package.
Given the tiny size of those plugins, it would hardly bloat the distribution, and still load very quickly.


  • Posts: 16
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #330 on: 3 Jun '17 - 00:09 »
Greetings, I have been wondering if it is possible to use directory name in which file is located as album substitution or separate tag value. As I mainly listen to streams from various video games and these formats are notorious for having no tag data it would be a way to sort these in library tab, as I have a numerous files just entitled as bgm_## :C

P.S. Now, it's been a while, I can't even seem to restore my account anymore :P


  • Posts: 1163
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #331 on: 15 Jun '17 - 12:05 »
You could select all the files in a directory, right-click > Track info > Override and then fill in the album title. Apply and you have your album tag. Base file name / full path is also a library column option but no parent directory unfortunately.


  • Posts: 16
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #332 on: 17 Jun '17 - 23:56 »
Well, while this is a solution, I wouldn't bother entering the whole library by hand, even by folder there are thousands of titles. Using file path instead of file name is a way, but this just looks odd to see full path in scrolling title.


  • Posts: 172
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #333 on: 30 Jun '17 - 09:08 »
A very minor thought .. set/update the "stuff update" to point to the "stuff" version download page.

edit .. whilst I'm thinkin' about it, a 'secret settings/ini ' tab would also finally be a good thing at this point, considering how many settings there now are.
« Last Edit: 30 Jun '17 - 09:56 by xaos »


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #334 on: 6 Jul '17 - 14:16 »
For S3M files with AdLib instruments (sample type >= 2), XMPlay should probably warn the user that they might be missing parts of the module. For example, the "Format" could be changed from "ScreamTracker 3.20" to "ScreamTracker 3.20 (AdLib)" if such instruments are present.


  • Posts: 535
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #335 on: 6 Jul '17 - 17:06 »
Trying to play a playlist.m3u which has an entry for playlist.m3u crashes XMPlay.
(Whee, recursion)

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #336 on: 11 Jul '17 - 17:51 »
For S3M files with AdLib instruments (sample type >= 2), XMPlay should probably warn the user that they might be missing parts of the module. For example, the "Format" could be changed from "ScreamTracker 3.20" to "ScreamTracker 3.20 (AdLib)" if such instruments are present.

Here's an update that should do that:

Trying to play a playlist.m3u which has an entry for playlist.m3u crashes XMPlay.
(Whee, recursion)

To prevent that, the update above should limit the nested playlist processing depth to 1, ie. it'll process a 2nd playlist within the 1st playlist, but not a 3rd playlist within the 2nd.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #337 on: 12 Jul '17 - 14:07 »
For S3M files with AdLib instruments (sample type >= 2), XMPlay should probably warn the user that they might be missing parts of the module. For example, the "Format" could be changed from "ScreamTracker 3.20" to "ScreamTracker 3.20 (AdLib)" if such instruments are present.

Here's an update that should do that:
Seems to work just fine, thanks. :)


  • Posts: 11
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #338 on: 12 Jul '17 - 20:25 »
I love xmplay and would like to have added or know if...

1) Is there a way to get time to read 90:00.0 (minutes-seconds) instead of 1:30:00.0 (hour-minutes-seconds)?
2) In 'skinconfig.txt' mini mode font parameters seem to be ignored ie. "font_mainmini" and "font_mainminisize" and defaults to use "font_main/size" instead?
3) Mask_list_mini.bmp and Panel_list_mini.bmp seem to be ignored when making skins?
4) On the playlist screen the only way to remove all entries is by doing a CTRL-A then select 'remove' a 'remove-all' option would be nice.

« Last Edit: 12 Jul '17 - 21:01 by mortstev »


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #339 on: 13 Jul '17 - 17:08 »
1) Is there a way to get time to read 90:00.0 (minutes-seconds) instead of 1:30:00.0 (hour-minutes-seconds)?
Options & Stuff -> Appearance -> Time (in the lower-right corner) -> Uncheck Hours.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #340 on: 13 Jul '17 - 19:14 »
4) On the playlist screen the only way to remove all entries is by doing a CTRL-A then select 'remove' a 'remove-all' option would be nice.
Right-click the remove button -> Remove all.


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Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #341 on: 13 Jul '17 - 20:36 »
1) Is there a way to get time to read 90:00.0 (minutes-seconds) instead of 1:30:00.0 (hour-minutes-seconds)?
Options & Stuff -> Appearance -> Time (in the lower-right corner) -> Uncheck Hours.
4) On the playlist screen the only way to remove all entries is by doing a CTRL-A then select 'remove' a 'remove-all' option would be nice.
Right-click the remove button -> Remove all.

Thanks I missed that 'hours' option.

But the skin I'm using doesn't have a 'remove button' on the playlist - right-clicking on the list there is only 'remove' and no 'remove-all' and  that's with the latest version of stuff xmplay.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #342 on: 14 Jul '17 - 16:02 »
2) In 'skinconfig.txt' mini mode font parameters seem to be ignored ie. "font_mainmini" and "font_mainminisize" and defaults to use "font_main/size" instead?

There isn't currently a "font_mainmini" option available, so the "font_main" font will indeed be used in mini-mode too. Only the "font_title" and "font_time" fonts have mini-mode options currently. I'll look into adding a "font_mainmini" option too.

3) Mask_list_mini.bmp and Panel_list_mini.bmp seem to be ignored when making skins?

The playlist panel isn't shown in mini-mode (nor is the output/DSP panel). Only the main panel is shown then.

4) On the playlist screen the only way to remove all entries is by doing a CTRL-A then select 'remove' a 'remove-all' option would be nice.

It is possible to bind multiple actions to a single key in the "Shortcuts" options page. The actions will be performed in the order that they are bound, so you could first bind a key to "List nav - Select all" and then bind the same key to "List track - Remove".


  • Posts: 11
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #343 on: 17 Jul '17 - 21:20 »
Thanks for the reply.

I've  noticed that when you have a very short track length (about 3 seconds) you can't get past it with the 'back' button.   And that's with the release version as well as the stuff version.


  • Posts: 11
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #344 on: 21 Jul '17 - 21:39 »
Track lengths over an hour are not displayed correctly on the playlist panel (the 'hour' is cut off) this is only on the 'stuff' version-the release version displays it correctly, but the column width is very wide.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #345 on: 23 Jul '17 - 20:57 »
It would be nice to be able to export parts of the library in some way or another. For example, select a few tunes in the library and then right-click to either copy all their artist/title information or generate a playlist file from them. Currently the only way to do the latter would be by replacing the current playlist, which I want to avoid.

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26262
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #346 on: 24 Jul '17 - 17:39 »
I've  noticed that when you have a very short track length (about 3 seconds) you can't get past it with the 'back' button.   And that's with the release version as well as the stuff version.

Do you mean the "Previous track" button? That seems to be working OK even with very short files here. Perhaps the problem is that XMPlay has already opened the next track. XMPlay will open the next track before the end of the current track is heard to enable gapless playback, and even earlier for crossfading. What buffer length do you have set in the "Output" options page and do you have crossfading enabled?

Track lengths over an hour are not displayed correctly on the playlist panel (the 'hour' is cut off) this is only on the 'stuff' version-the release version displays it correctly, but the column width is very wide.

Please confirm what skin you are using. If it isn't the default skin, do you also get the problem with that?

It would be nice to be able to export parts of the library in some way or another. For example, select a few tunes in the library and then right-click to either copy all their artist/title information or generate a playlist file from them. Currently the only way to do the latter would be by replacing the current playlist, which I want to avoid.

If you click the "Save list" button in the library window and tick the "Selected tracks only" box then the saved playlist should contain only the selected tracks from the library.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #347 on: 24 Jul '17 - 18:46 »
Ah, indeed, that checkbox does precisely what I want!


  • Posts: 11
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #348 on: 28 Jul '17 - 21:12 »
>>  Track lengths over an hour are not displayed correctly on the playlist panel
>>  (the 'hour' is cut off) this is only on the 'stuff' version-the release version
>>  Please confirm what skin you are using. If it isn't the default skin,
>>  do you also get the problem with that?

I'm using an ultra high resolution monitor and the default skin is nearly unreadable, but the 'hours' is shown - the skin I'm using I got from someone on another forum and it appears that when the "font_listsize" and "font_listnumsize" is set above about 48-52 points it cuts the 'hours' off. When I drag and drop a track that's over an hour into the playlist it cuts off the 'hours'  and that's true whether for not the 'type' column is active or not. But, switching skins back and forth or restarting xmplay it displays correctly.Also this is with the playlist panel and not when the playlist is incorporated into the main panel- I hope that makes sense.

How can I upload a picture that may help explain what I'm talking about. FIXED--I found out how!

>>  I've  noticed that when you have a very short track length (about 3 seconds)
>>  you can't get past it with the 'back' button.   And that's with the release version
>>  Do you mean the "Previous track" button? That seems to be working OK even with
>>  very short files here. Perhaps the problem is that XMPlay has already opened the
>>  next track. XMPlay will open the next track before the end of the current track is heard
>>  to enable gapless playback, and even earlier for crossfading. What buffer length do you
>>  have set in the "Output" options page and do you have crossfading enabled?

Buffer length is set to 5 seconds and crossfading disabled.

And in the 'xmplay.ini' file I have ReadAhead set to 4096 - which I assume is the maximum that a 32-bit program can use? I have 32GB/3,000MHz of ram in my system so I usually try to give programs as much ram as they can use.

UPDATE--If I change buffer length is to 0.1 seconds (which is the minimum) the problem disappears and it will skip back just fine, so it does appear that somehow when the buffer length exceeds the length of the track there's no way to get back past that track.

Can the 'Total time/count display' be given it's own setting in 'skinconfig.txt' maybe a new parameter 'font_listtimesize' can be created so that the size can be set independently - right now it uses the 'font_listnumsize' which is also used as the playlist track number/time.


  • Posts: 16
Re: Suggestions for 3.9
« Reply #349 on: 5 Aug '17 - 03:06 »
I haven't noticed that before, but apparently there's a need for correction on how XMPlay's maximum text width works:

Here, I set it to 24 characters and used absurdly long path with a long album title. As can be seen the text is broken between letter characters but as Japanese language doesn't use spaces the line is not broken as supposed. Or maybe that's because of squareness of the characters.

P.S. In case you wonder, Japanese sentence can be split mid-word, that's normal.
P.P.S. Apparently there's an issue with splitting file path when XMPlay is running under Japanese system and ¥ character is used instead of \
« Last Edit: 5 Aug '17 - 09:42 by tails__ »