>> Track lengths over an hour are not displayed correctly on the playlist panel
>> (the 'hour' is cut off) this is only on the 'stuff' version-the release version
>> Please confirm what skin you are using. If it isn't the default skin,
>> do you also get the problem with that?
I'm using an ultra high resolution monitor and the default skin is nearly unreadable, but the 'hours' is shown - the skin I'm using I got from someone on another forum and it appears that when the "font_listsize" and "font_listnumsize" is set above about 48-52 points it cuts the 'hours' off. When I drag and drop a track that's over an hour into the playlist it cuts off the 'hours' and that's true whether for not the 'type' column is active or not. But, switching skins back and forth or restarting xmplay it displays correctly.Also this is with the playlist panel and not when the playlist is incorporated into the main panel- I hope that makes sense.
How can I upload a picture that may help explain what I'm talking about. FIXED--I found out how!
>> I've noticed that when you have a very short track length (about 3 seconds)
>> you can't get past it with the 'back' button. And that's with the release version
>> Do you mean the "Previous track" button? That seems to be working OK even with
>> very short files here. Perhaps the problem is that XMPlay has already opened the
>> next track. XMPlay will open the next track before the end of the current track is heard
>> to enable gapless playback, and even earlier for crossfading. What buffer length do you
>> have set in the "Output" options page and do you have crossfading enabled?
Buffer length is set to 5 seconds and crossfading disabled.
And in the 'xmplay.ini' file I have ReadAhead set to 4096 - which I assume is the maximum that a 32-bit program can use? I have 32GB/3,000MHz of ram in my system so I usually try to give programs as much ram as they can use.
UPDATE--If I change buffer length is to 0.1 seconds (which is the minimum) the problem disappears and it will skip back just fine, so it does appear that somehow when the buffer length exceeds the length of the track there's no way to get back past that track.
Can the 'Total time/count display' be given it's own setting in 'skinconfig.txt' maybe a new parameter 'font_listtimesize' can be created so that the size can be set independently - right now it uses the 'font_listnumsize' which is also used as the playlist track number/time.