Author Topic: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT  (Read 161678 times)


  • Posts: 74
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #125 on: 26 May '16 - 14:52 »
  • No full credits option available. Forgotten?
  • No dynamic information provided about current order, row, used channels/total used channels.
  • No regular config dialog available, one has to resort to the (hidden) advanced settings, which I find rather inconvenient.

Currently no intention to fix.
The reason is rather simple. We (Saga and me) both are not using foobar2000 ourselves and reading through tons of undocumented foobar2000 SDK code just to find out how to implement these rather unimportant details has a very very very bad gain per effort ratio for us.
If someone wants to implement that, we will happily take patches.
If someone wants to take over foo_openmpt, we will happily give away maintainership.

  • No file extension management available. For example foo_GEP (Game Emu Player) by Kode54 does provide this in its config dialog. Screenshot:

Please report a bug to foobar2000 if you care. It is a complete waste of time to have each and every plugin developer have to deal with that aspect. It is way better handled in a general way by the player itself.


  • Posts: 288
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #126 on: 26 May '16 - 16:01 »
I'll look into it. It's probably something that will be automatically fixed by the new loader.
Edit: I suppose you are referring to the vibrato effect?

Yes, and the the guitar is supposed to fade out at the end of order 12, which isn't correctly recreated in OpenMPT, yet. If you cannot check with DigiTrakker yourself for some reason, there's also an Fasttracker 2 version of the tune available, most probably exported from an earlier version of the tracker: beyond all cognitives.xm

Full credits cannot be scrolled...

Fixed in r6425.

Cool, thanks!

Foobar2000: no credits, dynamic song info, config dialog

Currently no intention to fix. (...for the reasons explained)

I see, understandable.

Foobar2000: no file extension management available

It is way better handled in a general way by the player itself.

File extension management is available in foobar2000 since quite some years but has been disabled for Windows 10 due to inconsistent behaviour of the association logic on that platform. Therefor I was hoping you could offer a solution similar to foo_GEP (Game Emu Player), but I understand this probably won't happen for the reasons you just explained.


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #127 on: 11 Jul '16 - 18:33 »
2016-07-11: xmp-openmpt version 0.2.6611-beta18 released!

In addition to the MDL fixes mentioned above (sorry, didn't get around implementing the new MDL loader yet again), there are some more improvements:
- Better MT2 playback with some files that use MadTracker's "modern" tempo mode.
- Much improved 669 playback (this is probably the first time in history a player outside Composer 669 / UNIS 669 gets this right :) )
- Fix of vibrato depth in MTM files
- Fix inaccuracies  in auto-vibrato of high-pitched notes in IT files with linear slide mode disabled.
- Some MOD files with more than 128 patterns (e.g. NIETNU.MOD) were not loaded correctly.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:
« Last Edit: 11 Jul '16 - 18:38 by saga »


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #128 on: 17 Jul '16 - 18:42 »
As of r6640, many MDL files (including "beyond all cognitive") should play much better. As always, you can grab current test versions from


  • Posts: 288
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #129 on: 17 Jul '16 - 21:07 »
Cool, thank for looking into this. Going to test it in the next days.


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #130 on: 17 Jul '16 - 21:23 »
A crash when viewing the sample text info, plus some more mind-boggling MDL details have been fixed; r6644 or higher should be used as soon as it's available on the test builds site. :)


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #131 on: 27 Jul '16 - 16:49 »
2016-07-23: xmp-openmpt version 0.2.6664-beta19 released!

This is a small update with the following improvements and bugfixes:
- Loading ADPCM-compressed samples in MOD files failed since beta17.
- Much improved MDL support (see above).
- Fixed crash when viewing sample info.
- Portamento with sample swap behaviour was wrong for ProTracker MODs.
- beta18 broke import of many pattern commands in DBM, DMF and ULT files.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #132 on: 7 Aug '16 - 20:24 »
2016-08-07: xmp-openmpt version 0.2.6774-beta20 released!

This is a small update with the following improvements and bugfixes:
- More accurate ProTracker arpeggio wrap-around emulation.
- More accurate sample tuning in PSM16 files.
- Samples in DSM files were sometimes detuned and some pattern commands were not imported correctly.
- More accurate import of MDL 7-bit panning command.
- Only import pattern commands supported by the UltraTracker version that was used to save ULT files. Add support for command 5-C (end loop).
- DMF sample loop lengths were off by one.
- Unis 669 pan slide effect was too deep.
- Several valid (but slightly corrupted possibly due to disk failures or data transfer errors) SoundTracker files were no longer loading since libopenmpt 0.2-beta18.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #133 on: 24 Oct '16 - 13:35 »
2016-10-2: xmp-openmpt version 0.2.7299-beta20.2 released!

While we're focussing on working on OpenMPT 1.27 / libopenmpt 0.3, we still backport some of the bugfixes made in the meantime to OpenMPT 1.26 / libopenmpt 0.2.
These are mostly small bugfixes not directly affecting libopenmpt playback. Apart from the usual bugfixes for crashes with malformed files, the following two MOD-related fixes have been made since beta20:
- Avoid enabling some ProTracker-specific quirks for MOD files most likely created with ScreamTracker 3.
- Tremolo effect only had half the intended strength in MOD files.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #134 on: 5 Feb '17 - 17:18 »
2017-02-25: xmp-openmpt version 0.2-beta20.5 released!

We're still working hard on OpenMPT 1.27 / libopenmpt 0.3, but while doing so we still backport a couple of selected bugfixes to OpenMPT 1.26 / libopenmpt 0.2:
- Channel frequency could wrap around after some excessive portamento / down in some formats since libopenmpt 0.2-beta17.
- Playback improvements for S3M files made with Impulse Tracker and Schism Tracker.
- Possible hangs with malformed files containing cyclic plugin routings.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:


  • Posts: 74
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #135 on: 11 Mar '17 - 16:12 »
2017-03-11: xmp-openmpt version 0.2-beta22 released!

We're still working hard on OpenMPT 1.27 / libopenmpt 0.3, but while doing so we still backport a couple of selected bugfixes to OpenMPT 1.26 / libopenmpt 0.2:
- Support for unmo3.dll is now disabled. Please download libmpg123 (you may use the provided download_mpg123.vbs script) if you need MO3 support in xmp-openmpt on Windows vrsions where MediaFoundation framework is unavailable for libopenmpt MP3 decoding (i.e. Windows Server or Windows before Windows 7).
- Fixes excessive loading times with malformed AMF files
- Playback improvements for XM, MOD, PLM, PTM, SFX files

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #136 on: 23 Apr '17 - 16:10 »
2017-04-23: xmp-openmpt version 0.2-beta23 released!

This is another small update which mostly brings some decoding improvements for a couple of formats:
- Add support for "WUZAMOD!" magic bytes in STM files and allow some slightly malformed STM files to load which were previously rejected (putup10.stm, putup11.stm) while tightening some other heuristics.
- Tighten heuristics for rejecting invalid SoundTracker files.
- Detect whether "hidden" patterns in the order list of SoundTracker modules should be taken into account or not. Fixes wolf1.mod, wolf3.mod and jean_baudlot_-_bad_dudes_vs_dragonninja-dragonf.mod.
- MO3: Clear MIDI macros for files that were originally saved with Impulse Tracker 1.0 and Scream Tracker prior to version 3.20.

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #137 on: 2 Jul '17 - 18:03 »
2017-07-02: xmp-openmpt version 0.2-beta25 released!

This is another small update which mostly brings some decoding improvements for a couple of formats:
- PT36: Enable VBlank timing as specified in file and read song comment.
- M15: Loosen heuristics to allow a few more semi-damaged files to play.
- MT2: If there were instruments with both sample and plugin assignments, sample data was not read correctly.

Additionally, beta24 (which I forgot to announce here) fixed the following issues:
- Improvements to seeking: Channel panning was not always updated from instruments / samples when seeking, and out-of-range global volume was not applied correctly in some formats.
- Work-around for reading MIDI macros and plugin settings in some malformed IT files written by old UNMO3 versions.
- Improve tracker detection in IT format.

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #138 on: 12 Aug '17 - 17:50 »
2017-08-12: xmp-openmpt version 0.2-beta27 released!

This is another small update which brings a couple of improvements in ProTracker-compatible MOD playback:
- The ProTracker note delay quirk should not retrigger already stopped samples (fixes "Subi loses the Cops" by Subi).
- ProTracker portamento between already stopped sample and another sample kept playing the old sample (fixes "anarchy-main" by Jester).
- Playback fix for instruments with custom tunings and transposed note maps in MPTM format.
- ProTracker quirk: If there is a note with a out-of-range note delay, it is played on the next row (with an instant portamento), unless there is a new note on that row.
- ProTracker quirk: Apply tempo changes after the first tick of the row.

Additionally, beta26 fixed possible crashes with malformed PLM and PSM files.

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set

xmp-openmpt website:


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #139 on: 28 Sep '17 - 11:34 »
2017-09-29: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.1 released!

OpenMPT 1.27 / libopenmpt 0.3 marks a big milestone in OpenMPT development.
Apart from several playback bugfixes and other improvements, xmp-openmpt supports two new formats: SoundTracker Pro 2 (STP) and Digital Tracker / Digital Home Studio (DTM).
There is also a new resampler option specifically for Amiga modules which emulates the Paula sound chip's resampling characteristics. Once enabled, this option applies automatically to all Amiga-type modules (except for multichannel modules).
xmp-openmpt 0.3.1 also stores its version information in a version resource now, so that XMPlay can automatically detect new versions.
xmp-openmpt now requires at least XMPlay 3.8 to run.

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #140 on: 5 Nov '17 - 00:41 »
2017-11-04: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.2 released!

This is just a small update addressing two playback bugs:
- IT: In Compatible Gxx mode, allow sample changes next to a tone portamento effect if a previous sample has already stopped playing.
- MOD: Slides and delayed notes are executed on every repetition of a row with row delay (fixes “ode to protracker”).

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 74
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #141 on: 19 Nov '17 - 10:54 »
2017-11-19: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.3 released!

This update restores xmp-openmpt ("winold" variant) working on Windows XP systems, which had been broken in 0.3.1 and 0.3.2.

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 74
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #142 on: 28 Jan '18 - 20:03 »
2017-12-17: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.4 released!

- IT: Fix broken volume envelopes with negative values as found in by Elysis.

See for further details.

2018-01-28: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.5 released!

- [New] Support MOD files from the Inconexia demo by Iguana.
- [Bug] xmp-openmpt: Saved settings were not applied instantly.
- XM E60 loop bug was not considered in song length calucation.
- Tighten M15 and MOD file rejection heuristics.
- J2B: Ignore frequency limits from file header. Fixes Medivo.j2b, broken since libopenmpt-0.2.6401-beta17.
- STM: Last character of sample name was missing.
- ParamEq plugin center frequency was not limited correctly.

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 74
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #143 on: 3 Feb '18 - 19:57 »
2018-02-03: xmp-openmpt version 0.3.6 released!

- [Sec] Possible out-of-bounds memory read with malformed STP files. (r9576)
- [Bug] Small memory leak with malformed STP files.
- STM: Accurate emulation of Scream Tracker 2 tempo mode.
- STM: Better support for early format revisions (no such files have been found in the wild, though).
- Fine volume slides are now supported when seeking with seek.sync_samples=1 enabled.

See for further details.

xmp-openmpt for Windows 7 and newer, CPUs with SSE2 instruction set - that's pretty much any x86 CPU made in the last ten years. Any 64-bit CPU automatically supports this.
xmp-openmpt for Windows XP / Vista or old CPUs without SSE2 instruction set


  • Posts: 14
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #144 on: 3 Mar '18 - 16:09 »
xmp-openmpt seems to play MED files in mono for some reason. Admittedly it's quite hard to get this obscure format to play correctly in modern Windows at all but, as usual, DeliPlayer2 (with XP compatibility settings) does it right so it's certainly possible. If you navigate around the song with the position slider it'll play one "note" of each channel as per XMPlay's settings (e.g. surround sound 2) but will then revert to a dull all sounds go in the middle output until you seek again. Apart from this it is at least playing the song correctly. Other apps misplay certain notes as staccato or leave whole channels out entirely and forget WinAmp with in_med.dll (it crashes). I'm only listing these as comparisons to give you some way of knowing how files should sound. I like XMPlay so I'm concentrating on it first but I should expect I'll get around to the others eventually too! Many thanks.


  • Posts: 130
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #145 on: 3 Mar '18 - 17:21 »
xmp-openmpt seems to play MED files in mono for some reason.

xmp-openmpt ( doesn't play .MED files at ALL here, whether or not I mark it for med priority. Every time I try to play a .med from ModLand it just strikes it out. The only thing I have that seems to play them is Extended Module Player Library rev 17 (libxmp 4.3.9).



  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #146 on: 3 Mar '18 - 17:30 »
xmp-openmpt seems to play MED files in mono for some reason
Not every MED file is supposed to be played with hard panning, because MED can use software mixing.
However, I currently recommend using another plugin for MED playback such as libxmp or Delix, because the MED player in libopenmpt currently doesn't handle quite a few things correctly which will be fixed in the next major version (0.4).

xmp-openmpt ( doesn't play .MED files at ALL here, whether or not I mark it for med priority.
"*" is not a valid priority as far as I'm aware. You need to list every format that you want to prioritize explicitely (e.g. "med it xm"). If you do not explicitely specify "med" as a priority filetype, libxmp will always handle the file because it appears first in the alphabetical plugin list.


  • Posts: 130
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #147 on: 3 Mar '18 - 18:08 »
"*" is not a valid priority as far as I'm aware. You need to list every format that you want to prioritize explicitely (e.g. "med it xm"). If you do not explicitely specify "med" as a priority filetype, libxmp will always handle the file because it appears first in the alphabetical plugin list.

I unchecked all four MED entries from libxmp, then entered only "med" in openmpt, and the same thing happens.
Edit: This happens even if I completely remove xmp-libxmp.dll.
Edit2: Delix also does not appear to play my MED files at all. Completely removed it as well and openmpt still doesn't play them. I'm baffled. (They're not in archives either.)
Edit3: openmpt appears to play okt/okta (Oktalyzer) files fine. Just not .med extension.

« Last Edit: 3 Mar '18 - 18:23 by Dhry »


  • Posts: 2744
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #148 on: 3 Mar '18 - 23:47 »
Checking your screenshot again, the MED format you are trying to play (Music Editor) is not supported by libopenmpt. We just support OctaMED, which may have extensions mmd0, mmd1, mmd2 or mmd3 on ModLand, I believe.


  • Posts: 130
Re: xmp-openmpt: An XMPlay input plugin based on OpenMPT
« Reply #149 on: 4 Mar '18 - 05:43 »
Checking your screenshot again, the MED format you are trying to play (Music Editor) is not supported by libopenmpt. We just support OctaMED, which may have extensions mmd0, mmd1, mmd2 or mmd3 on ModLand, I believe.

Correct, those are the Octa extensions, along with .MMDC. Ok. In that case I think what confused me is that .med is literally one of the extensions listed for openmpt. Google is saying that Octamed also used that extension. Hm. Oh well - libxmp works.