Ok, Fasttracker v2.08 has only "16-bit mixing" config option (without "+Vol.ramping") but when this option is disabled, instrument 3 is more audible in FT2.
We cannot emulate every minute detail of the mixing behaviour of all trackers in their non-optimal configuration. This would frankly be another hundreds of options and unmaintainable. FT2, when configured for optimal sound quality, and in its latest/final version, does exhibit the ultra-soft volume ramping, and without it, almost all XM modules made with FT2 (as far as it is possible to reliable detect that) do sound wrong.
Again, there might be an argument made for disabling that behaviour if volume ramping is completely disabled (which is frankly not a very useful configuration, to be honest), but this would not be a change that would be made in a minor version update (if at all). If you care enough, please move this discussion to our issue tracker and make a ticket.