This is the nightly updates page for NeverStop. Old text coming from the B&F phase is outdated. Updates will be in a bit-by-bit pace.
(Under Justin Frankel's logic, I won't even say "skins" while XMPlay is still 4.x

NeverStop, the first skin developed by Bahamondes & Furan for the XMPlay Skinning Competition, is accepting once more suggestions for its improvement. Bahamondes & Furan will be now
much more attentive to the community's feedback, so its new development will depend mostly on what the forum users say about it.
Remember to download the latest version of our skin from the Support Site:
As usual we hear you @ B&F.
BONUS: We are looking for color palettes to be used as variations. << XMPlay 4.x introduced the hue and saturation slider, no need for variations.
Development Roadmap:- 1st Phase. Feedback and Suggestions. Feature Requests.
- 2nd Phase. First draft. Presentation to the community.
- 3rd Phase. Community feedback and suggestions towards the First Draft.
- 4th Phase. Second draft. Presentation to the community.
- 5th Phase. Community feedback and suggestions towards the Second Draft. Voting on colors.
- 6th Phase. Final draft. Presentation of color variations.
- 7th Phase. Community conclussions.
- 8th Phase. Anniversary Edition Updates (2025).
Suggestions by the community:- 2016 reply: Sepia color.
- 2013 thread: Font substitution.
- 2013 thread: Slider vs. Scroller selection.