Author Topic: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!  (Read 6449 times)

AstralSoup Design

  • Posts: 289
XMPlay Stuff Updater

The new XMPlay Stuff Updater is here. Of course it won't use the GreatIdeas branding anymore but the Bahamondes & Furan brand instead. The version was bumped to 4.0, just in case.

The good news is that is not dependant of a WGET command anymore. It is 100% Inno! Much better to maintain.
Different to the old version 1.0, it is able to look for Stuff Plugins, now!


1. Make sure you have your plugins in a "Plugins" folder.
2. Remove old versions of the Stuff Updater (The GreatIdeas edition).
3. Download the XMPlay Stuff Updater from this thread.
4. Move the downloaded program to the XMPlay's root directory.
5. Close XMPlay and run the Updater as normal or admin.

Download: Located in this thread.
Source files: Not available yet.
« Last Edit: 27 Jan '18 - 03:44 by Astral Soup Design »


  • Posts: 130
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #1 on: 31 May '16 - 07:25 »
Thank you! This makes updating SO much easier.


Nicolas @ U. Santo Tomás

  • Guest
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #2 on: 31 May '16 - 18:05 »
(Not-so) Mental note:

  • Check if there are more Stuff plugins out there.
  • Update Inno code to be able to run under limited user accounts.

[Setup]: PrivilegesRequired
Valid values:

poweruser, admin, or lowest
Default value:

The effect of this directive depends on which version of Windows the user is running:

On Windows Vista and later:

This directive affects whether elevated rights are requested (via a User Account Control dialog) when the installation is started.

When set to admin (the default) or poweruser, Setup will always run with administrative privileges. If Setup was started by an unprivileged user, Windows will ask for the password to an account that has administrative privileges, and Setup will then run under that account.

When set to lowest, Setup will not request to be run with administrative privileges even if it was started by a member of the Administrators group. Additionally, the uninstall info root key will always be HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and the "common" forms of the Shell Folder constants are mapped to the "user" forms, even if administrative privileges are available. Do not use this setting unless you are sure your installation will run successfully on unprivileged accounts.

On earlier versions of Windows:

This directive specifies the minimum user privileges required to run the installation.

When set to admin (the default), Setup will only run if the user is a member of the Administrators group. Otherwise, it will display the following message and exit: "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."

When set to poweruser, Setup will only run if the user is a member of the Administrators or Power Users groups. Otherwise, it will display the following message and exit: "You must be logged in as an administrator or as a member of the Power Users group when installing this program."

When set to lowest Setup will not check the user's group membership. Additionally, the uninstall info root key will always be HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and the "common" forms of the Shell Folder constants are mapped to the "user" forms, even if administrative privileges are available. Do not use this setting unless you are sure your installation will run successfully on unprivileged accounts.


Regardless of the version of Windows, only if the installation is per-user (PrivilegesRequired=lowest) you may touch Windows' per-user areas from your script.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #3 on: 31 May '16 - 19:46 »
Check if there are more Stuff plugins out there.
Any other plugins provided by Ian, e.g. xmp-aac.
Update Inno code to be able to run under limited user accounts.
If you expect XMPlay to be installed in "Program Files" (which is of course a reasonable assumption), there is nothing you can do. InnoSetup cannot dynamically elevate itself based on the install location, I asked for this feature a while ago but it's unlikely to ever be implemented. You'd have to provide a normal and an elevated version of the installer.


  • Posts: 130
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #4 on: 18 Jul '16 - 23:53 »
Is there a way to have this check for an update but NOT download if you already have the most current version? It appears that right now it will download xmplay etc regardless of whether it needs to or not.


Edit: Please include this feature so that the app doesn't download a component update if its not actually necessary.
« Last Edit: 15 Aug '16 - 23:13 by Dhry »


  • Posts: 317
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #5 on: 13 Oct '16 - 23:04 »
just a question.

Is this program able to check all the plugins that are in the xmplay folder, but into sub-folders ?
because i have all matching some structure, that means, the plugins arent just side the xmplay.exe
The own xmplay is able to locate all into recursive sub-directories.

My structure:

        Archive Readers

and into each folder, other folder to hold the plugin files, that usually are more than 1.
« Last Edit: 13 Oct '16 - 23:09 by rst »

AstralSoup Design

  • Posts: 289
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #6 on: 1 Nov '16 - 03:19 »
just a question.

Is this program able to check all the plugins that are in the xmplay folder, but into sub-folders ?
because i have all matching some structure, that means, the plugins arent just side the xmplay.exe
The own xmplay is able to locate all into recursive sub-directories.

My structure:

        Archive Readers

and into each folder, other folder to hold the plugin files, that usually are more than 1.

I'm afraid I don't have enough knowledge in Inno to make the package more dynamic in the way you are telling me.

If you know how to make those changes, whoever is reading this, please help us improve the installer... please :O


  • Posts: 130
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #7 on: 22 Jan '18 - 20:46 »
Just tried to download this and it's missing from Dropbox. Where can we get it from now?


AstralSoup Design

  • Posts: 289
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #8 on: 27 Jan '18 - 03:45 »
Just tried to download this and it's missing from Dropbox. Where can we get it from now?


With Dropbox's new policies, all my files were blocked for public download.
As a temporary workaround, I uploaded the file at the first thread.


  • Posts: 130
Re: XMPlay Stuff Updater 4.0 - Same drill, new tricks!
« Reply #9 on: 27 Jan '18 - 07:41 »
With Dropbox's new policies, all my files were blocked for public download.
As a temporary workaround, I uploaded the file at the first thread.

Perfect, thank you!