Won't do. What I need is framerate-independent synchronization, with accurate values for every frame.
Sync-callbacks would work in some cases (like when switching scenes), but then I want something to move or fade or rotate or whatever
smoothly, then I definetely need a value that is linearly rational with the time elapsed, and does not depend on the frequency of the frame updates.
For example, if I want to fade down the visuals to black after 10 seconds in 2 seconds, i could use linear interpolation for the fade-value, if I had a very exact and detailed timer.
If I would use a sync-callback (let's assume I can set the sync to the exact 10th second, but in most cases, we can't), which uses some increment that is added to the fade value, it would work, but it would most likely miss the exact 2 second interval, so if the framerate is low, it would take much more time to do the actual fade.
My idea would be fetching the number of samples played, just like in the case for MP3-s.
