Author Topic: UNMO3 unhappiness  (Read 13348 times)

Larry Hastings

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UNMO3 unhappiness
« on: 4 Aug '03 - 09:59 »
I'm writing a shareware game for Windows, and I'd planned to use MOD files for all my music.  Since I discovered the joy of MO3, I've switched to that and enjoyed impressive file-size savings.

However, it appears the conversion to MO3 is something of a one-way trip.  I tried UNMO3 on one of my MO3s, and the resulting MOD (actually an IT):
  • Was 2.5x larger than the original.
  • Produced an incredible amount of white noise distortion when playing in Winamp 2 and Winamp 3.
  • Was rendered as a very quiet & still drum-only track by FMOD.
Let me hasten to add: the UNMO3'd IT played fine in XMPlay, Sonique, and YAMP.

But here's the thing.  I was thinking I might reward exceptional play by doling out my media files (which will normally be stored in a hopelessly obscure archive format).  I figured I would UNMO3 the MO3 files, 'cause they probably wouldn't have XMPlay and they'd want to play it in Winamp.  But I can't do that if the songs are horrifically distored in Winamp.

Is there anything to be done for this?  Would you like the original IT and the MOS settings file?


Ian @ un4seen

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Re: UNMO3 unhappiness
« Reply #1 on: 4 Aug '03 - 15:36 »
Yep, please upload the files to have a look at...

Regarding the increased UNMO3'd file size... the original IT file probably had compressed samples, while the samples are not re-compressed in the UNMO3'd version. ("All IT files are written as non-compressed v2.14 compatible IT files.")

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: UNMO3 unhappiness
« Reply #2 on: 5 Aug '03 - 12:50 »
Ok. I've found what Winamp was apparently objecting to, and it's been sorted for the next UNMO3 release.

Larry Hastings

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Re: UNMO3 unhappiness
« Reply #3 on: 5 Aug '03 - 13:20 »
Hooray!  Does that fix it for FMOD as well?



  • Posts: 1242
Re: UNMO3 unhappiness
« Reply #4 on: 5 Aug '03 - 19:20 »
Oi. Why would anyone want to listen to mods using Winamp? At least use ModPlug. /puke. :evil:
« Last Edit: 6 Aug '03 - 21:25 by Zarggg »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: UNMO3 unhappiness
« Reply #5 on: 6 Aug '03 - 13:35 »
Hooray!  Does that fix it for FMOD as well?

Nope, but who cares? :evil:

UNMO3'd IT files load fine with everything else I've tried, including Impulse Tracker and Modplug Tracker (one of which the original file was likely created in).