I'm writing a shareware game for Windows, and I'd planned to use MOD files for all my music. Since I discovered the joy of MO3, I've switched to that and enjoyed impressive file-size savings.
However, it appears the conversion to MO3 is something of a one-way trip. I tried UNMO3 on one of my MO3s, and the resulting MOD (actually an IT):
- Was 2.5x larger than the original.
- Produced an incredible amount of white noise distortion when playing in Winamp 2 and Winamp 3.
- Was rendered as a very quiet & still drum-only track by FMOD.
Let me hasten to add: the UNMO3'd IT played fine in XMPlay, Sonique, and YAMP.
But here's the thing. I was thinking I might reward exceptional play by doling out my media files (which will normally be stored in a hopelessly obscure archive format). I figured I would UNMO3 the MO3 files, 'cause they probably wouldn't have XMPlay and they'd want to play it in Winamp. But I can't do that if the songs are horrifically distored in Winamp.
Is there anything to be done for this? Would you like the original IT and the MOS settings file?