sounds like you'll have to spread BASS with your game, create a program to decode to wave and encode to mp3... hell lot of a job...
or you can use unmo3 and some mod2mp3 (do they exist?)...
Oh, no... I don't know how BASS work, and i don't know how to create programs like this. But i can use not only .mp3 - i can use .wav, .ogg, .wma and .mid (but i don't want to use .mid) too!
Unmo3 decode all files to .xm. And what next? I think there is no any xm2mp3 programs...
I hope, you can help me! Please, try to create mo32mp3 (or xm2mp3) program...
I will be so happy, if you help me...
what about xmplay? make it launch with your game and play in background
No - some music must be in some places. And it must depend of user's actions.