Author Topic: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7  (Read 8549 times)


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Re: New Skin: Innocuous v1.5
« Reply #25 on: 13 Dec '21 - 09:45 »
Well guess who finally got around to actually changing all the themes to add layout 3 in with the album display stuff which is now online in the usual spot! Now 51 different variations in one skin, I think that'll do it. :P

below hopefullly should be the image i refer to

I think I see what you are going for, I'm looking at a few different layouts for future skins and one is similar to this with a larger album display on the left and playlist on the right so we'll see how it turns out.

It's unlikely I'll make any new layouts for this one though as it is probably big enough as is. :-X

The larger album display skin you speak of sounds perfect. You're too good to us ! =D

btw you reference xmplay version 3.8.6 as being required, I've "only" managed to locate version [id] (which is working very well ... now.
plz skip to *

[in case anyone reads this and is having stability issues, xmp is running better than before since a refresh install replacing v3.8.5 to with removal and replacement of all audio related codec & outpit plugins + many unused/old skins, visual plugins I never used - leaving only Milkdrop 2.2 (using 1 shared at musicbee's forum with "xmp-wavis rev.7" (the required plugin to enable winamp visulis) btw locate additional Milkdrop presets from the developers site titled "favorite_presets_2021_01_03" they .. are .. a-mazing !!!, acidspunk & and an old version of sound spectrum's g_force titled G-Force_API.svp - so an old soundjam vrsn of the plugin[?] A visualizer I've wanted to purchase for well over a decade now if only the audio players I prefer were supported....  ::) so I have to stick with the older variants and I'm not using the standalone, audio out/mic in method.

* To my point, I only see 3.8.5 listed at the top left of this page & I found (i forget exactly, sourceforge maybe) - although I haven't looked elsewhere today - yesterday [which was part of the refresh instal] as said I found but no 3.8.6 - is this version to be released or am I looking in the wrong place?

Ah it's athe bottom of your OP titled
"Download the latest XMPlay stuff version!" Would I be correct in assuming you're referring to that version [properties dettails]  in the link as 3.8.6?
« Last Edit: 13 Dec '21 - 10:20 by AuralVirus »

Keltic Danor

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Re: New Skin: Innocuous v1.5
« Reply #26 on: 13 Dec '21 - 11:01 »
Yep, just the latest stuff version is what you need.

A few people did tell me the version thing was confusing, they were right. ;D


  • Posts: 2
Re: New Skin: Innocuous v1.5
« Reply #27 on: 15 Dec '21 - 19:15 »
Thank you for these great skins. Innocuous has been my main skin for a while now, so with L3 released I wanted to try editing a skin for the first time. I moved some things around to make room for bigger cover art and added a stop button to the Rainbow L3 skin. I think it turned out okay, the skinning system wasn't as hard to understand as I initially thought. There's also a version without the stop button.

My only complaint is that the Roboto font seems to look off with certain letters/characters. Look at the R in track 9, The Real Feel. It also seems to make capital H's sorta blurry. I tried replacing the font but I can't find one that fits as well as Roboto.

Edit: Didn't realize you need an account to download attachments, so here's a mediafire link too:
« Last Edit: 15 Dec '21 - 21:55 by Gene »

Keltic Danor

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Re: New Skin: Innocuous v1.5
« Reply #28 on: 16 Dec '21 - 02:20 »
That's a very nice tweak! ;D I'll add it to the archive I think since I'm sure someone else will like the layout too.

My only complaint is that the Roboto font seems to look off with certain letters/characters. Look at the R in track 9, The Real Feel. It also seems to make capital H's sorta blurry. I tried replacing the font but I can't find one that fits as well as Roboto.

I had a whole post written up about why Roboto looks weird and alternative fonts you can use but then it occured to me that maybe I should just update the font since it has probably had some changes since then and while I'm not 100% sure I think it may have actually fixed it.

I've updated Innocuous to 1.6 with updated fonts, can you give it a try and see if that helps?
« Last Edit: 16 Dec '21 - 03:09 by Keltic Danor »


  • Posts: 2
Re: New Skin: Innocuous v1.5
« Reply #29 on: 16 Dec '21 - 04:17 »
That's a very nice tweak! ;D I'll add it to the archive I think since I'm sure someone else will like the layout too.

My only complaint is that the Roboto font seems to look off with certain letters/characters. Look at the R in track 9, The Real Feel. It also seems to make capital H's sorta blurry. I tried replacing the font but I can't find one that fits as well as Roboto.

I had a whole post written up about why Roboto looks weird and alternative fonts you can use but then it occured to me that maybe I should just update the font since it has probably had some changes since then and while I'm not 100% sure I think it may have actually fixed it.

I've updated Innocuous to 1.6 with updated fonts, can you give it a try and see if that helps?

Looks good to me, just dropped the new fonts in and I can't spot any weird characters like before.


  • Posts: 21
Re: New Skin: Innocuous v1.6
« Reply #30 on: 18 Jan '22 - 10:27 »
Actually non square cover images have white as visible background color.
What do you think of using the color of the right side neighbouring skin element?

Keltic Danor

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Re: New Skin: Innocuous v1.6
« Reply #31 on: 18 Jan '22 - 11:44 »
Actually non square cover images have white as visible background color.
What do you think of using the color of the right side neighbouring skin element?
It should be using the same color as the background of the info window, so I'm guessing if it is showing white then the info window for the theme is white as well?

If you want to change it to something else, almost all of my skins have this set in the skinconfig.txt file setting of "color_infoback".

Well apparently that's not the case, weird. Now I'm not sure how I even came to that conclusion.
« Last Edit: 27 Jan '22 - 16:06 by Keltic Danor »


  • Posts: 1020
Re: New Skin: Innocuous v1.6
« Reply #32 on: 22 Jan '22 - 08:53 »
About stop button... I'd like one too, I miss it on your Innocuos - the only skin I use nowadays.
All in all, stop-play-pause are necessary, and while you can use 2 buttons to control 3 states of the playblack, missing one leaves the player skin incomplete in my eyes.

On another topic: font looks good now, much more readable. thank you .

Keltic Danor

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Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #33 on: 25 Jan '22 - 06:56 »
Okay, you guys talked me into it, 1.7 has a stop button. 8)


  • Posts: 74
Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #34 on: 25 Jan '22 - 17:07 »

Yeah !

Thanks !!!  :)


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Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #35 on: 25 Jan '22 - 17:47 »
Thanks a lot, I didn't expect it and it really made my day (the day was kinda bad, so it really made it better)


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #36 on: 5 Feb '22 - 21:51 »
OK, time for something about consistency. :P

In the mini mode / main windows you have the 3 top right buttons to do minimize, extended playlist, close

In the extended playlist windows you have the 3 top right buttons to do -greyed out-, auto size, close

It would be more consistent to not have the "middle" button in the mini / main window do the extended playlist, but be -greyed out-, the same as the other window.

And at this point, you could even think of just keeping 2 buttons per window, only the ones that re actually doing stuff - but  Iguess this would change the feel of the skin a lot.
(you'd need to move the timers too)

What do you think?

PS: I think Matte is my version of choice now, so thanks for it too.
« Last Edit: 6 Feb '22 - 08:37 by piovrauz »

Keltic Danor

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Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #37 on: 7 Feb '22 - 16:59 »
OK, time for something about consistency. :P

In the mini mode / main windows you have the 3 top right buttons to do minimize, extended playlist, close

In the extended playlist windows you have the 3 top right buttons to do -greyed out-, auto size, close

It would be more consistent to not have the "middle" button in the mini / main window do the extended playlist, but be -greyed out-, the same as the other window.
In Matte it would be more consistent providing you don't have auto-resize enabled as it won't be faded then. ;D

And at this point, you could even think of just keeping 2 buttons per window, only the ones that re actually doing stuff - but  Iguess this would change the feel of the skin a lot.
Not sure about removing the extended playlist button, it would be nice to only have the minimize/close buttons to match two in the info window but the ext.playlist button is pretty convenient in mini-modes and such.

If you want a customised version of sorts I can do a version of Matte with only two buttons in both windows without too much trouble?


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #38 on: 14 Feb '22 - 17:28 »
sorry for the late reply.

OK, let's go for the 2 buttons version - only Innocuos (Matte) is "needed" ;)

Was thinking: in this case one can use the button in the track info could be used to get the extended playlist - OK, 1 more click :P

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
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Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #39 on: 1 Mar '23 - 04:38 »
You know I made that change last year and forgot to post it, was cleaning up the folders and found called piovrauz's tweak and had no idea what it was.

Packed up and attached here if you still want to give it a go. :-X


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #40 on: 3 Mar '23 - 17:35 »
Holy moly! I didn't expect this one. Thank you for the early bday present! Out to test it.


  • Posts: 11
Re: Skin Update: Innocuous v1.7
« Reply #41 on: 13 Apr '23 - 02:23 »
✨B e a u t i f u l✨