Author Topic: Remember position between tracks, for podcasts, audiobooks etc?  (Read 1520 times)


  • Posts: 41
One feature I've gotten used to in the era of online streaming, is having your position being resumed on refresh, etc. It's immensely handy when listening to podcasts, audiobooks, mixes and such.

I know XMPlay has a 'remember position' when closing/reopening XMPlay, but it only goes that far, and nothing is remembered between files. I know of no other media player that can do this, so I think it'd be cool if XMPlay had the option to extend restoring positions between files too.

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26220
XMPlay can be told to remember/bookmark a position via the position bar's right-click menu, eg. you can bookmark the current position in the current file, then play other files, and then resume the bookmarked position. Is that what you were looking for?


  • Posts: 41
Didn't realize that existed. But it seems to only allow for one bookmark, if you mark a position in file A, and later find yourself wanting to mark a position in file B,  the file A bookmark must be replaced with the file B bookmark, which limits its usefulness. Also it seems to not be retained across executions.

I think what I had in mind was having the 'library' track where I left off in various podcasts and audiobooks, so any particular file I set a bookmark on, could be resumed from. Like multiple files at a time, and across reboots, etc.

Anyways, enjoy the holidays!

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26220
Yes, the bookmarking feature currently only retains one position at a time and only until XMPlay is closed. I'll look into the possibility of extending it with the option of retaining a separate bookmark for each track.