Hey guys,
This is for the strange people that don't visit the support site on a daily basis as intended, so if you haven't checked it out in a while here is whats new!
Some great general plugins from Bauxite69 with another one on the way!

Flashira Nakirov has been pulling out all the stops on some new skins, some beautiful work to check out.
As well as a couple of plugins I found in my adventures and a tweak to Cover Art
- ADT2Plug v2.4.24 Input Plugin by Daniel Illgen (insane/Altair) *Seems to play .a2m and other files better than Adplug*
- FFSoX v0.6.3 Input Plugin by Peter Belkner *Kind of just for reference but if it works for you super!*
- Cover Art (revision 9b) Visual Plugin by Bernhard Schelling
And more on the way!