Author Topic: Proposal to support rmid files with embedded SF2 soundfonts in Bassmidi  (Read 3244 times)


  • Posts: 214
Perhaps I didn't explain it well enough. The solution I'm proposing is that the SF2 is modified to assume DBNK=0 when embedding it in the RMID file, eg. add 1 to the banks in the Creative demo case. That avoids the need for a DBNK chunk because it's always 0. Then your player (and any others that use SFMAN32) can do what I wrote in my last post when using SFMAN32, while other software can use the soundfont as it is (they don't need to avoid bank 0).

Maybe I really misunderstand you so please send me an example so I can test it.

Because the soundfont already contains bank information, I think the DBNK chunk adds unnecessary complexity, ie. it's an extra thing that all software will need to process. Assuming bank 1 will also add complexity, ie. if a MIDI file uses bank 0 then you will need to modify it to use bank 1 by inserting bank select events - simpler to patch the soundfont (if necessary) instead.
I think it's best to keep things as simple as possible for general usage, and have any software with special requirements (eg. using SFMAN32) adapt themselves to it, rather than the other way round.
But the soundfont itself does not contain Bank offset information that is needed to satisfy all cases. I do not think it really means complexity for any modern SF2 engines (definitely not for Bassmidi).

And let me repeat: 'DBNK' is an optional extension. I still have not heard a real argument about how this could hurt the standard or add unnecessary complexity when it is fully optional.
No one is forced to make rmi files with 'DBNK' chunks. But If someone would like to (like me) just allow him to do it. And 3 from the 4 SF2 capable engines/players I know of that should be able to recognize 'DBNK' chunks already support it. And I do not think that FluidSynth would have a hard time adding support for it either.
So I really do not see what would be the advantage of fully dropping it.

But what if you want the embedded soundfont to provide all sounds, not just some? I think tailoring the format to variations limits its potential usage.

I do not think so. The 2 scenarios are not contradictory. Both can be used according the current specification without any problems. The embedded soundfont can provide all sounds. The possibility to provide only variation banks does not prevent this any way.
I have alraedy presented cases for both scenario in my first post:
1. GRABBAG_EmbeddedSF2.rmi is an example for a fully contained rmi.
2. Rock_test.rmi is an example for only embedding a variation bank (and the rmi relies on a full GM bank at bank 0).
« Last Edit: 14 Aug '24 - 19:02 by Falcosoft »

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26222
But the soundfont itself does not contain Bank offset information that is needed to satisfy all cases.

The soundfont doesn't need a separate bank offset because that can be included in its standard bank information. For example, if you want a bank offset of 1 then just add 1 to the soundfont's banks. "DBNK" chunk not needed. Here's some code for adding a bank offset to a soundfont:

Code: [Select]
struct sfPresetHeader
CHAR achPresetName[20];
WORD wPreset;
WORD wBank;
WORD wPresetBagNdx;
DWORD dwLibrary;
DWORD dwGenre;
DWORD dwMorphology;

struct RIFFChunk {
char id[4];
DWORD size;
BYTE data[];

// return the "phdr" chunk from an SF2 file in memory
RIFFChunk *GetPHDR(BYTE *file)
RIFFChunk *chunk = (RIFFChunk*)file;
DWORD end = 8 + chunk->size, pos = 12;
while (pos + 8 < end) {
chunk = (RIFFChunk*)(file + pos);
DWORD chunk1end = pos + 8 + chunk->size;
if (chunk1end > end) break;
if (!memcmp(chunk->id, "LIST", 4) && !memcmp(chunk->data, "pdta", 4)) { // found "pdta" list
pos += 12;
while (pos + 8 < chunk1end) {
chunk = (RIFFChunk*)(file + pos);
DWORD chunk2end = pos + 8 + chunk->size;
if (chunk2end > chunk1end) break;
if (!memcmp(chunk->id, "phdr", 4)) return chunk; // found "phdr"
pos = chunk2end + (chunk2end & 1);
pos = chunk1end + (chunk1end & 1);
return 0;


RIFFChunk *phdr = GetPHDR(sf2ptr);
if (phdr) {
sfPresetHeader *presets = (sfPresetHeader*)phdr->data;
int num_presets = phdr->size / sizeof(sfPresetHeader);
// add bank offset to all presets
for (int a = 0; a < num_presets; a++)
presets[a].wBank += bankoffset;

And here's how you would find and deduct a bank offset from a soundfont for use with SFMAN32:

Code: [Select]
RIFFChunk *phdr = GetPHDR(sf2ptr);
if (phdr) {
sfPresetHeader *presets = (sfPresetHeader*)phdr->data;
int num_presets = phdr->size / sizeof(sfPresetHeader);
// find bank offset (lowest bank)
bankoffset = 0xffff;
for (int a = 0; a < num_presets; a++)
if (bankoffset > presets[a].wBank) bankoffset = presets[a].wBank;
// deduct it
if (bankoffset) {
for (int a = 0; a < num_presets; a++)
presets[a].wBank -= bankoffset;
// load modified soundfont to bank "bankoffset" with SFMAN32 here

Let me know if anything is unclear or you have questions.

And let me repeat: 'DBNK' is an optional extension. I still have not heard a real argument about how this could hurt the standard or add unnecessary complexity when it is fully optional.
No one is forced to make rmi files with 'DBNK' chunks. But If someone would like to (like me) just allow him to do it. And 3 from the 4 SF2 capable engines/players I know of that should be able to recognize 'DBNK' chunks already support it. And I do not think that FluidSynth would have a hard time adding support for it either.
So I really do not see what would be the advantage of fully dropping it.

It'd be optional for end-users but not for software. I just think it's unnecessary given that the soundfont already contains bank information. As I understand it, the "DBNK" chunk is a recent addition and not being used yet apart from your test files? If so, I think it would be a good idea to remove it now before it's too entrenched :)


  • Posts: 214
I'm sorry Ian, but I'm not convinced. It's way over my head why you think that patching the SF2 is easier and more elegant than simply handling a marker that tells where the SF2 should be placed in Midi space. We simply disagree here. It's not the first time and I think it's not a problem. I think I never pushed you too far when we had a disagreement. It was not because I did not think at that time that my arguments were valid but because Bassmidi is your child and the final decision is yours. I hope this can work the other way around.
We had a conversation with Spessasus and we agreed that the 'DBNK' chunk can stay as an optional feature.
The choice is yours if you want to support it or not. I think it's a perfectly valid position that Bassmidi will not support it since you do not like it and you think it's unnecessary. I can accept it.
« Last Edit: 15 Aug '24 - 21:43 by Falcosoft »


  • Posts: 14
Hi Ian,

About the DLS version: I've managed to implement the support for older DLS RMID files.

The only files of this kind I have can be found here:

And one thing: some of these files use a bank offset of 1! And indeed expect a full GM soundfont at bank 0.
Others use bank 0! It's really messy. So Falco was right in suggesting the DBNK solution, it really cleans up the mess in the SF2 version we created.

I hope this clears things up,

PS: Is the support in BASSMIDI fully implemented now?

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26222
Yep, I think so. Here's the latest build:

Let me know if there's any problem.


  • Posts: 214
And one thing: some of these files use a bank offset of 1! And indeed expect a full GM soundfont at bank 0.
Others use bank 0! It's really messy. So Falco was right in suggesting the DBNK solution, it really cleans up the mess in the SF2 version we created.

Nice finding!
In the linked package actually 11 of the 15 files use destination Bank 1 and 13 of 15 files rely on a default GM soundfont at Bank 0 (even ones that do not use Bank offset of 1).
So despite what Ian suspected the majority of RMI files with embedded DLS were not self-contained in practice at all and many of them did not use Bank 0 as deafult.
What is more it seems the 'default' in practice was just the opposite (and the same as the default in our RMI+SF2 specification and in case of Creative's demo MID+SF2 files).
So it seems the demand for variaton based and offset using soundfonts was real even back then but the MMA made RMI+DLS specification was not explicit how to handle such cases.
Our RMI+SF2 specification is much more clear in this sense.     

Most of the files even with a bank offset of 1 can be played back properly by Winamp since MS Soft Synth can use Capital Tone Fallback so even if the Midi file refers to bank 1 and the soundfont is loaded to bank 0 by Winamp the missing bank 1 falls back to default bank 0. But one of the Midi files (HTONIGHT.rmi) uses instruments at bank 2 (in the DLS file these presets are at bank 1) and this way the CTF feature does not work since it skips the proper bank and falls back to bank 0 that results in wrong instruments. So this file strictly requires a bank offset of 1 for proper playback.
But to the rescue here is our new format so this file can be played back the way it is meant to be played :)
(The Bassmidi version linked by Ian above also works with this file).
Listen to channel 4. You should hear 'house tonight 22kHz' instrument with a human voice (from about 23 sec.):

« Last Edit: 19 Sep '24 - 08:35 by Falcosoft »


  • Posts: 14
Well, winamp can't really play the external RMIs properly. Take AWEBLOWN.rmi and compare that result to my synth. Winamp only uses presets provided by the inner DLS file, which are kick&snare, bass, sax and slap bass. While the MID itself uses regular drums for hihats, piano, string and sax too.

Also, what's funny that the house, techno and rock demos (which were creative demos) expect bank 0, not 1. Strange, given that the hw synths can't get the bank 0 overriden according to Falco.


  • Posts: 214
Well, winamp can't really play the external RMIs properly. Take AWEBLOWN.rmi and compare that result to my synth. Winamp only uses presets provided by the inner DLS file, which are kick&snare, bass, sax and slap bass. While the MID itself uses regular drums for hihats, piano, string and sax too.

Also, what's funny that the house, techno and rock demos (which were creative demos) expect bank 0, not 1. Strange, given that the hw synths can't get the bank 0 overriden according to Falco.

Just some corrections:
1. This is not true. Winamp (actually MS Soft synth) can play default instruments if they are not provided by the embedded DLS. There is an explicit setting for this problem on the Midi plugin's UI of Winamp.
I have attached an mp3 about how AWEBLOWN sounds with Winamp's Midi Plugin + Directmusic MS Soft synth. There are no missing instruments. Hihats, piano, string and sax are provided by the default MS Soft synth DLS file (gm.dls).

2. The house, techno and rock demos in the package are not from Creative but from Analog Devices (for their own DLS based soft synth/SoundMAX driver). Creative never made demo files based on DLS soundfonts. Analog Devices also provided an XG/GM compatible DLS file for the missing base instruments together with the demos (called DLSbyXG.DLS).
Here is a link for the original package:

But e.g. SURPRISE.rmi, TEKKNIKO.rmi, ONLYCHOI.rmi are originally SF2 demo files form Creative and these Midis use Bank 1 even in the DLS version.
Also from the names we can conclude that AWExxx.rmi files most likely were made for AWE32/64 that never handled DLS sondfonts so the originals most likely were SBK/SF2 files (these Midis also use Bank 1).
So it seem there is an overlap and the same files were converted from SBK/SF2 to DLS and vice versa.

« Last Edit: 20 Sep '24 - 04:08 by Falcosoft »


  • Posts: 14
Hi again,

1. Well, for me either on wine or Windows 10, only the embedded presets play in AWEBLOWN. I've selected both "fix missing drum kits" and "fix missing instruments" and neither use the GM.DLS file. Glad it works for you though, maybe my install is broken or something?

2. I assumed that the you uploaded on vogons was one of the Creative demos you talked about earlier there. Now I've checked the topic again and you never mentioned it. So that's a mistake on my end, I apologize.

Still, these 3 RMIs and things like PMDawn use bank 0, so the software needs to detect the bank offset since they lack DBNK.

PS: Will DLS RMIs be supported in FSMP6?


  • Posts: 214
Hi again,

1. Well, for me either on wine or Windows 10, only the embedded presets play in AWEBLOWN. I've selected both "fix missing drum kits" and "fix missing instruments" and neither use the GM.DLS file. Glad it works for you though, maybe my install is broken or something?

2. I assumed that the you uploaded on vogons was one of the Creative demos you talked about earlier there. Now I've checked the topic again and you never mentioned it. So that's a mistake on my end, I apologize.

Still, these 3 RMIs and things like PMDawn use bank 0, so the software needs to detect the bank offset since they lack DBNK.

PS: Will DLS RMIs be supported in FSMP6?

1. I have tested with latest v5.92 of Winamp (Midi plugin version v3.57) and older v5.61 (Midi Plugin version 3.2) and the default instruments work with both.
I have pressed 'Reset' on the Midi Plugin's dialog and only changed the output to 'DirectMusic/Microsoft Synthesizer' and still both work without problems so you should try it. Make sure that on the 'Misc' tab playback method is 'Streamed' (it is the default anyway).
Do you hear the default gm.dls when you play MID/RMI files without embedded soundfont? 

2. Yes, there are definitely problems regarding destination Bank handling in RMI files with embedded DLS soundfont. I have just mentioned that there are no further 'strange' things since the files with Creative origins all use bank offset of 1 and the ones that do not use bank 1 are not from Creative originally.

3. FSMP already supports DLS handling in RMI files when using SB HW output (and SB Live! or higher is detected) since SB HW synths with newer drivers support loading DLS soundfonts. No special bank detection logic is present in FSMP.
DLS support in Bassmidi is waiting for Ian :)

« Last Edit: 23 Sep '24 - 16:40 by Falcosoft »

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26222
It would be nice to have some DLS support in BASSMIDI. It won't be in the next release (which should be fairly soon), but perhaps in a future release.


  • Posts: 14
It would be nice to have some DLS support in BASSMIDI. It won't be in the next release (which should be fairly soon), but perhaps in a future release.

Hi Ian,
This code might be of use to you:

It converts the DLS into an SF2 file while maintaining correct parameters and even converting articulators into SF2 modulators.
This means that you could internally convert it into SF2 in memory and then load it normally, without the need for a new synthesizer.
I hope this helps!

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26222
Thanks. Yep, that's the sort of thing I had in mind, translating the DLS stuff to already supported SF2 equivalents.


  • Posts: 121
I would like to understand if the RIFF MIDI (RMID) support described in BASS_MIDI_StreamCreateFile() is the one you discussed in this thread. If I open the three files at the beginning of this post I get mixed results: for example the playback of "Bad Apple" is missing a lot of instruments, maybe I am doing something wrong.

Then it is not clear how the embedded SF should be handled together with instruments set with BASS_MIDI_StreamSetFonts(). I have seen that I am able to override the embedded instruments, but as I have no visibility of what is present in the embedded SF, it is impossible to add only the missing instruments automatically, and it would be quite difficult to do this manually for the app user too. Any hint?

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26222
An embedded soundfont will always be first in the MIDI file's initial soundfont config, ie. the first one returned by BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts. So you can get the soundfont's handle from that, and then call BASS_MIDI_FontGetPresets on it to find out what presets it provides.

It looks like the "DBNK" support isn't working properly though, resulting in DBNK=1 always being assumed (the "Bad Apple" file has DBNK=0). A BASSMIDI update ( to fix that is up on the BASS page now, so please re-download to get that. Let me know if you still have any trouble with it.


  • Posts: 121
Now it is working. As far as I understood the embedded SoundFont has always the precedence on whatever I set with BASS_MIDI_StreamSetFonts().

I have found a couple of issues with BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts() with those files:

If I call it with fonts = null and count = 0 to get the number of fonts, I get a JNI error

Code: [Select]
BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts() called with: handle = [-2147483635], fonts = [null], count = [0]] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: jarray was NULL]     in call to SetObjectArrayElement]     from int com.un4seen.bass.BASSMIDI.BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts(int, com.un4seen.bass.BASSMIDI$BASS_MIDI_FONT[], int)

If I call it with an array of 0 elements and count = 0, I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Code: [Select]
BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts() called with: handle = [-2147483550], fonts = [[Lcom.un4seen.bass.BASSMIDI$BASS_MIDI_FONT;@a9913d1], count = [0]
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0
at com.un4seen.bass.BASSMIDI.BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts(Native Method)

I can live with those, as now I always call it with count = 1 and a corresponding array, but probably they should be fixed in a next release.

Then, only with the BadApple file, I get corrupted name, comment and copyright strings from the embedded SoundFont:

Code: [Select]
name: SpessaSynth GMGS MergeICRD
comment ending: Includes FX, drum kits and some aditional presets.ISFT
copyright: noneICMTŠ

Thank you again.

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26222
As far as I understood the embedded SoundFont has always the precedence on whatever I set with BASS_MIDI_StreamSetFonts().

Yes, an embedded soundfont (or one matching the MIDI filename with BASS_CONFIG_MIDI_DEFFONT enabled) will have precedence over the BASS_MIDI_StreamSetFonts config, but if wanted they can be removed by calling BASS_MIDI_FontFree on their handles (which you can get from BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts).

I have found a couple of issues with BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts() with those files:

If I call it with fonts = null and count = 0 to get the number of fonts, I get a JNI error

Oops, the BASS_MIDI_StreamGetFonts Java wrapper indeed isn't working well with fonts=null. Another BASSMIDI update just for Android is up on the BASS page for that.

Then, only with the BadApple file, I get corrupted name, comment and copyright strings from the embedded SoundFont:

Code: [Select]
name: SpessaSynth GMGS MergeICRD
comment ending: Includes FX, drum kits and some aditional presets.ISFT
copyright: noneICMTŠ

The problem is that those strings aren't null-terminated in the soundfont (so you end up also seeing whatever happens to follow). The SF2 spec says that they should be null-terminated, but BASSMIDI should probably add a null itself just to be sure. I'll add that for the next release.

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26222
The problem is that those strings aren't null-terminated in the soundfont (so you end up also seeing whatever happens to follow). The SF2 spec says that they should be null-terminated, but BASSMIDI should probably add a null itself just to be sure. I'll add that for the next release.

A BASSMIDI update ( that adds a null to those SF2 strings is up on the BASS page now.