Author Topic: How to mute mixer channel on speakers without muting stream/recording  (Read 228 times)


  • Posts: 293
Hello everybody :-)

I have a mixer channel which I am streaming via BassEnc BASS_Encode_ServerInit method and also I am recording it to hard drive with BassEnc_Flac.BASS_Encode_FLAC_StartFile respectively other formats like BassEnc_Mp3.BASS_Encode_MP3_StartFile and BassWma.BASS_WMA_EncodeOpenFile.

Is there a way to mute the mixer channel, but to keep recording/streaming the sound?

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26222
Do you mean you're also playing the mixer, and you want to mute that without affecting the encoders? If so, setting the mixer's BASS_ATTRIB_VOL value to 0 (via BASS_ChannelSetAttribute) will achieve that, as it only affects playback.


  • Posts: 293
Yes that's exactly what I wanted to know :-)

Knowing that, I have yet another question:

Is it the same with mixer source channels? Because when I change the volume of these, I want the "result" to be affected...

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26222
A mixer applies its sources' BASS_ATTRIB_VOL settings when producing the mix, so their effect will be present in an encoder set on the mixer.


  • Posts: 293
Perfect thank you :-)