Ive made this funtion.
But cant figuire out why cant work:
Mono to stereo out
-----------right channel => right channel
-----------right channel => Left channel
Inicial stream: _stream
public void CreateMonoOutLeft()
//int monoStream = BassMix.CreateMixerStream(44100, 2, BassFlags.Default); // 2 channel for stereo
int monoStream = BassMix.CreateMixerStream(44100, 2, BassFlags.Float | BassFlags.MixerNonStop);
BassMix.MixerAddChannel(monoStream, _stream, BassFlags.MixerChanDownMix | BassFlags.Float);
// Set the matrix to swap the left and right channels
float[,] matrix = { { 1.0f, 0.0f }, // Left speaker plays the left channel
{ 1.0f, 0.0f } // Right speaker also plays the left channel
BassMix.ChannelSetMatrix(monoStream, matrix);
Thanks for help.