I havn't updated my BASS sound library since BASS 0.9, and I have code that used to work in the old version that doesn't work in 1.8.
Basically I am getting in 1625 bytes of compressed WAV data (GSM 6.1 8khz) from my TCP/IP control, which contains no wave header, just the raw compressed wave data. I have a buffer in memory with a pre-made wave header filled in with the codec definition to tell BASS it's GSM, the size, etc.
It plays perfectly fine in BASS 0.9. But if I try it in BASS 1.6 or 1.8, in the code below when I call BASS_SampleLoad, I get an error code 20 (BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM - an illegal parameter was specified).
What am I passing in wrong, that would have worked in 0.9 but not in the newer versions of BASS?
The code looks like this:
Buffer: array[0..2000] of char;
procedure TForm1.CreateWaveHeader;
s: array[0..7] of char;
s := 'RIFF'; move(s, Buffer[0], 4);
Buffer[4] := #68; Buffer[5] := #9; // 44 09
Buffer[6] := #0; Buffer[7] := #0; // 00 00
s := 'WAVEfmt '; move(s, Buffer[8], 8);
Buffer[16] := #20; Buffer[17] := #0; // 14 00
Buffer[18] := #0; Buffer[19] := #0; // 00 00
Buffer[20] := #49; Buffer[21] := #0; // 31 00
Buffer[22] := #1; Buffer[23] := #0; // 01 00
Buffer[24] := #64; Buffer[25] := #31; // 40 1F
Buffer[26] := #0; Buffer[27] := #0; // 00 00
Buffer[28] := #89; Buffer[29] := #6; // 59 06
Buffer[30] := #0; Buffer[31] := #0; // 00 00
Buffer[32] := #65; Buffer[33] := #0; // 41 00
Buffer[34] := #0; Buffer[35] := #0; // 00 00
Buffer[36] := #2; Buffer[37] := #0; // 02 00
Buffer[38] := #64; Buffer[39] := #1; // 40 01
s := 'data'; move(s, Buffer[40], 4);
procedure TForm1.PlayVoiceData(data: pointer; size: integer);
mysamp: HSAMPLE;
if size <= 0 then exit;
move(data^, Buffer[48], size);
move(size, Buffer[44], 4);
size := size + 40;
move(size, Buffer[4], 4);
mysamp := BASS_SampleLoad(TRUE, @Buffer, 0, 0, 1, BASS_SAMPLE_OVER_POS);
if mysamp = 0 then showmessage('can''t load sample' + #13#10 + '(error code: ' + IntToStr(BASS_ErrorGetCode) + ')');
BASS_SamplePlayEx(mysamp, 0, -1, 100, 0, FALSE);