Thank you, Ian, for your kind answer, but I need a little more help, please.
All your sample code run perfect, also "livespec". I always work with "What you hear" channel, so I get a good visulization (also with recordchan for livespec program).
My problem is with the next code (VB):
BASS_ChannelGetData STRM, Sample(0), 2000
vh = Picture1.ScaleHeight
'left channel
For i = 0 To 500 Step 2
H = ((Sample(i) + 32768) / 65535 * vh)
X = (Picture1.ScaleWidth * i) / 500
If i = 0 Then Picture1.PSet (0, H)
Picture1.Line -(X, H), QBColor(10)
Next i
(Similar for right channel)
This produce 2 dancing lines in the screen, very nice!!
But I want to get them from the "What you hear" channel, so I changed "STRM" for "RECORDCHAN" (all the rest remain unchanged). and I only see a "erratic" visualization.
What I should do to get the same result that with stream?
Or with other words, Shouldn't I expect the same result with "strm" or "recordchan"?
Thank you for your time and help. Best Regards,
P.S. I recommend the above code to everybody. I don't know the reason to remove it from the samples (at least, I did not see in the last version).